Chapter 778

“Yes, do you want to die?”

As soon as the four-character mantra came out, the entire playground fell silent for an instant. Everyone looked at the young man who drew the sword in a daze.

“Me, looking for death?”

The White Dragon Emperor tilted his head, and then covered his face: “Hahahaha, this is really the first time someone has said this to me. Should I say, is it the Chilong Emperor?”

“Stop talking nonsense, get out of the way.”

Xie Ming said coldly: “I don’t have the habit of letting the tiger go back to the mountain, let you take him back, and wait for him to come out and jump again next time?”

“Hey, this generation of Chilong Emperor has such a character.” The White Dragon Emperor smiled: “You don’t have to worry about this. Kokbol will not appear in everyone’s sight when he goes back this time. .”

“With Asacher’s character, it should be planned to freeze him permanently in the lower layers of hell.”

“so what?”


“What do you say, do I believe in anything?” Xie Ming said calmly: “You have only two choices now, one is to get out of the way and go back and report to that Asacher. The other is to be beaten by me. Then obediently let go.”

“…… Hahahaha, hahahahahahaha!!! Interesting, this generation of Chilong Emperor is really interesting!”

The White Dragon Emperor laughed: “My name is Wali, where’s your name?”

“Xie Ming.”

“Xie Ming, right?” Valli said happily: “Today, I really don’t want to fight with you here. Since you want the life of Kokboer so much, then give it to you. But if you kill him, you will be completely I have guilty with the fallen angel. Is this really okay?”


Xie Ming sneered, and mocked: “Assasser really didn’t know about Kirkbol’s actions? I calculated us and sent you out to finish it. As a result, I didn’t pay anything and let Laozi waste a night here. time.”

“In this world, there is no such good thing. Kokbol’s life is the tuition fee he paid this time. Don’t think it is a great twelve-winged fallen angel. If he dares to make a move, I will not miss it. ”

Immediately, he turned his gaze to Kirkbol with a hint of pity in his eyes: “I am complacent when I was thrown out as a pathfinder. Stand up and take action. It is better to die than to go back to hell and be permanently frozen. On the battlefield, isn’t it?”

“…Hahahaha, Asacher, Asacher.”

Kirkball clutched the wound on his chest, stood up swayingly, with a sorrowful smile on his face: “That’s it, this calculation, this plan, no wonder he became the governor of the fallen angel.”

“Xie Ming, Emperor Chilong…you are right. I would rather die in your hands than be permanently frozen! Let’s decide the outcome!!”

Exhausting his last strength, Kokbol roared, condensing all the power of light on his body into an extremely solid light gun. The only four black wings left behind instigated and rushed straight to Xie Ming.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

The net demon came out of her sheath, and the dark knife light slashed across it. Kokbol’s body was fixed in front of Xie Ming, and the light gun in his hand was only three centimeters away from Xie Ming’s forehead. But these three centimeters were a distance he could never cross.

“The fallen angel is buried in the dark. It’s a good way to die for you, Kirkbol.”

The blade returned to its sheath, Xie Ming glanced at the White Dragon Emperor Wali lightly, then turned and left.

“Goodbye, Arubian.” From the green gem on the back of his hand, Draig’s voice came out again: “Looking forward to the day of war with you.”

“Ah, me too, Draig.”

The wings of light behind flickered, and Arubian responded. Vali took a deep look at Xie Ming, then flapped his wings, his body once again turned into a white meteor and disappeared into the night sky.

“Xie Ming…” Muchang trot to follow Xie Ming: “That Kokboer…”

“already dead.”

Xie Ming yawned and said lazily: “Okay, I’m going back to sleep. You will be responsible for telling Rias about the situation tonight.”

After speaking, the body disappeared in the playground.


Kiba stopped and looked back at Kokboer. At this time, a gust of evening breeze passed. Kirkbol’s body frozen in place, under the blowing of the evening breeze, gradually turned into dust and slowly dissipated.

“…It’s terrible.” Kiba gave a wry smile, and was about to go home. On the playground, only Irina, who was in a coma, and Zenovia with a tangled face were left.

“Irina, we…what should we do…”


After school the next day, Xie Ming lazily carried his schoolbag, and walked to the old schoolhouse with Asia and the kitten. Because the battle last night was in a virtual space, neither the new school building destroyed by Xie Ming nor the potholes in the playground affected reality.

As for what happened last night, Kitty and Asia did not ask, so Xie Ming did not say. Because if the news of the ‘God is dead’ verified from Kirkboer was made known to Asia, this little girl would be like Irina, and she would pass out because of the shock.

However, things in the world always go against what people think.

When pushing open the door of the Supernatural Research Department, Xie Ming was stunned, the kitten was stunned, and Asia was stunned.

Because in the department, there are two figures that they are very familiar with. Xenovia, and Irina.

After seeing the three of Xie Ming, the two also showed some awkward smiles.

“Hello, Xie Ming.”


Xie Ming silently covered his face and looked at Lias: “Have you harvested the two of them as family members?”

“Well, that’s right.” Lias smiled: “Early this morning, they found my house with a face of self-defeatingness, and begged me to turn them into relatives. There was no way, I agreed.”

“Introduce me, my new family member, Knight Zenovia, and soldier Irina. Moreover, Irina reincarnated, but I used four soldiers’ chess pieces. It shows that this child also has quite outstanding potential. .”

“Destroy yourself…”

Xie Ming sighed, and then took his seat. Zhu Nai, who was next to him, took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Xie Ming, and said with a chuckle: “We have heard You Dou tell us about the matter. Last night, it was really hard, Xiao Mingming.”

“Genoviya, Irina, why…” Assia hasn’t reacted yet, her brain is a little down: “You guys, have you reincarnated as demons?”

“Ah, yes.”

Xenovia nodded, then stood up and said solemnly: “Acia Archido, I want to solemnly apologize to you. You are a devout believer in the Lord, not a witch.”

“And me and me.” Irina also stood up and said with a guilty expression: “I’m sorry, Asia, we shouldn’t have treated you that way before.”

“Hey? Hey?”

Asia was completely puzzled: “It’s okay, I didn’t mind. But…why is it so sudden?”

“…Lias, one more bishop, you shouldn’t suggest it.” Xie Ming rubbed his eyebrows and leaned weakly on the sofa.

“Ah, you didn’t explain to Asia.” Lias was a little surprised, and then relieved: “Yes, because of your personality, you really won’t take the initiative to tell this child.”

“What is the use?”

Xie Ming said helplessly: “I’ll leave it to you to explain to Asia.”

Then, as Xie Ming expected, Asia fainted after learning the news, and after waking up, she also took the initiative to make a request to Rias.

Now, in the Supernatural Research Department, there is really only Xie Ming a human being.

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