Chapter 669

“This group of substitutes have a big appetite.”

In the combat command room of the Bolun source tower, Dandan showed a brilliant smile. But from the hands emerging from her blue veins and the cracked stone table, it can be seen that the mood of this fox girl is absolutely opposite to the smile on her face.

“What should I do now, Dandan?”

One of the captains who was projected over asked: “The space channel around Prague and the captain who guards the space channel have lost nearly half. The plan, should we continue?”


Dandan said coldly: “Their actions just prove that they don’t want us to gather forces to attack Genoa. So they want to disrupt the space channel to interfere and stop us, forcing us to shift our focus to them.”

“In this way, the initiative will be transferred to the substitutes, and we will be passive. Since they want to destroy, then let them destroy! Notify the other lords and speed up the gathering of troops. At the same time, let the space around Prague be guarded. Master Wanhu in the passage evacuated and gave up the space passage.”


The captains fell silent, and then nodded: “Understood, I hope you understand what you are doing, Dandan.”

“Of course, grown-up people.” Dandan said calmly: “The little girl is the chief of staff of this plane occupation plan, and the responsibility is naturally borne by the little girl.”

“I didn’t mean that.” The general manager was dumb, shook his head and cancelled the projection. The other captains also left one after another. Dan Dan was the only one left in the combat command room.


Looking at the dark room, Dan Dan bit his lip, his narrow eyes gleamed with light: “Then, let me see how you move, the wise gentleman of the substitute.”


“Captain, in the space passages in the five cities that I passed today, there are no sprites of the ten thousand captain rank. Does it mean…”

“Yes, our plan has been seen through.”

Xie Ming showed an interesting smile: “It seems that the Sprite Clan also has a very good strategic commander.”

“In other words, the first step of the plan has been successful?” Hana Sakura said with some excitement.

“That’s right.” Xie Ming shrugged: “Through this step of temptation, I have probably mastered the other party’s plan.”

In principle, the space channel should be a very important strategic facility for the sprites in the local area. However, after a series of raids and destruction by Xie Ming and others, the enemy simply abandoned this strategic facility.

So, this choice of the enemy is already a bit of a poor view. The purpose of the Sprite Clan is indeed the four of them. As for the attack on the coalition, it was just incidental.

As Chen Zhong analyzed before, the four of Xie Ming cannot give up the coalition army. Once they gave up the coalition army, their mission would have been half-failed. The enemy now wants to take advantage of the weakness of the coalition army, and the persecuting Xie Ming and others have to take risks and fall into their trap willingly.

The abandonment of the space channel basically means to tell Xie Ming clearly that the captain has formed an encirclement and trapped the four of you in this boundary. It is impossible to escape.

As for attacking the gathered soldiers of the Sprite tribe, that is even more a fantasy. Where did the captains go? It must be leading the soldiers towards Prague. And the number is definitely more than three.

Without the use of ghosts, gods, banned hands, etc., Xie Ming can hold up to three Tier 3 peaks with his own swordsmanship and equipment, while the Shunkong three can hold one. In order not to stun the snake, Xie Ming would never reveal his true strength before facing Huang Qiu.

And without revealing the true strength, relying on four of them to annihilate an army of ten thousand people and three or more ten thousand chiefs is impossible. So this choice is still PASS.

So, what should I do?

In fact, the method is very simple. Since ancient times, the most typical method of defeating the strong with the weak is to use the intelligence differences between the masters of the two sides, plus the right time and place, and the three elements to carry out a perfect Jedi counterattack.

But it is a pity that this time, the right time and place, and even the harmony of people, did not stand on Xie Ming’s side. So if Xie Ming wants to win, the only thing he can use is intelligence. Moreover, Xie Ming’s side is not without advantages.

You know, the one-month time limit has only one week left. And the Prague meeting of the sprite tribe, even without the interference of the four of Xie Ming, it would take at least three days now that the space channel has been lost.

“Shingkong, have you contacted the coalition army?” Xie Ming asked lightly.

“Ah, it has been contacted.”

Shun Kong nodded: “Reinforcements from all continents will arrive in seven days. At the same time as they arrive, they will launch an attack on the Sprite Clan.”

“Very good.” A ray of light flashed in Xie Ming’s eyes: “Now, the three of you have a mission. Two hours later, I will launch a feint against the encirclement net, and you will take advantage of that time to not disturb the enemy. In this case, break the encirclement network and go out to contact the resistance forces in all cities.”

“Notify them, after seven days, start an uprising!”

“So, what about you, Captain?” Chen Zhong asked.

“Me? Of course I want to stay here to attract the attention of the captains.”

Xie Ming licked his lips: “Only by attracting all the captains of the entire European continent to this area, can reinforcements conquer the city.”

“Xiangkong, after notifying the resistance forces of various places, you are responsible for sending the other two to the scheduled arrival location of the reinforcements. Sakura is responsible for the reinforcements in Asia, Chen Zhong is in charge of the coalition forces, and you are in charge of the reinforcements in the Americas. Remember, you are in charge of the attack. After the city, you must use team skills to clean up the sprites in the parasitic state. After cleaning one city, you can attack the next city.”

“Don’t worry about the captain’s problem. In the case that the surrounding space channel is destroyed, the captains have no time to support. Even if you go back one or two, the firepower of ten thousand people plus your entanglement is enough. Let them fall on the spot.”


“No.” Xie Ming interrupted Hua Sakura’s words and smiled: “Don’t forget, regardless of strength or survivability, I am the strongest among you. Moreover, you think I will have no life-saving cards. ?”


When the three of them heard Xie Ming say this, they relaxed.

“Then, follow the plan in two hours. After the magisters of the continents meet, you cooperate with them in the sweep, and finally meet at the Rhine, where I will meet with you. And then…”

“It’s time for the final battle to begin!”

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