Chapter 780

The heart is tired, Xie Ming is really tired.

No matter what he explained, he was eventually blocked by Xenovia’s sentence “Aren’t you going to have a baby in the end?” And Irina and Asia, as if they were also persuaded by Xenovia, were also single-minded to fulfill their ultimate dream of being a woman.

What the hell is this final dream, this idiot trio!

Fortunately, under Xie Ming’s strong refusal, Xenovia finally gave up this idea temporarily. However, what she said when she left, really made Xie Ming full of helplessness.

“I understand, Xie Ming, what you mean is that you have to be happy in order to have children together. I think I like you very much now, but you don’t want to have children with me. In other words, you didn’t treat me Treat it as a woman you like.”

“Then, I will try my best to show the charm of my woman and make you like me. Irina, Asia, let’s work hard together and let Xie Ming like us!”



Watching the trio with fighting spirit in their eyes leave, Xie Ming felt that he really needed a sip of tea to suppress his shock.


“What’s the matter? Seniors who don’t want to be responsible.” The kitten calmly looked at Xie Ming and said lightly.

“………What responsibility do I have to bear.”

Xie Ming sighed and said dumbfounded: “Can you find a way to manage those three people?”


The kitten froze for a moment, and then his eyes turned into dead fish eyes: “Senior ergonomics, do you want me to be the palace to help you manage the harem?”

“…Your brain circuit is also quite peculiar.” Xie Ming almost took a sip of tea without being choked: “What I want to say is, can you help me persuade those three fools to give up That kind of unrealistic plan.”

“Impractical?” Kitten tilted his head: “Don’t you really like Asia and the others, seniors?”

“There are also several types of likes.”

Xie Ming said dumbfoundedly: “I like everyone in the Supernatural Research Department, but that’s just like being a friend.”

“Friends like…”

The kitten’s expression suddenly became extremely cold (in fact, nothing has changed), and he carried his schoolbag: “Sorry, senior, I think it’s better for senior to solve this matter by himself.”

“Hey, kitten, wait…”

Seeing the kitten leaving the department straight away, Xie Ming scratched his head: “These one and two, what’s the matter? Lias, Zhu Nai, come back soon…”

“I am so difficult…”



Walking on the bank of the river, Xie Ming sighed deeply again. When he thinks of the church trio, his head starts to hurt. But the next moment, his complexion became extremely calm.

Because in front of him, a handsome middle-aged uncle wearing a kimono with dark yellow bangs, black hair, a little stubble on his chin, and a bad smile, is looking at him.

Xie Ming felt an incomparably profound strength in him. Although not as good as Suzex, but also has a fourth-order low-end degree.

“Yo, boy.”

The middle-aged uncle raised the fishing rod in his hand and said frivolously: “Are you free, accompany me to fish for a while?”

“Just a moment.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “After all, there are still two greedy cats waiting for me to go home to cook.”

“Of course, it won’t be too long.” The middle-aged uncle smiled, not paying attention, just found a slightly larger stone and sat on it. Xie Ming also approached and sat not far from the middle-aged uncle.

“Hum, your fishing rod.”

Xie Ming was not polite when he took the fishing rod that was thrown over. He took out the bait from his box, hung it on the hook and threw it out. The eyes of the two of them were on the fishing float.

“Speaking of it, I haven’t introduced myself yet.” The middle-aged uncle shakes the fishing rod from time to time and chuckles, “But you should have guessed my identity as a teenager.”

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming didn’t make any moves, so he held the fishing rod quietly: “Recently, I have taken the initiative to find the door, and there is a very powerful existence. Apart from the Governor of the Fallen Angel, Asachel, I don’t know that there are any more. Other people.”

“Hahaha, indeed.” Asacher chuckled lightly: “Then Xie Ming, can you continue to guess why I am looking for you?”

“You can find me for many reasons. Can I know which one it is?”

Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “For Kokboor, or for the Cage of the Red Dragon Emperor? For the upcoming tripartite meeting? Or, all three?”

“No, it should be said that there are all four.”

“Four?” Xie Ming glanced at Asacher and asked faintly: “I haven’t guessed which one is left.”

“If you can guess this, your divine tool is not the hand of the Emperor Chiryu but the omniscience and omnipotence.”

Asacher laughed: “Let’s do it, it’s a bit unfair that I have always asked you four questions. After I asked you four questions, you can also ask me four questions. Both of us promise that if it’s not very confidential. Things must be told truthfully, how about it?”


Xie Ming re-examined Asacher: “It seems that I have made some mistakes in your previous guesses. Then, you can ask questions first.”

“Then I’m not welcome.”

With a quick lift, a half-foot-long fish was caught. Asachel was busy living, he said: “Why did you have to kill Kokboer at that time? Obviously hand him over to us. Dealing with the angels is the least trouble-free way.”

“The reason, Valli should have told you.” Xie Ming said lightly: “Just as I said that day, I want the fallen angels to pay the corresponding price.”

“That’s just a superficial reason, right?”

Asacher threw the fishing rod again: “What I want to know is your real intention.”

“The real intention…”

Xie Ming also raised the fishing rod, took out the new bait and hung it on the hook: “That day, my position was human. Then, you should understand, right?”

“…So that’s the case. Humans…” Asacher’s eyes appeared suddenly, and then he laughed at himself: “Even if it is me, there is such a boring sense of superiority in my heart. .”

“It’s normal.” Xie Ming shrugged: “The powerful power of your own Master will naturally bring you a sense of superiority. Everyone has it, but the authorities are fans and bystanders are clear.”

Don’t look at the conversation between the two and guessing the same, in fact, the content is very simple. Xie Ming said that his position is human. In other words, he killed Kokbor that day as a human representative.

Fallen angels, gods’ sides, demons…All the time, everyone’s attention has been focused on these three parties, but no one has ever noticed that the foundation of this world is human beings.

Human beings actually belong to the fourth party. It’s just that the fourth party has no knowledge of it, and it’s loose. But even so, human beings are the foundation of all forces.

Without human beings, no matter which force it is, it would not be able to continue to survive. What’s more, now, the tripartite forces can only rely on humans to continue to multiply.

Obviously, it has reached the point where no human beings can survive, and there are still some trilateral forces that do not pay attention to humans, and wantonly kill humans. Kirkbol is one of the typical.

The reason why Xie Ming insisted on beheading Kokboer himself was to warn all the forces.

Human beings are not the existence that allows you to slaughter at will!

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