Chapter 759 Ranking Game

“Hello, Lias, are you serious?”

Rissel left the beauties who surrounded him and walked in front of Lias, ready to reach out and lift Lias’ chin: “This matter is not what you think…”


The crisp sound made the faces of the family members behind Ressel cold, and the scene quickly dropped to a freezing point.

Lias slapped Ressel’s hand mercilessly, and said coldly: “Please be respectful, Ressel Phoenix. In front of you is Gremory’s next Patriarch, Rias · Gremory! Not your concubine family members!”

“Don’t be shameless!” Being slapped in public, Rissel’s eyes gradually filled with murderous intent: “Even if you ignore the Gremory house, I must also consider the reputation of my Phoenix family.”

“You know, I came here this time and I am also prepared.”

Rissel stared at Rias tightly: “Prepare to burn all your family members, and the two humans over there, and even this entire school.”

“If you think you can do it, you can give it a try.” Liya glared back without showing any weakness, and the magic wave began to appear on her body.

Similarly, Rissel and her family members also had a hot breath.

The smell of gunpowder gradually filled the whole room.

“Senior Lias, let’s calm down a little bit here.” At this time, Xie Ming finally finished drinking the tea in the cup, and faintly persuaded Lias: “The two higher-level demons and the relatives of both sides, what if Fighting in this place may cause devastating damage to the entire Juwang Town. Isn’t this the place that Senior Sister you want to protect?”

“If you want to fight, it’s better to fight in that enchantment, isn’t it better?”

“Xie Ming, what do you mean, Ratings Game?” Lias was taken aback for a moment, and said in confusion.

“Ah, yes.”

Xie Ming smiled: “For demons, isn’t this ranking game the best way to resolve conflicts?”

Rankings game (Ratings Game) is now the fastest and most important way for demons to improve their status. The superior demon (king) leads his dependents (queen, knight, etc.) to fight in the virtual space created by the opponent.

The judgment of victory or defeat is that one party surrenders, or one party is completely destroyed.

Of course, in the ranked game, when the demons can no longer fight, they will be automatically teleported out and treated by a special treatment team. But this can only be said as a precaution, after all, death and injury will inevitably occur in battle, and the devil is not a good kind.

This ranking game was invented to prevent the demons from fighting internally and causing more casualties. After all, there are already fewer pure-blood demons, and it is too stupid to consume internally.

So when there is a conflict between demons, ranking games are the best way to resolve the conflict. However, this best method is really unfavorable for Rias.

“Hahahaha, human beings, where are you helping?” Rissel laughed loudly, “Do you really understand Lias’ situation?”

“What do you don’t understand?” Xie Ming said calmly: “It means that Rias has only one knight, a castle and a queen, and the people on your side have gathered. Or refers to the ranking of Rias. Haven’t participated in the game?”


Ressel mocked: “More importantly, your opponent who launched the ranking game is this uncle, Ressel Phoenix!”

“The opponent is you?” Xie Ming didn’t understand, but it seemed that the trash fish in front of him seemed very powerful?

“Master Xie Ming, Master Ressel’s current ranking game record is six wins in eight games.”

Gurefiya looked at Xie Ming and explained: “The two lost rounds were both exhibition matches.”


Xie Ming glanced at Rissel with interest, then turned to look at Lias: “How about, do you have the courage to take a gamble and leave this to me to deal with.”

“…Well, I believe you, Xie Ming.”

Rias closed her eyes and opened them again after a few seconds of silence: “Believe, you won’t let me down.”

“Don’t worry, I will never let my friends down.”

With Lias’s entrustment, Xie Ming could just let it go.

“That bird over there.”

Xie Ming mocked unceremoniously: “Although, I think a girl is unwilling to marry, no one has the right to force it. But in this world, there is always a reason and a reason. Therefore, we decided here. Hold a ranking game with you to give everyone a reason.”

“Participants of the ranking game are our Supernatural Research Department and you and your family members. The bet for the ranking game is Rias’s marriage. If one of us wins, then Rias’ marriage will be determined by her in the future. . And if we lose…”

With a grin, Xie Ming smiled happily: “Then Rias will marry you willingly, how about?”


Rissel looked at Xie Ming mockingly: “Fine Will become my slave girl, how?”

“… sure?”

An extremely bright smile appeared on Xie Ming’s face: “I, give you one last chance.”

“Then I really want to thank you! You are a human being who knows no height!!” Ressel grinned grimly: “My uncle Ressel, I don’t need you, a humble human being to give me a chance.”

“…Really?” Xie Ming nodded, then turned to look at Asia: “Asia, would you believe me?”

“Yes, Mr. Xie Ming!”

Asia nodded without hesitation: “I absolutely believe in Mr. Xie Ming.”

“OK, then you have put forward additional conditions, we can also put forward some additional conditions.” Xie Ming twisted his neck and asked with a smile.

“Yes.” Rissel mocked: “Speak out and listen.”

“No one is allowed to intervene in this ranking game. The Gremory family, the Phoenix family, and even the Four Demon Kings of Hell are not allowed to intervene. Once someone intervenes to help, then the person who is helped is immediately sentenced, how?”

“Puff ha ha ha ha ha, humans, humans are really too good at finding their own way! Okay, my uncle agreed!”

“Then, Miss Gurefiya.”

With a smile on his face, Xie Ming looked at Gu Leifiya: “You will be the witness for this ranking game, how about?”


Looking at the smile of the man in front of him, Gurefiya only felt that her cold hair was standing up from head to toe, but her face remained silent: “If Master Ressel agrees.”

“I have no questions.” Ressel immediately replied.

“Then the ranking game is established. The start time will be held in 5 days. The virtual space will be made based on the Koomao Academy. Both parties have no objections.”



Xie Ming and Rissel both looked at each other with smiles. It just so happened that the words in the minds of both sides were the same.

“Mongrel (human), you are dead.”

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