Chapter 507

“The military power possessed by various countries is the source of disputes, so the super-United States can exercise military power only through the decision of the Supreme Council.”

Although a little timid, with Kagura’s encouragement, the emperor tried to finish reading the speech in his hand and gently closed it.

“Then, it’s up to me to propose the first motion.” Huang Kagura said with a serious expression: “Our United States, Japan, is ravaged for other countries and continues to suffer illegal aggression.”

“So, I request the dispatch of the Black Knights! Please stand up for those who agree.”


Behind the two, representatives of various countries stood up.

“In favor of the majority.”

Kagura turned around and looked at Madara Hato: “Therefore, as the first resolution of the Super United States, request the Black Knights to liberate Japan!”

“This proposal, our Black Knights accepted it!”

Lelouch waved his hand and clenched his fist fiercely: “According to the Resolution No. 1 of the Super United States, the Black Knights, march on, Japan!!”

Suddenly, a figure appeared on all the screens. Holy Emperor of the British Empire, Charles Di Britannia.

“ZERO, are you still planning to take advantage of me?”

Charles said calmly with a hint of sarcasm: “However, this is fine. EU, one of the three powers, has been destroyed. Because of your cleverness, the world is divided into two major powers, the British Empire and the non-British Empire, which is simple and clear.”

“In other words, the side that wins in this war will get the world. Get everything or lose everything, this is the original intent of the war.”

“Let’s make a final decision! All Hail Britannia!!! (The glory goes to Britain)”

Raising his right hand so sharply, Charles roared.

In the same way, Fujido on Madara Hato did not lose any momentum, raised the right hand holding the katana, and shouted loudly.

“Japan, long live!!”

One is to maintain the glory of the country, and the other is to recapture everything that belongs to the country. There is no compromise between the two parties.

The battlefield of the world war will be completely unfolded in the 11th district.


The appearance of Charles is not unexpected, it is a very normal thing. The sword of Akash was built by Charles and others themselves, how could there be no precautions?

The battle for District 11 has already begun. Xingke personally led his troops to fight against Britain. But the opponent was already prepared. All the Knights of the Round Table were dispatched. Several of them were on defense in Area 11. The rest also led their troops to attack the territory of the United States from other places.

However, if the 11th area is captured, then the rebels in the British colonies will rise one by one, and by then, it will be the victory of the Super United States.

Therefore, the 11th district battlefield will be a battle that will determine the fate of the two countries. Britain knew this and allowed Bismarck, the first knight of the round table, to sit down in person. The Black Knights have a unicorn star, and Britain has the first knight Bismarck. This is destined to be a fierce battle.

As for the administrative region Japan, the Black Knights will not attack there, and Britain will not let Yufi send troops to support it. Therefore, it has become a rare pure land. Whether it is British civilians or the aborigines of District 11 who have not joined the special zone, they all seek refuge there.

Naturally, because of the relationship between Xie Ming and Lelouch, the students of Ashford College, under the guidance of Mi Lei and Shyarly, had taken refuge there long ago. The restored Grand Duke Ashford also sent some armed forces to maintain law and order in the SAR.

The only worry now is whether Nanaly, who is in Britain, will be affected. So after rescuing Cornelia from the Geass Order, Xie Ming asked her to lead a guard to return home to protect Nanali.

With Cornelia and her guards, coupled with the protection of Archduke Ashford, Nana’s safety shouldn’t be a problem. With all the worries resolved, Xie Ming and Lu Luxiu can concentrate on fighting.

The large force led by Xing Ke was actually just a feint. Their sole purpose was to delay Bismarck and to delay the British army on the coast of the colony. And Lulu Xiu and Xie Ming, will appear from the bottom of the sea with Madara Dove, and raid the Tokyo concession.

And in the Tokyo concession, only Schneider and his left-behind troops.

“Found ZERO and Joker! Let’s start fighting now!!”

“Hehehe, stop, Tokyo Concession!”

Lelouch sneered and pressed the start button. The Sakura Die jamming device installed on the train began to activate. The brightly lit Tokyo Concession instantly turned into darkness.

“Black Knights, all members are attacking!!”

Madara Dove outside Tokyo Bay began to float. Under the Sakura Die jamming device, the Knightmare below the Fifth Generation, the communication network, the traffic line and all of them stopped. The enemy’s combat power was cut in half at once.

Driving a mirage floating over the Tokyo concession, Lelouch gave a clear order: “Attack the military facilities and seize the concession’s continuous combat capability! Solve the battle before the main force and enemy reinforcements led by Schnitzer come!! ”

Fujido led the Four Sacred Swords to guard the Sakura Die jamming device, while the two round table knights under Schnezer’s command were blocked by Jeremya and Karen respectively. Lulu Xiu is responsible for overall strategic command.

And Xie Ming was responsible for blocking the main force of Xiu Nazer.

In front of Schnezer’s Avalon, Infinite Gundam spread its wings behind him and looked at them quietly.

“Come on, Schneizer.”

Xie Ming said indifferently: “I alone will stop your pace.”


Schnitzer held his face and said calmly: “No matter how powerful your body is, is it a bit arrogant to be alone?”

“Are you arrogant? You’ll know later.”

“The whole army strikes and kills Joker.”

“Yes, your Majesty!”

Countless bodies, countless artillery fires and beams attacked Xie Ming. It’s a pity that Xie Ming has long been used to this scene.

“The whole gun is deployed, and the Druid system is activated.”

Didi Didi…

The lock frame in the cockpit almost occupies the entire cockpit.



Six color cannons fired at the same time. Fireworks composed of the body and the life of the driver bloomed over the Tokyo concession. Only a few elite drivers and ace drivers who can react faster are the ones who can survive.


At this time, there were three completely different mechas, blocking Xie Ming’s front.

“Fourth Knight, Dorothea Ernst!”

“The Ninth Cavalier, Nonet Anyagulam!”

“The Twelfth Cavalier, Monica Kuruschivsky!!”

The three female members of the Knights of the Round Table drew their weapons to Xie Ming.

“Oh, Nonet…”

Hearing this name, Xie Ming remembered that she seemed to be a senior that Cornelia respected very much. So, let’s be a little bit empathetic.

Slowly drew the long knife from his waist, Xie Ming pointed at them.

“Come on together, Knights of the Round Table.”

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