Chapter 687

After he finished complaining, Xie Ming looked at the surrounding environment and began to tap the ground with his cane while analyzing his current situation.

First of all, you must determine which country you are in. Since RE:0, he has only watched anime, so he doesn’t know anything other than the plot, or how many countries there are in this world. If it’s not in the country where the plot takes place, it’s troublesome.

After all, his main mission has come out.

Main task 1: Let the three world darlings with enhanced protection surrender. (0/3)

Main quest two: released after the completion of the main quest.

Main task three: released after the completion of main task two.

Xie Ming, who has forgotten the plot, only remembers a few of the people with intensive care. One is a red-haired swordsman who hangs B, and the other is a yellow-haired girl with yellow hair. Then… It seems that there is a widow and a man in uniform?

“Oh, the improvement of mental and intelligence has no effect on improving memory… In short, first ask someone to ask which country it belongs to.”

Now that the first step has been decided, Xie Ming started to do it. However, he forgot a little. In this city full of Otherworld styles, his dark red trench coat is so different.

“That, this gentleman…”

“Sorry, I’m in a hurry.”

“Well, this lady…”


“That, the lizard man uncle!”

“Smelly boy, my old lady is a woman! And she’s only 20 years old!!”


Xie Ming was completely dumbfounded. This TM is too unfriendly to Otherworld visitors. He doesn’t look fierce, why he turns his head when he talks and runs away. The most important thing is that you lizard people don’t speak, who knows whether you are male or female, or young and old!

“It’s over, I bumped into walls everywhere at the beginning, how can I play this…”

Xie Ming was lost in thought.


Just as Xie Ming was about to look for a shop instead of passers-by to ask questions, a voice like a clear spring took the initiative to speak to him.

“Huh? Matthew’s voice?”

Lifting his head, Xie Ming blinked as he looked at the person who put the cloak cap on his head.

“Excuse me, are you having any trouble?”

The man with the cloak raised his head, revealing her beautiful face.

With dreamlike long silver hair, mysterious blue-purple pupils, and snow-like skin, before Xie Ming’s eyes, it is such a beautiful girl who only exists in the second dimension.

“Um… yes…”

Xie Ming touched his chin: “Although I am a little troublesome now, I think your trouble is bigger.”


The girl blinked, and she didn’t understand what Xie Ming meant.

“Don’t you think there is something missing on your body?” Xie Ming asked weakly looking at the blond little girl who had run away.

“I’m missing a little…”

After groping for a few times on the pure white dress with purple decoration, the girl’s beautiful pupils shrank a little: “The badge, it’s gone…”


After coughing a few times, Xie Ming said helplessly: “There should be a limit to natural staying. People have stolen things and haven’t noticed it.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, the girl’s face blushed. But he reacted immediately and said anxiously: “Sorry, that thing is very important. So I can’t help you anymore, I’m really sorry.”

After that, when she wanted to go back and chase, she was stopped by Xie Ming’s walking stick.

“Do you know what the person who stole you looks like? Do you know where she ran? How do you track her?”

“That…that…” Hearing Xie Ming’s three consecutive questions, the girl’s body stiffened a bit, and then said seriously: “It’s okay, there will always be a way!”

“I took it.”

This time, Xie Ming really couldn’t help covering his face: “I haven’t served a few people in Xie Ming’s life, but today I want to add another one.”


“Forget it, since you are the first person who wants to help me, I’ll give you a reward and help you.”

The walking stick touched the ground, and the two figures of Xie Ming and the girl disappeared in the street instantly, shocking the people around them.


With an exclamation, the girl looked around: “This is the top of the building? Why did you come here?”

“It’s just a simple space transfer. There is nothing to fuss about.”

Xie Ming’s eyes flashed with emerald green light, and he calmly said, “Did you see the figure jumping between the buildings in the direction of seven o’clock?”

“Seven o’clock?”

“…My pot, my pot.”

Xie Ming sighed and continued to use his space ability.

The next moment, the girl discovered that a little blond girl with a little yellow hair was hitting her two at an extremely fast speed.


The little girl’s pupils shrunk, and she leapt over the surrounding walls with her extremely sensitive skills. She opened the distance and looked at the two people who suddenly stood in front of her with a serious expression. When he saw the girl, he turned his head and ran away subconsciously.

However, Xie Ming was already standing there on her escape route.


After coughing a few times, Xie Ming said softly: “Although we have no grievances, the girl relaxed her vigilance because she wanted to help me, and was unconsciously defeated by you. So, please take what you stole. Hand it over.”

The girl on the other side blinked and reacted, and said seriously to the little girl: “Yes, that badge is very important to me! Can you please return it to me?”


The little girl showed her tiger teeth and said with a ferocious look. However, with her petite figure and cute face, it doesn’t seem to match up with evil, but like a rabbit with teeth and claws, it is very cute.

“The things I stole are mine! If you want to blame, blame the little girl for not paying attention!”

“What kind of robber logic is this…”

Xie Ming scratched his head and sighed: “Okay, I’m not going to convince you of anything. You mean you want something, so you can grab it by force, right?”



The girl and the girl were taken aback at the same time.

“I see. I’m sorry, don’t blame me for being impolite.”

The cane got out of Xie Ming’s hand and floated in the air. Then in the eyes of the girl and the girl, it turned into dozens of sharp fragments. Because of the use of mental power, the Demon Eye of Forbidden has appeared automatically. Staring at the little girl with emerald green magic eyes with rainbow-colored apertures, Xie Ming calmly said: “It may be a little painful, but I will take care not to hurt the vitals.”

“Sorry, I was wrong, and the badge will be returned to you!”


Looking at the girl holding the badge in both hands, the scene fell into inexplicable silence.

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