Chapter 623

Unsurprisingly, Kenneth was not dead. When Keith Eomiya defeated Kenneth with the origin bullet and prepared to make up the knife, Di Lumuto arrived in time and rescued Kenneth.

Why did Dilumudo arrive? Naturally because of Altria’s indulgence. This is a variable and a betrayal for the cautious Eomiya Kiritugu.

Although Altria trusts that Di Lumut will not attack Keishu Eomiya, if he does, his Holy Grail war will be over. Because of this incident, the gap between the two masters and servants, who had a bad affinity, has further widened.

Altria’s thinking was very simple, just wanting to have a head-on knight showdown with Di Lumut to decide the outcome. So when Dilumudo felt that her master was in danger, she believed in Dilumudo’s character, so she didn’t stop it.

But Kirishu Eimiya didn’t think so, because there was too much uncertainty in this so-called trust. What if Dilumu took more shots? What if Kenneth had the last trace of strength at the time and ordered it with a spell?

The worst result is that Kirishu Eomiya also used the spell to order Altria to teleport over to protect and get rid of the enemy. But in this way, he had clearly determined the battle that could be ended, but he paid more.

Of course, Kirishu Eomiya didn’t blame Altria for this, he was not a person of that character. Just to prevent similar things from happening again, he will no longer tell Altria his plan of action.

Use Alice Phil to control the chess piece of Altria, to fulfill his wish, and that’s it.


On the third night, Xie Ming, wearing a mask, was ready to go out again for fun. And the girls who learned about it all wanted to follow it out. Obviously, Fujino told them what happened last night.

Amber, Karen and Little Sakura all showed an expression of “Xie Ming, you are partial” during the day, and even the cold jade has a rare dissatisfaction. Unfortunately, Xie Ming couldn’t agree.

The reason for bringing Fujino to the past was only to let her see the dark side and prepare for what might happen in the future. But it was really no match for the entanglement of the little girls, Xie Ming had to agree to let them stay together in the cockpit of Infinite Gundam.

As for the operation of Infinite Gundam, it is not a problem to maintain the flying altitude and capture the picture. After all, it is produced by Yui. And tonight, there won’t be much danger.

After all, if I remember correctly tonight, it should be the reception hosted by Iskandar.

Maintaining the infinite height at a height of 5 kilometers and fixing the picture in the top garden of Einzbern Castle, Xie Ming left the excited little girls and teleported to the courtyard.

“Hey, Iskandall, you are too interesting, you don’t even call me when you drink.”

“Huh? Ah, Xie Ming.” Seeing Xie Ming, Iskandall showed a heroic smile: “No way, who told you to wear a strange mask so that I can’t see your face at all. ”

“Yes, so mine is uninvited, you shouldn’t mind it.” Xie Ming smiled.

“Of course, you are the king of Otherworld after all, aren’t you?”

Iskandar beckoned: “Come on, come and sit down, we are all there before the golden glitter.”

“Xie Ming.” Altria also gestured slightly: “Thank you for saving Alice Phil yesterday.”

“I’m not worthy of thanks.”

Xie Ming sat next to Altria: “I originally came out to watch the excitement, but because the little guy with me couldn’t stand it anymore, I took the rescue. If you want to thank her, thank her. ”

“Little guy… is it your master?”

“Um… It’s a bit complicated to explain, it doesn’t count in the strict sense.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “Speaking of which, when will Jin Shining arrive?”

“Boy, I didn’t expect you to come too.”

As soon as the voice fell, Gilgamesh showed his body and walked slowly to the middle of the garden: “Bong, I specially invited the king to move, but chose such a shabby place to host the king’s banquet. How do you apologize?”

“Well, don’t worry about these trivial things.” Using a wooden spoon to stir up the wine in the barrel, Iskandar handed Gilgamesh: “Come on, those who are late will first be fined.”

Gilgamesh stared at the King of Conquer for a few seconds, took a sip from the wooden spoon, and then coldly snorted, “What kind of bargain is this, do you really think that holding this kind of thing can measure the heroic spirit?”

“Really…” Iskandar aggrieved: “This is already a rare good wine in the local market.”

“Well, don’t care too much.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “The hero is in front of you. Is there any good wine in his Babylonian treasury? Naturally, it is impossible to see something sold in this market.”

“You have a vision, boy.” Gilgamesh laughed: “Today, let you see what a real wine is.”

Golden ripples appeared in his hand, and a jug made of gold slowly fell among the three of them. Immediately afterwards, he took out four more wine glasses and threw them at Iskandar.

“Huh~ This is really exciting.”


Xie Ming nodded: “Now I have been summoned. I have already accomplished two of the four goals I wanted to accomplish.”

“Four purposes?” Iskandar asked while pouring his wine, “Which four?”

“Um… there are only two that can tell you, one is to drink the wine in the glittering treasure house, and the other is to touch the dull hair on Saber-chan’s head.”

“Wh…” Altria’s face changed instantly: “Are you insulting me? Xie Ming!”

“No, no.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “I just think the dull hair on your head is so cute, so I want to touch it.”

“Hahahahahaha, sure enough, your kid is funny!” Gilgamesh laughed and said, “What’s the matter, bastard! If he beats you, why not let him touch it!”


Glancing at Xie Ming, Altria took the wine glass that Iskander handed over, and the three of them took a sip together.

“Woooo~~!!! It’s delicious!!!”

“!!!” Altria also showed a surprised expression, the dull hair on her head swayed.


Even Xie Ming, who doesn’t drink much, has an idea of ​​wanting to continue drinking.

“Whether the wine or the sword, the king’s treasure house is the best.” Gilgamesh shook the cup and took a sip: “Now, the king’s superiority has already been separated.”

“Do not worry.”

Xie Ming waved his hand: “How can you drink without food? And if it is decided by food, it would be too unfair to Saber sauce. In other words, you should know the identity of Saber sauce, right?”

“Of course.” Iskandar smiled: “How can the famous British knight king have not heard of it. Wait, Britain…ah, it really is a bit unfair to her.”

“…” With this alone, Altria could not make any rebuttal.

After all, how amazing British food is, she knew best in her heart.

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