Chapter 492 Special Area

“Yo, here it comes.”

Sitting in the co-pilot of the helicopter, CC looked at Xie Ming meaningfully: “How is it? Have you had a good time?”


Old Xie Ming blushed and looked at her angrily: “Yes, very happy. Satisfied, right?”


This time it was CC’s turn to be speechless, and if nothing had happened, he changed the subject: “Come on, Nanaly is still waiting.”


Skilled to start the helicopter, the two put on the headsets, as the propellers rotated, the helicopter took off slowly, and then whizzed to the destination.

“Good voyage, my beloved.”

In the garden, Cornelia put on his cloak again, and looked at the distant helicopter tenderly. When the plane disappeared, the tenderness in his eyes turned into calm and decisive.

“Gilbert, investigate all the information about the ‘Geass Order’. Don’t tell anyone.”

I don’t know when, Gilbert, who was already on standby, bowed slightly: “Yes, Your Higness.”


“It’s the ruins that Cornelia said…is there anything to do with you?”

“No, I don’t know here either.”

CC looked at the huge cave in front of him and shook his head.

“In other words, you know that there are such relics all over the world. It seems that you have a deep connection with the ‘Geass Order.”

Glancing at CC, Xie Ming said lightly.

“Forget it. But, I haven’t told you yet…Wait, this is!”


Suddenly feeling a weird spirit wave swept over, Xie Ming directly opened the Demon Eye of Forbidden: “Annihilation!”

However, the first time I used Magic Eye, it failed. Because of this mental fluctuation, it was judged as normal by the world! ?

With such a momentary delay, this mental power has already invaded the brains of CC and Xie Ming. In front of Xie Ming’s eyes, countless images appeared.

“Calm down, this is a trap that has been opened. I am afraid that the person who opened it was a VV. Hmm!!!”

“This is……”

The bombardment of shells, the blast of machine guns, the sound of tank engines. And CC, wearing a suit, ran over on this meat grinder battlefield. Of course, it is impossible for any soldier to let go of such suspicious elements.

Without even giving an opportunity to explain, CC was shot in the head.

The picture switched again. This time, CC was regarded as a witch by the people, tied to a pillar, and screamed with tears in the flames.


The iron maiden, the guillotine, the chaotic spear, because of the fear caused by the unknown, people imposed all the torture they could imagine on CC. Even Xie Ming, who deeply understands the ugliness of people, can’t help but frown at this time.

“Not surprised, what happened to me.”

In the consciousness space, CC said softly.

“Yes, I know humans, so I won’t be too surprised by these things.” Xie Ming said lightly.

“Relentless man.”

Even though these painful death experiences were repeated again, CC’s face did not show the slightest movement. Yes, it’s just numbness.

“These are just memories of me as a witch. Anyway, I have forgotten even whether I am a human being or not. Those who hate me and those who treat me tenderly are all gone with the passage of time. And disappeared.”

“In the endless time, I am the only one…”

That’s right, not getting old and not dying sounds very beautiful, but you have to face the most feared thing of mankind, loneliness. Even the lonely person is eager to have someone who understands her and supports her. And CC has no one to accompany her during these long years.

“Then CC, you say, am I human?”


“Have you ever seen someone who can fly over the wall, cut mechas, cut bullets like me? The world, what is usually called this kind of person, should you know?”

“Devil, demon, monster.”

“Yes.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “But I have never questioned my identity as a human being, because I know that it is not someone else who decides whether or not I am human, but my heart.”

“Even if I am abnormal and inhuman, as long as I don’t abandon this human heart, then I am human. Therefore, I will answer you clearly, CC. You are human!”

“Because of your example?”

“No, because you are afraid of being alone.”

Xie Ming hugged CC gently: “Fear of loneliness is an essence of human beings. I cannot be with you in the past, but at least for the moment, I am by your side.”

“…By the way, you have the fragrance of a woman. It’s Cornelia.”

“…” Is it time to say this? ! Hello! !

“just kidding.”

CC also hugged Xie Ming: “With you, a demon by my side, I, a witch, can’t be lonely even if I want to be lonely.”

“So, don’t leave me without permission, Miss Witch.”

“What a wayward Mr. Devil.”

With an emerald green light, the consciousness of the two returned to their bodies.

“Are you okay?”

“Who do you think you are talking to?”


The two looked at each other and smiled, shook their hands together naturally, and entered the cave. At the end of the cave, there is a huge stone gate with Geass logo.

“This door… can’t be opened, right?”

Xie Ming slowly pulled out the demon knife and asked with his head turned.

“If you want to chop it up, you really can’t get in.” Bai Xie Ming glanced, CC took Xie Ming’s hand and put them on the stone gate together.

“Let’s go in together.”

In an instant, the Geass logo on CC’s forehead seemed to resonate with the Geass on the door, bursting with a dazzling red light. Xie Ming’s Forbidden Demon Eye also opened automatically, and the rainbow light under his eyes quickly arranged to form Geass’s flying bird pattern.

The next moment, the two came to a dim temple. Above the stairs, there is Nanali, VV, and…Charles.

In Xie Ming’s mind, the reminder of the main god sounded at this time.

“Detected that the surrogate enters the special area: think about the elevator. Except for the physical data, all the skills and equipment of the surrogate will be sealed. They will not be released until they leave the special area.”

“Ding, the original equipment of the surrogate world has been detected, the Demon Blade Village Masaru. This equipment will ignore the seal and can be used.”

“The surrogate skill is detected. The Demon Eye of Forbidden is out of this world. This skill will ignore the seal and can be used.”


Following the roar of the dragon, the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor automatically appeared on Xie Ming’s hands.

“The surrogate equipment is detected, and the Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor breaks through the seal, and this equipment can be used.”

“The surrogate skill is detected, and Spartan’s Wrath is extremely active. In this special scenario, the effect of this skill is increased by 500%.”

“…Here, what the hell is it?”

“Unexpectedly, besides us, it was you who came here first.”

Charles opened his hands and showed a ferocious smile.

“Welcome to the throne of God, Xie Ming!!”

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