Chapter 601 A Childhood Without School Is Incomplete

People are afraid of famous pigs and strong, Xie Ming understands this. So after he came into this world, he has always maintained a very low-key (self-thinking) behavior style. However, he is still famous.

On the scientific side, he used a wooden knife to provoke the superpowers of other school abilities. On the magic side, he destroyed the entire Queen’s fleet in one night, and also killed the land on the left one after another, defeating the wind in front and the water in the back.

But to be honest, Xie Ming felt that the pot had half of the water behind it. After all, most of the frigates were destroyed by being involved in the battle between the two of them. This pot had to be carried by the two of them together.

If the water behind is still alive…

It can be said that after the first battle in the Adriatic, Xie Ming’s reputation reverberated throughout the magic side. According to Amakusa-style acting Pope Jian Gongzhai, I know you are amazing, but I didn’t expect you to be so amazing.

Defeating the water behind and defeating the water behind on the sea are not the same concept at all.

This kind of important news, after only a few days, almost everyone who knew the existence of magic already knew that there was such a number one person in the world. It’s no wonder that the Sisters and Orsola looked at Xie Ming’s eyes a little weird.

As for Inticus, she was even more furious.

“Xie Ming, you are a idiot, a idiot!!”

“What’s wrong?” Xie Ming deliberately pretended not to know: “Who made you angry again?”

“You still said!”

Inticus said angrily with her hands on her hips, “I asked you, where did you go during the few days when you sent me to Ossola church?”

“Ah, yes.”

Xie Ming changed the subject and said: “I thought of a few new dishes, and new puddings, do you want to eat Inticus?”

“New dishes, pudding…” Inticus swallowed, then reacted, and quickly threw these out of her head, becoming even more angry: “You want to fool me again! This time, I am absolutely not I will be fooled by you!!”

“Even this trick doesn’t work?” After a bit of surprise, Xie Ming squeezed Inticus’s face: “Isn’t it just defeating the three gods’ right seats? As for the fuss?”

“Now, Xie Ming. I think you have a very big misunderstanding of the right seat of the gods and the magic side! Even if you have the unknown magic eye, the right seat of the gods…” Intix prepared At the beginning of a long talk, but back Xie Ming stopped in time.

“Okay, okay, it’s all over and all the fuss is so much.”

“You don’t understand the importance of the problem at all! The most important thing is, Xie Ming, when you deal with the magician, why don’t you call me!? When dealing with the magician, I should have been asked to come forward! Not to mention that the other party is the Master and the angel The right seat of the gods of grade-level surgery!”

“Uh, it turns out that the reason you were angry was that I didn’t call you…” Xie Ming suddenly felt helpless.

Indeed, if you want to deal with a magician, relying on Inticus is indeed the best choice. After all, she is known as the existence of the banned book catalog, and she can distinguish, judge, and analyze the weaknesses of 99% of the world’s surgical procedures.

But as far as Xie Ming is concerned, how could it be possible to put Intiqs on the battlefield? The reason why he rescued Inticus was not to let her help him fight. But I want her to have a happy childhood.

By the way, when it comes to this matter, Xie Ming has always had a plan. Why not let Aleister give Inticus a pass and then let her go to school? A childhood without school baptism is incomplete.

As for the school, Tokiwadai is good. The bee eater can help take care of her, and Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko are also there. As for the admission procedures and accommodation, Aleister can help solve these little things.

During this time, Yin pedicle wire gushing in, Xie Ming has put her to the arrangements clearly white.

“Hey! Xie Ming! Are you listening right!?”

“Yin pedicle wire, do you want to go to school ah?”

“? To go to school,” Yin pedicle wire shocked, puzzled crooked crooked his head: “city academy also has Sunday school?”

“No Sunday school, is like me and Misaka like them, ‘ordinary’ school.” Xie Ming laughed and said:. “Own a person to stay at home, I believe it is very boring now go to school to make friends, to learn what scientific side the school is also a good choice, is not it? ”


Yin pedicle wire some distress, two eyebrows are tangled together to: “But, I did not pass the city academy for science also …..”

“Pass the things I can help you out. As for the problem of knowledge of science, do not you think more and understand things about science, magic is also good for you analyze it? Like when I solve your ‘collar’ the same.”


Moved quickly to see her, Xie Ming added last fire: “And go to school, the school will be awarded a scholarship Oh this scholarship, you can buy something to eat on their own what to buy..”

“What to buy what to buy ….” Yin pedicle wire eyes instantly lit up: “I’m going to go to school!”

“OK, I’ll phone contact to help you.”

Xie Ming more than a gesture, pick up the phone and walked out of the house.

“Wait …. seem to have forgotten what …..” Yin Di gram silk looked Xie Ming go back, muttered to himself.

“Ah! Yes !! thank you Ming and change the subject!”

However, Xie Ming long run farther. Why stay here, find a bite ah?


In the end, Xie Ming Yin pedicle wire not to want it, into the Tokiwadai Middle School. The main reason is not the ability to develop Yin pedicle wire. The Tokiwa Taiwan secondary schools, must be carried out to develop the capacity and reach more than Lv3 level of junior high school girls before they can enter.

So, she River Middle School entrance gate decorated with early spring day tears child benefit and the rank and file is located. They both have a care in school, I believe Yin pedicle wire should be able to enjoy a more pleasant school life.

Similarly, Yin pedicle wire and then help find a school at the same time, Xie Ming people they know and also say hello, that he might go out some time to revive his avoidance. Friends with the magic side of the rear of the water is to defeat against city academy was implicated.

The scientific side of the friend, is the big star festival performance Pa overdone, so we no longer need to care about that thing and then come back.

All in all, basically Xie Ming told the reason people are basically out to revive his avoidance, do not worry. Yin pedicle wire and accommodation problems, then let her live temporarily in Ossola church.

After all, newly enrolled Yin pedicle wire, the sense of novelty had not strength, although Xie Ming is not around to make her feel a bit lonely, but at least the life of the school and community life of the church, will not let her feel bored.

Xie Ming Yin pedicle wire because they did not want, and give up too many things.

After arrange everything, Xie Ming left the city academy, found a corner, sent back to the Lord God space.

The world, he will come again. At that time, he will be stronger.

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