Chapter 685 Moon Eclipse and Falling Sun

The fighting time was limited, and it did not cause too much impact as Xie Ming imagined. Except for occasional coughing, there is no problem in daily life. In terms of combat, he also went to the third-order arena to experiment.

Using the broken rod, the spatial ability, the Demon Eye of Forbidden and the blue rose, there is no problem, and the three-minute countdown in my mind did not start to count down. But once he uses his body to fight, the countdown will start to count down according to his movement.

And after each battle, it is inevitable to cough up a few mouthfuls of blood, but this is a small problem. As long as it wasn’t for inexplicable coughing and vomiting blood during the battle, Xie Ming was already very satisfied.

You have to think about things for the better, right? If the other second-tier peaks were hit by the burning life of the fourth-tier low-stage, it would definitely be a burp on the spot, and the rescue would not come back. But he was lucky enough to be able to jump like this.

Contented people are always happy, don’t they?

But if there is no impact, it must be false. Because Xie Ming couldn’t spend all day and night in the arena like before, there was no way to pick up the 10 and 20-story Swordsmanship Tower in one go. In other words, the physical condition limited Xie Ming’s time to gain combat experience and improve his sword skills.

So now Xie Ming can only use his pitiful 3 minutes to challenge the one-story tower of swordsmanship. After the challenge, he came out to recover and put his mind on the alchemist notebook.

Because Rewrite could not be used, Xie Ming also lost the extra 20 data points that he had in every break. After evenly distributing the obtained 100 data points to the five attributes, Xie Ming’s attributes have become like this:

Lord God Walker: Xie Ming

Title: Shield of Body, Blade of Heart

Main God Space Number: 23333

Race: Human

Combat power: 240

Combat power level: the middle of the third stage

Strength: 220

Durability: 220

Agility: 220

Intelligence: 220

Energy: 220

And Xie Ming didn’t put the 2 million exchange points in his wallet. Because he was promoted to Tier 3, his equipment also needed a major replacement. Cloth armor, leggings, shoes, etc., all need to be re-selected.

Especially the leggings of that first order, it is also time to be eliminated. But don’t worry about these for the time being. For Xie Ming, the most important thing is to choose two suitable scabbards for his two knives, Yaodao Village Masa and Jingmo. Just buying these two, 2 million exchange points may not be enough.

So Xie Ming’s idea was to buy a scabbard first, then buy some Tier 3 fairy beans, and then buy medicinal materials for the rest of the money to make medicines and practice hand skills. But when he contacted Fatty Zhao of the Foreign Spirit Chamber of Commerce, he was surprised.


Tier 3 Foreign Spirit Chamber of Commerce, VIP room.

“Brother KT….. I heard that you, with Shun Kong, Chen Zhong and Hua Sakura, spent the terrible level of the sprite clan battlefield?”

Fatty Zhao rubbed his hands and looked at Xie Ming with bright eyes.

“…Well, I can’t possibly hide it.”

Xie Ming shrugged. At that time, when he was fighting against the attack of the Sprite King, Xie Ming also saw the situation beyond the plane through the shattered space. With so many Tier 4s there, how could it be possible to hide it.

“Hiss…” Hearing that Xie Ming didn’t deny it, Fatty Zhao instantly took a breath.

Now this matter has become the hottest topic among the masters in the main god space. At the second-order peak, the five-attribute advanced generation walker beheaded many third-order peak sprite clan ten thousand chiefs, and faced the attack of the sprite king.

Even Shunkong, Sakura and Chen Zhong were called by their respective deputy captains, sisters, and captains to learn about the situation after they came out of the mission world. Xie Ming now has become a ruthless person recognized by the entire main god space. Fortunately, Xie Ming didn’t reveal his main god space number, otherwise Yui could be annoyed to death.

And Fatty Zhao, because of his friendship with Xie Ming, was also called for an interview by the fourth-tier president of the Foreign Spirit Chamber of Commerce, asking him to entertain Xie Ming.

“Well, I’m not here to tell you these nonsense.”

Shaking his hand, Xie Ming asked faintly: “My scabbard was ruined, and now I have been promoted to Tier 3. So I am looking for you so that you can use your channel to help me find a suitable scabbard and buy some three. Celestial beans.”

“By the way, two scabbards are required. For fairy beans, three or four are enough. You can estimate how much it will cost.”

“I understand.” Fatty Zhao nodded: “If you have a scabbard, are there any requirements for the effect?”

“Um….. The blood seal is similar to the previous blood seal.”

“OK, then you wait here for a while.”

After speaking, Fatty Zhao walked out of the room. Xie Ming was about to take a sip of tea slowly, but as soon as he brought the cup to his mouth, Fatty Zhao opened the door and walked in.


After being speechless for a moment, Xie Ming put the cup down and looked at the two scabbards on the table with the same style but one black and white color. He clicked on its detailed information.

Eclipse moon

Category: Special Equipment-Scabbard

Level: Tier 3

Effect: All attributes +20

Skill 1: Moon Flower (Passive): Adds the power of the Moon Flower to the sword weapons placed in it, adding one layer of Moon Flower every hour, up to 50 layers. Each layer of Moonflower can provide 1% penetration damage to knife weapons. The superimposed moonlight power disappears after three attacks.

Skill 2: Seal of the Sun and Moon (Passive): When the distance from the Falling Sun is less than 100 meters, the number of stacks of the Moon Flower can be increased to 100.

Falling day

Category: Special Equipment-Scabbard

Level: Tier 3

Effect: All attributes +20

Skill 1: Solar Radiance (Passive): Adds solar power to the knife weapons placed in it, adding one layer of solar radiance every hour, up to 50 layers. Each layer of solar can provide knife weapons with additional damage of 1% of the enemy’s total health. The superimposed solar power disappears after three attacks.

Skill 2: Seal of the Sun and Moon (Passive): When the distance to the eclipse is less than 100 meters, the number of stacks of solar flares is increased to 100.

On the table, there is also a glass vial with 6 third-order fairy beans in it.

After reading it, Xie Ming picked up the teacup again and took a sip of tea slowly.

“Brother KT, dissatisfied?” The fat man asked in shock.

“No, very satisfied.”

Xie Ming put down his teacup and said calmly, “But, I can’t afford it.”


Hearing Xie Ming’s answer, the fat man breathed a sigh of relief. If he is not even satisfied with the scabbard with this superb effect, he really can’t find it.

“So, how many exchange points does KT brother have now?”

“1.8 million.” Xie Ming said faintly: “1.8 million, at most you can only buy one of these two scabbards. But you also know that if the two scabbards are not bought by the same team, then the value will be at least Cut it by 30%.”

“Well, Brother KT, I, Zhao Xiangrui, won’t play virtual games for you. If these two scabbards are packaged for sale, they must be sold at the standard price of 4 million. But our president told me before, if so. Come, brother, try to give you the best price.”

“So, with these two scabbards plus these six Tier 3 fairy beans, I will save you 1 million directly, and you can take away 3 million, how about it?”

“…The problem is, I only have 1.8 million.” Xie Ming said dubiously: “Where can I go to make up the remaining 1.2 million for you.”

“Brother KT really forgot, you gave me the potion of life liberation at first, but you gave it to me free of charge.”

Fatty Zhao said sincerely: “I also heard about the potion. 3 tubes of potion sold for a high price of 3.3 million. I am not an ungrateful person. This 1.2 million is just like a fat guy. I want to continue with you. How about maintaining this business-friendship relationship?”

“…Understood.” After a moment of silence, Xie Ming smiled: “If I have something good in the future, I will think of you as a fat man.”

“Hahahaha, it’s convenient to talk to someone like my old man.”

Between businessmen, there is no pure friendship, and some, only investment and return. And this is actually the relationship between Fatty Zhao and Ming Xie, which is the so-called business-friend relationship.

But anyway, these two paired scabbards plus six Tier 3 fairy beans, Xie Ming only spent 1.8 million to get it, which can be said to be very profitable.

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