Chapter 643

Looking at the scabbard in his hand, Xie Ming felt a little complicated.

Avalon, far away from the world, is the scabbard matched with the holy sword Excalibur. The holder of the scabbard will not age, and the wounded will heal quickly. But these are only its most superficial uses.

In its true form, it is an Ex-enchantment treasure, and it is also the strongest and most invincible defensive treasure in the entire Moon World. Even the Deviant Sword (EA) that the Hero King fully displays cannot harm the holder of the scabbard when it exerts its power.

It can heal all injuries, even curses can be cured, it can be described as the strongest shield.

Of course, the above effects can only be achieved by the true owner of the scabbard. Just the owner will only provide abnormal recovery capabilities. But the problem is that Xie Ming seems to have become its real master after Altria’s handover.

“Can you still play like this?”

Xie Ming couldn’t help laughing wryly, but to be honest, this scabbard was very useful to Xie Ming. However, there is a high probability that it will not bring out the Moon World. But this gave Xie Ming a new idea.

Since the genuine product cannot be brought out, shouldn’t it be enough to bring a fake?

As for how to create fakes? Projection magic is definitely not good. After all, the coyote in the original book can project Avalon because there is a scabbard in him. The so-called projection is just to make it appear.

Avalon, like the Departure Sword, is an unresolvable treasure.

But… there is still a big cup with a huge amount of magic power under the feet. With so much magic power, it is very possible to use the scabbard in the hand as a sample to create a disposable scabbard.

“In this way, the last short board is also filled in. But first…”

A coldness flashed in his eyes, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared in Liudong Temple, leaving only a faint word.

“You have to clean up that guy who doesn’t know what’s wrong.”


Yuanzang Mountain, with a big hollow underground.

As the car stalled, the black-haired man and the silver-haired young woman walked down. Seeing the giant orb formed by magic power (PS: Modeling reference FA) in front of him, Kiritugu Eomiya’s hands trembled a little.

Finally, this step is finally reached. It only takes a few steps to realize his dream and realize the relief of the entire mankind.


Alice Phil lightly shook the hand of the man next to him, and said softly, “Let’s go, Kirishu. Go and fulfill your dream.”


“I’m sorry, ma’am. I don’t think it will work.”


The pupils of the two of them shrank for a moment, and Eimiya Kirishu subconsciously took out the Center’s single-shot pistol. But soon, he let it go again.

Because the man in front of him, no matter what method they use, they can’t resist. Rather, he didn’t kill the two of them in an instant, which already surprised Eomiya Kirisu very much.

“Xie Ming…you give Saber…”

Glancing at Alice Phil, Xie Ming said faintly: “I didn’t do anything, I just resisted the treasure that Altria used to release with all the magic power.”


Alice Phil breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still a sense of guilt in her eyes. In any case, forcing a girl to use a sword at the man she likes, this sense of guilt cannot be dissipated.

“What do you… want to do?”

“How?” Xie Ming sneered: “Although I really want to hack you to death here with a stab, but this way, my great effort is completely wasted. But in order to prevent you from regenerating these ignorances in the future. Thoughts, I decided to rewrite the memories of both of you.”

“Can you do this kind of thing?”


Xie Ming said faintly: “Don’t worry, what I am rewriting will only be the ending of the Holy Grail War. In this Holy Grail War, the Holy Grail has not been purified by me, but it has remained contaminated and destroyed by me.”

“So, think of a way to go back and save your daughter, Uemiya Kiritugu. The reason why you can escape is completely because of Alice Phil and your daughter. Your future life , You can be a father and fulfill the duties of a father.”

Withdrawing to discuss the devil, Xie Ming activated the third skill.

Lv5, Psychological Master.

Suddenly, the shape of a star appeared in the eyes of Kirishu Eomiya and Alice Phil, and then they got in the car in confusion and left the large underground cavity.


A trace of exhaustion flashed in his eyes, and finally, the matter was almost over.

Turning his head to look at the Great Holy Grail, Xie Ming waved his hand to pierce the Demon into the Great Holy Grail, and then ignored it. Turning his hands and taking out the little holy grail and the scabbard Avalon, Xie Ming sat cross-legged on the ground.

“I hope it can be successful… No, it must be successful.”

In the big cavity, a golden light began to spread slowly. Xie Ming, who was beginning to concentrate, did not see that a ghost of a woman with silver hair and red eyes appeared when he was inserted into the chase of the Great Holy Grail. She glanced at Xie Ming below her eyes, and then got into the blade. Suddenly, a touch of silver appeared on the body of the dark knife.

If you open up the data of the demon, you will find that after the name of its equipment, there is an extra suffix of “(Incubating the sword spirit)”.

Time, nearly 4 hours passed. Along with the dawn of dawn, a huge explosion sounded from the bottom of Yuanzang Mountain. Then in the residential area of ​​Fuyuki City, a figure appeared in the house where five girls lived.

Putting Avalon into Karen’s body, Xie Ming looked at the girls for the last time, and then turned into a light spot in the sky.


In the unknown space, Xie Ming slowly opened his eyes.

When turning into a heroic state, his body has been sleeping here, keeping time frozen. But opening his eyes gave him a shock.

“Have fun?”

The black and beautiful hair brushed his face lightly, and there was a nice smell on it. Xie Ming couldn’t help being speechless looking at the beautiful girl close at hand.

“To be able to enjoy your knee pillow, I really have the face.”

“Nothing, compared to what you are going to do for us, what are these me?”

He gently stroked Xie Ming’s hair, and said gently.

“You really eat me…”

Xie Ming sat up and stretched his waist: “By the way, I haven’t had a main mission until now, what’s the matter?”

“Main task?” Roots tilted his head, and then reacted: “Oh, that. When you leave, I will arrange three for you.”

“Arbitrarily arrange…”

Looking at the root cause helplessly, Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Then my previous main mission was also randomly arranged by the world consciousness of that world?”

“Huh? Not really.”

Roots smiled and said: “Only our Lunar World has the authority to arrange tasks for your representatives. Because it is a’cooperation’ rather than a’subordinate’ relationship. However, you are the only one who allows us to arrange tasks specifically so far. One.”

“Xingyue is very powerful, and the root cause young lady is mighty.”

In this regard, Xie Ming could only call 666.

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