Chapter 730

With the crisp cracking sound, the thick white mist that filled everyone’s eyes disappeared instantly. And before their eyes, a huge white whale was staring at them with its huge dark yellow pupils not far away.

At the moment of being stared at by this huge eyeball, everyone in the crusade army felt a great fear. This fear seemed to be pierced into their spine fiercely like an ice ridge, making them unable to make any reaction. Cold sweat, unknowingly, has covered his forehead.

The fins are like sharp blades, the whole body is covered with white fur full of barbs, and a thick and sharp horn extends forward, like the horn of a battleship. What makes the whole body more goose bumps is that its huge body is covered with a large number of potholes. White smoke is constantly emerging from the pothole.

The huge body of fifty meters long, coupled with the huge purple magic circle on his head. This behemoth, just floating there, is enough to bring enough oppression and fear to people.

This is the Beluga, synonymous with natural disasters, the beast of fog. In front of it, everyone is deeply aware of their own insignificance and powerlessness.

When everyone was in a daze, Xie Ming was also in a daze. However, the question in his mind is definitely different from others.

“White whale, can it be considered a monster? Then, maybe you can let Meili break its horns so that you can control it?”

Like looking at a product, Xie Ming looked at this huge creature up and down, and then denied the whimsical thoughts in his brain.

“Forget it, she looks too ugly, her ability is too useless, her reputation is too bad, and he is hated by others, Wilhelm will never agree. The most important thing is…Merry may not dare Let’s control a beluga of this level.”

Withdrawing his divergent thoughts, Xie Ming turned his head to look at Kurxiu with a cold sweat on his face, and asked in confusion, “What’s the matter, don’t you attack?”


Kurxiu heard Xie Ming’s question and didn’t respond at once.

“Well, let me start.”

Xie Ming shrugged, then flipped out a coin and bounced it high. Jingmo Taidao was slightly out of its sheath, flashing a very faint light.

Lv5 ability, third place, electric shock.

As people around were watching, the coin slowly fell and fell in front of Xie Ming’s thumb. Then, it was ejected.


The orange light slid through the air, leaving a slight scorch mark on the ground. After being accelerated by the magnetic field, a stunt from Otherworld, the super-electromagnetic gun slammed into the center of the beluga whale’s eyebrows.


The coin melted away, and the orange beam of light in mid-air also slowly dissipated. At this time, there was already a small hole in the center of the beluga’s eyebrows. At the wound, the beluga whale did not have any blood flowing out, because the wound was scorched.

The super electromagnetic gun itself does not contain any heat. The extremely high temperature is caused by the friction between the electromagnetic projectile itself and the air when it is flying at a speed that is difficult for the naked eye to catch. This is also the reason why the coin melts.

Regardless of the scientific principle of the super-electromagnetic gun, this trick comes from Mikoto’s mastery, and the effect is quite expensive. This orange light not only injured the beluga whale, but also successfully broke the fear in the heart of the crusade team.


After taking a deep breath, Kuerxiu showed a smile on his face and said loudly, “Everyone! The attack begins! Magic stone cannon, magician troops, attack!!!”

A magic stone cannon shaped a bit like a radar ejected blue and white light, bursting on the white whale. The magician in the robe also raised the staff in his hand. Fireballs, ice cones, wind blades… the long-range attack magic is all poured on the surface of the huge creatures like money.

“Boom boom boom boom boom…”

The explosion and the roar stopped briefly, and everyone couldn’t help swallowing their saliva, wanting to see if this wave of attacks could have any effect on the white whale.

But the reality is desperate.

Except for the wound on the eyebrows, whether it was the magic stone cannon’s attack, it only left a small amount of dust on the white fur of the beluga whale. And some sharp magical attacks only cut through the body surface of the Beluga whale. For the huge body of the beluga whale, this kind of injury is not painful at all.

However, it was angered.

The huge body twisted flexibly in the air, raising it a few points again. The big teethed mouth opened, and the typhoon struck.


The cry as if to tear the air, set off a ring of loud waves. The huge dust storm that set off caused everyone in the crusade team to turn the earth dragon on their side to defend.

After all, at this time, the Earth Dragon’s “Wind-Shelter Protection” is still quite useful. But the white whale’s such might, obviously once again hit the morale of the crusade team.




Suddenly, an invisible sharp blade ignoring the distance, slashed fiercely on the Beluga’s body. But this time, the beluga would not be safe and sound. A long and narrow sword wound appeared on its right side. Let him twist his body constantly in the air and let out a mournful cry.

“Don’t stop! Keep on attacking!!!”

The sword body of the knight sword in her hand gleamed with light, and Kuer repaired the sword referring to the white whale. Her leadership qualities were undoubtedly evident at this moment.


Driven by Kurxiu, the morale of the crusade team rebounded again. The soldiers all picked up the mist, flicked the reins, and rode the earth dragon to the beluga. Among them, at the forefront is Wilhelm Trias, with four knight swords hanging from his waist.

No, he should be called that at this time. Defeated the Sword Demon, Wilhelm Van Astraea, the predecessor of the Juggernaut.

“White Whale…..”

Wilhelm, who took the lead, closed his eyes slightly at this time. In my mind, I can’t help but recall all the wonderful things I had with my wife when I was young.

He was originally a piece of wood, and he only knew how to wield swords, swords, and swords every day. But one day, a beautiful girl with long red hair suddenly broke into his life.

“Now, do you like flowers?”

The greeting from the girl made him a little dazed, and made him a little at a loss. But the incredible thing is that there is no trace of boredom in his heart.

It is precisely because of the existence of the girl that he has added countless beauty to his boring sword practice career. but…….

Opening his eyes suddenly, Wilhelm no longer restrained himself at this time. Killing intent, Haki, hatred, anger, these countless feelings turned into fierce sword aura, wrapped around him.

“White Whale! Fourteen years! I finally saw you! This is your place, the place where the bones are buried!”

The burly body burst out at an astonishing speed and jumped high, actually catching up to the height of the white whale. The knight’s sword on his waist had been unsheathed at some point, and it was swung down fiercely in Wilhelm’s roar.

“Give me, fall!!!!”

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