Chapter 757 Uninvited Guest

At night, the kitten, as usual, went to fight for the devil’s cause after dinner. After Xie Ming finished packing, he took off his shirt and crawled on the sofa.

“Asia, please also today.”


Looking at Xie Ming, Aixia’s face couldn’t help being flushed, but she sat down on the edge of the sofa and put her hands on Xie Ming’s back.

With the mobilization of Asia’s mind, a pair of gorgeous emerald green rings appeared on the middle fingers of her hands. This is her artifact, named: twilight healing. (PS: Don’t complain in English, that’s how it is written on Baidu Encyclopedia)

The gentle light came from the hands of Asia. At this time, the girl also got serious. Because in her eyes, Xie Ming’s injury is too high.

During the first treatment, when she felt the injury in Xie Ming’s body, Asia even cried directly.

“Mr. Xie Ming, you… are you going to die?”

This sentence can make Xie Ming be thrilled by Lei. After Xie Ming’s explanation and comfort, she slowly calmed down and carefully checked Xie Ming’s injuries. Finally, a conclusion was reached.

“I can treat Mr. Xie Ming’s injury, but it will take a long time…”

“It’s okay, just take it slow.” Xie Ming shrugged and replied. As a result, Asia began to treat Xie Ming for the first time.

As a result, within 3 minutes of treatment, Asia fell on Xie Ming’s back and fell asleep. This made Xie Ming a little touched, but also a little helpless.

The use of artifacts naturally requires physical exertion. In order to heal Xie Ming, Asia actually used up her physical strength directly. For a girl like her, if this kind of overwork is too much, she will get seriously ill.

But, how should I put it… Although it is a bit unpleasant to say that, Aixia is indeed one of the weakest girls among the girls Xie Ming knows.

“Strengthen exercise…”

Hugging Asia to her bed, Xie Ming gave a wry smile, and then gently closed the door.

Since then, Xie Ming’s daily morning exercises will have an extra figure of a blonde girl.

With such a guide as Xie Ming, Asia’s physical strength is already much stronger than before, and at the same time Xie Ming is strictly forbidden to do it. So every night, after the kitten leaves, there will be such a scene.

“Huh~, Mr. Xie Ming, today’s part is over.”

After taking a breath, Asia whispered.

“Thanks, Asia, you really helped me a lot.” Xie Ming smiled, stood up and put on his shirt.

“Nothing, I am really happy to be able to help you. But…”

Asia was a little entangled, but finally asked, “Why did Mr. Xie Ming keep this matter from Minister Lias and the kittens?”

“Because I told them it just made them worry. Other than that, it didn’t have any effect.”

Xie Ming sat next to Aixia and gently touched her head: “So, this is the secret between me and Aixia.”

“Ha… the secret between me and Mr. Xie Ming…” Asiya muttered like this, she suddenly laughed happily.

“Huh? Asia, what are you laughing at?”

“No, there is nothing~”


In this regard, as usual, members of the Supernatural Research Department still gathered in the room to chat and laugh. As for Rias, she was still worried, sitting on her seat, but she didn’t know where she flew.

And looking at Lias like this, the others had no idea of ​​chatting.

“Well, Junai-senpai…” Aixia looked at Lias worriedly, and asked Junai, “Where does Chief Lias hurt? If that’s the case, I can use my magical tool to help… ..”

“Ahhhhh, thank you, Asia.”

Zhu Nai chuckled and touched Asia’s head, and then looked at Lias: “But I’m sorry, the minister ordered us not to tell you and Xie Ming about this. So, I’m very sorry.”

“That’s it…”

Hearing this, Asia showed a somewhat lonely look, but then burst into a warm smile: “It’s okay, Senior Sister Zhu Nai. But if I can come in handy, please don’t be polite to tell me. Can help Minister Lias If you do, I will also feel very happy.”

“Aixia is really a good boy~” Zhu Nai hugged Aixia and said lovingly.

“Ah~! Senior sister Zhu Nai…”

Looking at the welfare in front of him, Xie Ming took an awkward sip of tea, and looked at each other with Kiba sitting next to him, then shrugged helplessly.

But at this moment, a wave of spatial fluctuations appeared in the department. Xie Ming’s pupils gathered, and instantly took out his cane from the portable space and pierced into the empty space in front of the door.


Two silver knives crossed, just blocking the bottom of the cane.



Xie Ming calmly looked at the blue-clothed silver-haired maid in front of him, and said faintly, “Isn’t it a bit inconsistent with etiquette to move here without saying hello?”

After speaking, the cane in his hand exerted a bit of strength.


The silver-haired maid’s pupils shrank, and then the magic power on her body began to mobilize.

“Stop, Xie Ming!”

At this moment, everyone who was stunned by the sight in front of them finally reacted, and Rias hurriedly shouted: “That’s not the enemy!”


Hearing what Lias said, Xie Ming withdrew his momentum towards the maid, threw the stick back into the portable space, and sat back where he was. The silver-haired maid also released the two small knives in her hands.

In the process of falling, the knife gradually decomposed and turned into fragments on the ground.

“…Sir Lias, it seems that a lot of things have happened around you.” Glancing at Xie Ming solemnly, the silver-haired maid gently saluted Lias.

“Gurefiya, come here unexpectedly, what’s the matter?”

Lias looked at the silver-haired maid in front of her and said coldly.

“Why do you ask me knowingly? Lord Lias.” The beautiful silver-haired maid named Gurefiya said neither humble nor overbearing: “I came here this time, naturally, I want Lord Lias to fulfill her responsibility.”


Hearing this, Lias fell into silence.

“Fulfill the responsibility?” Xie Ming frowned and looked at Zhu Nai: “Senior sister Zhu Nai, are you still hiding from me and Asia?”


Zhu Nai looked at Rias with some embarrassment.

“…Huh, okay. I’m sorry, Xie Ming, this matter should indeed be notified to you and Asia as soon as possible. After all, you are also a member of our Supernatural Research Department.”

Rias took a deep breath and said lightly: “I’m getting married.”


Xie Ming, who was just about to take a sip of tea and listened carefully, sprayed the tea in his mouth directly to the side. After a few coughs, he looked at Lias with a little surprise.

“What did you just say?”

“I said… I am getting married.”

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