Chapter 625 Xie Ming’s Inherent Enchantment

“You say me, evade responsibility?!”

Altria couldn’t help standing up and glaring at Xie Ming: “It is precisely because the destruction of the motherland is my responsibility that I have to take the responsibility to change this destiny! You actually said that my behavior is to avoid responsibility?”

“Isn’t it?” Xie Ming asked indifferently: “Because you became the king of Britain, you saved Britain and saved the people. But it is precisely because you are the king of Britain that Britain will be destroyed.”

“The country is prosperous because of you, and this is your glory. The country is destroyed because of you, and this is your shame. Both are brought about by your choice. Therefore, you have to bear all of this. And now , You actually said that you want to change the destiny of the country’s destruction? Doesn’t this mean that you have to shirk the responsibility of the “nation” on others?”

Staring at Altria who was a little shaken, Xie Ming said softly: “Your thoughts are not only an insult to the people who supported you at the beginning, but also to the Knights of the Round Table who have always supported you.”

“So, you can feel sad and cry for the destruction of your country, but you can’t regret it. Anyone can regret it, but you can’t. Because you are a king, you are not allowed to regret it.”

“You…what do you know!?” Altria said angrily: “I want to save those knights and soldiers who died because of me. Is this wish wrong to save the country that was destroyed because of me? What’s wrong!?”


Xie Ming sighed: “How do you plan to save? If you think that the destruction of the country is your cause, then if you change someone to be the king, will Britain not be destroyed?”

“!!!” Altria’s pupils contracted and she couldn’t help taking a step back.

“Altriya, don’t deny yourself.” Xie Ming stood up and said gently: “In my opinion, no one can do better than you. Although you have done something that you missed, no one has done it wrong. What’s the matter?”

“Merlin knows the end of the ending, so he lets you go on. Gawain likes you more than anyone, so he can’t be your confidant. Lancelot admires you more than anyone, so after knowing everything, even Become a Berserker on the Heroic Seat.”

“Qing Lancelot, he…become a Berserker?” Altria murmured.

“Yes, I once met him who became Berserker in a world. Do you know what he said at the end?”

Xie Ming said softly: “‘Please punish me, my king’.”


“Do you still remember that Tristan, one of the Knights of the Round Table, once commented on you:’King Arthur doesn’t understand people’s hearts.'” Xie Ming said with a wry smile: “But do you know? He understood everything later, and he regretted it. What I said at the beginning.”

“do not talk…..”

“Do you remember that it was cloned from your cells, strictly speaking, it was your heir, and personally destroyed Mordred in Britain?”


“Do you know why she did all this? Because she wants your approval and your recognition. For her, you are the father and the most admired person in her heart, so she wants to get You look upright and want you to admit that she is your daughter.”

Xie Ming patted Altria’s shoulder lightly: “The environment you were in was much worse than Gilgamesh and Iskander. But you persisted and let the people recover. A peaceful and stable life. If anyone disagrees with such a king, I will personally draw down his head.”

“If you say that your only mistake, it is probably too “perfect”.” Xie Ming sat on the ground again and poured himself a glass of wine: “Because it was too “perfect”, so it was not understood by the people and his officials. Fear. If you can completely abandon people’s hearts and become a machine that commands the country, then that would not be the case.”

“But because you still have a human heart, you are so troubled, so contradictory. You have known the ending of the destruction of Britain, but you have walked down with these on your back, and no one can talk. People see By the time you “don’t understand people’s hearts”, you have given up a lot, but you have never seen you alone with these things on your back, yet you still wield your sword in order to protect the smiles of the people.”

“Perhaps, your biggest mistake is that you didn’t completely abandon your heart and personal affection. But in that case, you will no longer be Altria Pandoragon, my favorite King Arthur.”


“Shoo~~” Iskandar whistled: “You actually confessed to your face, Xie Ming.”

“Huh, kid.”

Gilgamesh snorted coldly: “I know this little Nizi so well, it seems that I like her very much.”

“…” Altria was suddenly at a loss. Although she was a female body, she had never experienced this.

“Okay, the matter of Altria is over here. Every king has his own way of the king, so we don’t need to talk more. Now, it’s my turn…..Although I really want to. Say.”

Xie Ming smiled and looked around: “But an uninvited guest has arrived, so it seems that it can’t continue.”

The surroundings were unknowingly surrounded by followers in black combat suits. Both Alice Phil and Webber ran to their followers.

“Shi Chen, actually made such a trick.” Gilgamesh said in disgust.

“Unexpectedly.” Xie Ming said lightly: “Hassan, with all appearances, is not a servant who is good at frontal combat. Now he has summoned all the clones to appear, indicating that Yanfeng Qili has used the magic spell. The purpose should be to force my or Iskandall’s hole cards. In other words, to force my hole cards.”

“But that’s fine, it’s just my turn to tell about my kingly way. Then let you see it. He ruled the whole world with his troops, and then stayed on the throne for only 2 months, the world’s worst violence-Kun.”

“In my name, the 100th emperor of the sacred British Empire, Xie Ming·X·Britain!!”

The whole world began to change. Everyone seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss, and everywhere was dark.

“Go to hell!!”



Countless verbal abuse, curses turned into chains, tied to Xie Ming’s body. This is simply…

“One person bears all the hatred of the world…”

Iskandar and Gilgamesh couldn’t help standing up, their expressions extremely solemn.

“In that world, war has never stopped. Difference, discrimination, colonies, resource plunder… How can peace be restored in a world full of hatred? Four people made three different choices .”

With each step forward, the heavy chain will be tied tighter on Xie Ming’s body. The blood penetrated the chains and dripped to the ground.

“A person chose the past. We want to stop lying between people, so we deny him.”

“A person who chooses to rule the world with terror, wants to make the world no longer sell the pace of progress. In the same way, we also denied him.”

“The remaining two brothers, burdened by everyone’s incomprehension, gathered the chain of hatred in the world on the throne that rules the world. Next, only one person needs to sit on it and be killed by the righteous hero. Then , The hatred will be cut off, and people will set foot on the future.”

“And as the eldest brother, how can he let his younger brother bear all this?”

As Xie Ming continued to move forward, the end of the chain, the sun full of hope and brilliance, was slowly pulled out.

“This is the imperial way of Lulu Xiu and I. The inherent barrier formed by the projection of my life in that world.”


The chains kept breaking apart, and the sun of hope slowly rose into the sky, illuminating this beautiful world full of greenery and flowers. Xie Ming, who was covered in Bloodline, slowly stood up straight and said lightly.

“The world is destroyed by me and created by me! (I destroy the world then create it)”

“Are you ready? What you will bear is the weight of the world.”

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