Chapter 698

Breakfast, no surprise, was finished under low pressure. During the entire breakfast, no one spoke, except for the laughter of Beatrice and Parker.

But this is also natural. After Xie Ming released his aura, he and the three people in the Rozval Mansion could be said to have torn their skins. Xie Ming didn’t care, Rozval didn’t care, but Ram and Rem didn’t think so.

And Emilia, of course, prefers Xie Ming’s side. But the kind-hearted girl didn’t want the atmosphere to be so cold, so after seeing Xie Ming’s meal, she pulled up Xie Ming directly, leaving a sentence of “Introduce Xie Ming to the mansion” and left the restaurant.

Emilia left the restaurant, and Parker would naturally not stay here, and went to the Forbidden Library to have fun with Beatrice. Now, there are only three masters and servants, Rozval and Ramrem.

“Master Rozval…” Ram said softly, “It is too dangerous to leave that man in the mansion.”

“Ram, the most dangerous moment has passed.”

Rozval wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said faintly: “And in order to achieve my purpose, he is an indispensable part. And from the conversation just now, you should also understand that he is not the kind of unscrupulous villain. .”


Ram nodded: “It’s reassuring in a sense to be able to retreat in order to recognize Master Emilia who hasn’t been in a day. It’s just that there are too many secrets hidden in him. He How did such a strong man get hurt? Why have I never heard of him before…”

“Well, these are indeed curious. But compared to the three things he promised, they are a little insignificant.”

Standing up, Rozval murmured: “It is written in the gospels that the person who rewrites the destiny, let me wait and see how the people who rewrite the destiny rewrite the destiny.”


“Xie Ming, you are really…”

Holding Xie Ming’s hand in the mansion, Amelia dangled in the mansion. From the time she went out, she kept talking to Xie Ming like a long-winded mother: “You don’t need to care about me, just ask Rozvall to contact the therapist. Why do you still promise to help him with three things.”

“Didn’t you say it yourself? For the sake of friends, it is natural to give up some things.”

Xie Ming smiled: “Then it is only natural for me to make some concessions for your friend?”

“It’s totally different.” Emilia said seriously: “I helped you to repay your kindness to me. After the kindness is paid off, we will be in a reciprocal relationship. So in the final analysis, I am for myself. That’s what happened.”

“Then I am like this too.” Xie Ming said funnyly: “I also did this to make you, a beautiful girl, continue to owe my kindness, so that you can take better care of me, and it is also for myself. what.”


Emilia puffed up her face cutely: “Xie Ming, you bullied me again!”

Wow, really, why is this little girl so cute.

Xie Ming couldn’t help but squeezed Emilia’s face and smiled: “Okay, okay, don’t you have to do a lot of study for Wang Xuan? So give me a brief introduction and go back to study. Before Wang Xuan has officially started, there is no Too much time.”

“Hey? No.” Emilia was taken aback for a moment: “There should be five dragon maidens selected by the king. But now there are only four dragon maidens, including me.”

“No, the fifth one has already appeared. Moreover, we have both met.”

“The fifth person has appeared… or someone we all know… Could it be!” Emilia’s eyes widened, her face in disbelief.

“Yes, it’s Filut.”

Xie Ming said softly: “Do you remember that when we said that the dragon maiden had a badge, and the gems on the badge would shine, did Filut’s face a little tangled?”

“And before that, when I saw Ferut holding the badge, the gems on the badge did shine.”

“No…” Emilia murmured: “The fifth dragon maiden is actually Ferut… Then you asked her to go to Reinharut because of this? ”


Shrugging, Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “The little girl is very pitiful, and since she has been involved in this kind of thing, it means that she will not be able to escape for long. So for her good, it is better to let her take the initiative to seek asylum. . But this way, it will be a little disadvantageous for you.”

“No, I think Xie Ming is doing the right thing.”

Emilia shook her head and smiled: “It’s great, then Ferut and Lord Roma won’t be in danger.”

“I know you would say that.” Xie Ming said softly, “So, you need to seize the time to learn about Wang Xuan. As a friend, you can’t influence you.”

“…I know.” Emilia was a little regretful, so she could only give up: “Then, I will give you a general introduction and go back to the room to study. Xie Ming, don’t cause any more troubles. Oh.”

“Yes~, Teacher Emilia~”

“Very good, classmate Xie Ming.”

Uh, it seems that this trick doesn’t work for Emilia anymore.


Although the Rozval Mansion is large, it is actually the same for Xie Ming, who has lived in more luxurious and complex places. Moreover, the huge mansion plus Xie Ming actually lived in five people, and Beatrice’s young girl stayed in the forbidden library and didn’t walk out much. Therefore, there are not so many routes and rooms that Xie Ming needs to remember.

But for Xie Ming, the real important thing is actually that room.

“Well, it should be here.”

Through the perception of space, he felt a room door with a special space, and Xie Ming gently pushed it open. Inside, the voices of the young girl and Parker also came.

“Ah~ Brother’s hair is loose and soft, it’s still so comfortable~”

I have to say that this voice gave Xie Ming a sense of sight. You must know that Betty’s voice is exactly the same as that of the Pervert Discipline Committee of a certain academy city. And thinking of that lady pervert, Xie Ming’s head couldn’t help but feel a little pain.

Well, Beatrice is much cuter than the one from Academy City. At this moment, she was holding Parker, rolling around on the big pink bed, with an intoxicating smile on her face, the opposite of the cold expression before.

Parker also squinted his eyes and smiled, as if enjoying himself. But it is not as if someone like Beatrice came in without knowing it.

“Yo, Xie Ming. How did you get in here?”

“Push the door in.”

Xie Ming smiled: “Don’t care about me, you continue. I am here just to find some books related to herbs.”

“Knowing that this is a banned library, I also came here to search for books…”

Beatrice let go of Parker and looked at Xie Ming dissatisfied: “And when you enter the lady’s room, you don’t even knock on the door. It seems that your behavior is the same as your face, so ordinary.”

“I’m really sorry for being so ordinary.”

Hearing Beatrice’s words, Xie Ming couldn’t help flipping through Byakugan: “All in all, I’m just looking for a book. I believe the Joker of Rozvar would not mind such a trivial matter.”

“Rozval doesn’t mind, but Betty will.” Beatrice stretched out her hand: “It looks like you really underestimated Betty.”

“Didn’t Parker tell you?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows, and the emerald magic eyes glanced at Beatrice faintly. All of a sudden, the magic power accumulated in Beatrice’s hand disappeared.

“In front of me, no magic can work.”


Finding that under the gaze of those eyes, Beatrice, who couldn’t mobilize the magic power in the air, gritted her teeth. But Tsundere’s character was impossible for her to say anything to surrender, so the scene fell silent for a while.

“Okay, okay, just borrow an unimportant medicinal book, don’t be so full of gunpowder smell.”

Closing the magic eyes, Xie Ming shrugged and smiled: “Miss Betty, would you please help me choose a book about medicinal herbs, okay?”


Turning her head and humming softly, Beatrice didn’t speak. However, a book was automatically ejected from the shelf and shot at Xie Ming.

“OK, thank you, Betty.”

After taking the books, Xie Ming did not stay, and left the banned library directly.

“Hey, hey, it seems that as long as you don’t violate the bottom line, Xie Ming is still very good at talking. Isn’t it, Betty.” Parker floated in the air and laughed.

“Just a familiar and annoying fellow.”

When Xie Ming was disturbed, Beatrice lost her interest in playing. Then he took out a book, sat on the wooden stool, and started reading.

Only at this time can I feel the deep sense of loneliness from this elf.

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