Chapter 690

Four people and one cat crossed the crowd and came to an exquisite fountain. And there, a JP high school student in sportswear was looking around. Of course, his mouth did not stop.

“Where is it? Call my Otherworld beautiful girl~? No, or I will develop my own abilities as the protagonist now? For example, magic or something?”

“…That.” Filut’s expression was a bit subtle: “Although it’s a bit bad for me, but…compared to this kind of insignificant stupid guy, can you solve it first? my question?”

“Yes, I think so too.”

Emilia nodded in agreement: “It seems that he has no trouble, just a little oversleeping.”

“Huh~, I think this little brother is very funny.” Parker said with a smile in the air: “Look, does his fancy dress look a bit like that of Xie Ming? Maybe it’s Xie Ming’s fellow. Oh.”

“No, you said that sportswear is similar to my windbreaker, which will only make people doubt my taste.” Xie Ming’s mouth twitched and said, “Although he is indeed my fellow in a sense (also from the earth) , But in another sense, it has nothing to do with me (different planes).”

However, you can’t just let this guy die…

Of course Xie Ming knows the identity of the high school student in front of the fountain, the hero of the real plane, Subaru Nai Yue. A arrogant and arrogant guy who has no self-awareness. Although from some perspectives, this guy is also worthy of admiration. But from the perspective of character and thought, this guy is definitely an idiot without an AC number.

As for why you can’t leave him alone, it’s about talking about the plug-in that every crossing master Kakuzu will inevitably have. Caiyue Subaru’s plug-in is the power called’Death Return’. After his death, his consciousness will return to the period before his death, a bit like a file reading in the game.

If this guy is left alone, if he loses his life, then the whole world will go back for a while. Of course, Xie Ming is no exception. At that time, Xie Ming can guarantee that he can keep memories, but the memories of Amelia, Parker and others will disappear.

Xie Ming didn’t want to toss for so long, but the time was wasted. So if you want this world and the plot to continue, the first thing to ensure is the safety of the Pleiades.

Thinking about this in his heart, Xie Ming had a plan, patted Reinhardt on the shoulder and smiled: “Reinhardt, this guy will be handed over to you. As a knight, he is concerned about this unstable factor. Doesn’t it need to be observed? And I think you and this guy definitely get along well.”

“Well, I think so too.”

Reinhardt nodded approvingly: “Although this friend looks a bit fierce and a bit clumsy, I can see that he is a kind-hearted person. Since he has just arrived, I must help him. Row.”

“Then you, sir Amelia, I will retire first.”

After bidding farewell to the three, Reinhardt with a hearty smile walked towards the Pleiades Cai Yue who was still immersed in fantasy.

“Okay, then let’s continue.” Xie Ming looked down at Filut: “Lead the way, little girl.”

“It’s all said that I am called Firut!”


As mentioned before, the gap between the rich and the poor in the Lugnica Kingdom is very large. This can be reflected in the royal capital.

Obviously only a few blocks away, the scenery in front of Xie Ming’s trio and a cat is completely different.

Simple and dilapidated houses, muddy roads that no one cares about, and people in shabby clothes. Here is the slum of the royal capital. The residents here are a bit unclear about this unfamiliar combination.

Filut, they knew each other. There are some famous thieves in this slum. Although they are young and physically small, they have a strong will.

Xie Ming, although wearing strange clothes, looks ordinary. It’s not like a nobleman, but it’s not like a poor man either. So the poor people were just jealous of him.

The remaining Emilia and Parker were completely hostile. Looks like an expensive dress, with a delicate face and beautiful silver hair under the cloak, which is the noble lady at a glance.

Of course, neither Ferut, Xie Ming, or Emilia will be shaken by these gazes. Firut looked down on it, Xie Ming didn’t care, and Emilia was accustomed to it.

Soon, the group came to the deepest part of the slum. There is a bungalow with its back against the wall and covered with green vines and moss. Compared with the dilapidated house on the roadside before, it is several times larger.

“Here.” Filut introduced: “This is the place where my employer and I agreed to hand over the goods, the stolen goods warehouse.”

The loot warehouse, as the name suggests, is a place where thieves and thieves sell their stolen goods. After all, something stolen cannot be sold openly. It will only be caught by people, and sooner or later will be taken to prison. Therefore, the existence of the stolen goods warehouse can make many thieves and thieves feel at ease.

I saw Ferut walking up to the door and patted the door casually. In the warehouse, a voice came out.

“To deal with big mice?”

“Use poison.” Filut replied.

“White whale?”

“Use a hook.”

“Then to deal with our beloved Dragon Lord?”

Filut grinned: “Kill it.”


With the harsh sound, the wooden door was pushed open, and a giant old man poked his head out: “Firut, I brought some friends here today.”

“Well, be it.” Ferut waved his hand: “Also, Lord Roma, please go in quickly and get in the way!”

“Yes Yes.”

The giant old man called Lord Roma retreated and let Xie Ming and his party enter the warehouse.

“This is the loot warehouse…”

Seeing the jumbled things around, Emelia seemed very interested.

“See if you can, but don’t break it.”

Lord Rom returned to the bar-like counter and sat down on a stool: “If it breaks, you will lose money, Miss.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Ming walked into the counter on his own terms, picked up a few bottles of wine, and opened the lid to smell it.

“Hey! The kid over there!! Don’t touch my precious collection!!!” Seeing someone touch his lifeblood, Lord Roma couldn’t sit still.

“It’s okay, just make a few glasses of wine and drink.”

Xie Ming said indifferently, taking out the utensils from the portable space: “It’s not as good as what you should care about now is your own condition and the condition of Filut.”

“What’s the situation with Filut?” Lord Roma looked at Filut in confusion.

“Haha, Lord Roma. This time, we are in trouble.”

Ferut smiled flatly and began to explain the situation to Lord Roma. At this time, Xie Ming had already prepared four cups of juice, put the cups in front of everyone, and sat next to Amelia.

“In short, let’s wait here for a while now. I believe the employer should come over after a while.”


Lifting the cup, Emilia took a sip, then an unexpected look appeared in her eyes.

“It’s delicious… so warm…”

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