Chapter 708

On this day, Xie Ming returned to the Rozval Mansion after taking Mei Li out to hunt for beasts as usual. Unlike usual, an unusually luxurious dragon cart was parked on the lawn in front of the mansion. And beside the dragon cart, an elderly gentleman in a housekeeper’s uniform was waiting quietly.

From the first moment Xie Ming and Mei Li stepped into the courtyard, the elderly gentleman’s eyes never left them. No, it should be said that he was staring at Xie Ming’s body. The feelings that emerged in those eyes were vigilance and jealousy.

If someone who knew the identity of the elderly gentleman saw this scene, it would definitely be extremely surprised. Because of the strength of this person, even in the entire Lugnica Kingdom, it can still be ranked as the number one existence. And now, he actually shows fear for someone?

In the face of the elderly gentleman, Xie Ming just smiled politely, then took Mei Li’s hand and entered the mansion. And waiting at the door was a lovely maid with short blue hair, Rem.

“Master Xie Ming, Mei Li, welcome back.”

Rem looked at the two, or looked at Xie Ming, and said softly. After that, he looked forward to it, as if waiting for something.

“Well, I’m back, Rem.”

Xie Ming touched Rem’s head and replied with a smile.


Rem, who was touched by Xie Ming, showed a happy smile.

Since the day when Rem’s knot was resolved, every time Xie Ming went out, Rem would inevitably wait in front of the door. At first, Xie Ming just reached out and touched Rem’s head subconsciously, because Rem’s appearance was too much like a loyal dog waiting for his owner to return home, so Xie Ming couldn’t help it.

The next day, after Xie Ming returned as usual, he just greeted Rem with a smile, and did not reach out to touch his head. But because of this, Rem lost all day. As a result, Ram even ran over to ask Xie Ming, did he do something again?

Even Emilia ran over and said worriedly that if she did something to hurt Rem, it would be better to apologize quickly. Xie Ming, naturally, his face was dumbfounded. What did I do?

It wasn’t until the third day that Rem was still waiting at the door for Xie Ming, and when he looked at Xie Ming with expectant eyes after saying hello, Xie Ming reacted, and he was a little bit dumbfounded. That’s why this habit has continued until now.

And Mei Li gradually got acquainted with the people in the mansion during this month. Although Rem and Ram still didn’t have a good face to Melly, they didn’t repel her with the stinky face at the beginning. Now, she even helps Melly in some small places.

Mei Li also understood that as a killer who almost killed the opponent, being treated like this has shown that Xie Ming and others are quite tolerant. Moreover, life in the mansion was not as unfortunate as she had imagined.

Except for slightly restricting her freedom, she can do everything else at will. There is no worries about food, clothes, and talking and laughing every day. This kind of life was simply unimaginable for Mei Li before. Although she didn’t say anything, she had gradually accepted everyone in the Rozval Mansion in her heart.

She was not as scared of Xie Ming as before. Although as an enemy, Xie Ming’s performance made her frightened. But as a companion, he is extremely reliable. And she also learned that Xie Ming is not the kind of demon who imagines Vice Admiral enemies peeling off the skin and bones (although he has done it), just a strange personality, strange brain circuits, but most of the time he is still very gentle.

Of course, only his companions and friends can see this side.

“Master Xie Ming.”

After enjoying Xie Ming’s touching his head, Rem raised his head and said softly: “After Emilia-sama asks you to come back, go to her study.”

“Well, I got it.”

Xie Ming, who probably understood what was going on, looked at Mei Li: “Then Mei Li, you will have your own room and turn those monsters into combat power.”

“Okay, big brother.”

Meili smiled sweetly, said hello to Rem, and trot back to the room with her bag on her back. And Xie Ming naturally followed Rem to Emilia’s study.

After tapping twice, Rem opened the door after receiving the response from the inside: “Master Emilia, Master Xie Ming has returned.”

After entering the door, Xie Ming first saw Amelia in home clothes, and then another guest.

The cat’s ears that shook his head from time to time, the short flax hair, the thin and tall figure, and the white bows were decorated everywhere on the body. At first glance, she would definitely think of her as a beautiful cat girl.

However, Xie Ming knew that he was a man.

“Oh, you are the Xie Ming that Master Emilia said. When we met for the first time, I was Felix Meow~”

Even if he has a cute girlish accent and the words end with a cute ‘meow’, he is male. I hope that in this chapter, there will be no ‘that’s not better’ statement. I will call the police.

Although he knew this cat-eared pseudomother, Xie Ming couldn’t make an expression of recognition. So just plainly replied: “Hello, this is Xie Ming.” Then, he turned his attention to Amelia.

“Is it because of him?”

“Yes.” Emilia said happily: “Xie Ming, didn’t you say that you came to the Kingdom of Lugonika just to find an excellent healer? And he is the best water system in the entire kingdom and even the entire continent. Magician. The magician of’Blue’, Phyllis.”

“It’s him who is dubbed ‘Blue’.”

Xie Ming squinted his eyes, and did not make any flattering actions because of the identity of the other party. He just said indifferently: “Believe me, you have heard Emilia say it.”

“Yes, dear Xie Ming~” Feilis said playfully: “Master Emilia has already told me about you, so simply tidy up, and you can go back to the capital with us.”

“Understood.” Xie Ming nodded: “Then, I will say hello to the others and pack things up. Please wait a moment.”

“Okay~ Oh, Master Emilia, the matter has already been explained, Feilis will go to Longchezhong to meet Lord Will. Don’t worry, just take your time.”

With a mischievous smile, Felice left the room briskly. Rem glanced at Xie Ming with some anxiety, but because of her maid’s duty, she still followed in Felice’s footsteps. In the study, only Amelia and Xie Ming were left.

“…Yes, parting.”

Emilia didn’t know what emotion she was holding, and she said softly.

“Yes, I’m going to part.” Xie Ming sighed, walked up to Emilia, and touched her head: “Phyllis is here this time. It’s about Wang Xuan, right? ?”

“Yes.” Emilia lowered her head: “Tomorrow, I will go to the capital with Rozval. When the matter is over, I will go to you. After that…”

After that, I don’t know if I can meet again. This is what Emilia wanted to say, but she didn’t say it.

Xie Ming didn’t know her better than Emilia herself. That’s why she stammered and hesitated so much. But after the matter, Emilia didn’t want to involve Xie Ming. That’s why she was so reluctant.

Because perhaps Xie Ming may never enter this mansion again, maybe.

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