Chapter 787: Tyrannical State

“Too…too strong…”

Everyone standing on the ground, watching the series of confrontations between Vali and Xie Ming, deeply felt the difference in strength. Even at the Kiba where Xie Ming played against Kokbol, he couldn’t say anything at this time.

The strongest white dragon emperor, Valli Lu Cifer… these two titles, when spoken from Valli, gave people a shock. But at this time, it was ironic to say these two titles again from Xie Ming’s mouth. Everyone could even feel how powerless Valli was at this time.

Close combat can only be given for nothing. Long-range warfare, if you don’t reach the god level, it’s for nothing.

Wasn’t Vali strong? Very strong! In the banned state, he has entered the pseudo fourth-order level. But the pseudo fourth-order, Xie Ming had already killed it in the second-order.

The only restriction on Xie Ming’s battle is his battle time limit. But under the treatment of Asia, it also extended to 10 minutes. Now, Xie Ming’s fighting time only took less than one minute.

After entering Tier 3, even if Xie Ming didn’t activate any state, it was enough to defeat the Pseudo Tier 4 Slayer. So just as he said, Vali really only has this level, then the King Kuma Academy is really the burial place of the strongest White Dragon King.

“The strongest white dragon emperor, and the red dragon emperor who is stronger than him… is really great!”

Vali suddenly lifted his ban on his hands. On his chest, the wound caused by the ‘Instant Knife Slash’ was still dripping blood slowly. But so what?

“In the fight just now, I have deeply understood one thing.” Vali raised his head, his eyes were like stars, and he looked at Xie Ming warly: “Even if I reach the limit through reduction and absorption, I can’t beat you. .”

“From the beginning of the battle until now, I have been trying to use the White Dragon Emperor’s Light Wings to absorb your strength and energy. However, it did not play any role. You firmly control every bit of your own combat power. This kind of physical control can only be described as horror.”

“So, I want to use my strongest strength to challenge you. I want to see how big the gap between me and you is!”


Xie Ming chuckled lightly and said faintly: “Then, let the horse come here.”

“Ah, I will do this.”

“Valley, do you want to use…”

In Arubian’s tone, there was obvious surprise.

“Of course! I said, I will work hard with my full strength!”

Vali spread his hands and said excitedly: “Among the artifacts that have hosted Ertianlong, above the forbidden hand, there is a stronger state! The name of the state is Tyrannosaurus!”

“Let you see now, the Tyrannosaurus of the White Dragon Emperor!!”

“…I, the awakened one.”

Along with Vali’s low spell, the aura on his body began to explode in a geometrical degree. The light wings of the White Dragon Emperor also began to bloom with unprecedented brilliance.

But this light is full of resentment and curse.

“Will it be wiped out in ashes?”

“It’s going to be wiped out…”

Like the curse of a resentful spirit, a low groan containing pitch-black emotion appeared all over Valli.

“It’s the second heavenly dragon that was taken away by the hegemony….”

“The dream is coming to an end!”

“Unreal is about to begin!”

Vali’s chanting, accompanied by the whispering of the wraith spirit, gave the entire battlefield a gloomy sense of oppression. Szekes et al. had long since retreated to the edge of the barrier, trying their best to maintain the barrier.

“Infinite jealousy, missing dreams…”


“Yes, give everything you have!!”

Slowly opening his eyes, Vali read the last paragraph of the vague spell.

“I, be the overbearing of the extremely white dragon…”

“Invite you to enter the boundless limit!!!”


Vali’s whole body was already covered by the light radiating from the wings of light. And his breath is gradually changing, rising, and soaring.

That is the dragon, it is the two-day dragon, and the white dragon emperor! !


The arrogance is rising, the magic in the air is burning, and the space is shaking. An extremely large figure slowly appeared in the halo.

Xie Ming stood in the air, watching all this happen silently. On the left hand, the Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor had automatically emerged.


Draig sighed: “Partner, I didn’t expect you to push the white one to this point.”

“Blam me?” Xie Ming turned Byakugan, but there was also a little dignity in his eyes: “This breath has already reached the peak of the lower stage of the fourth stage…”

“Of course, that’s Tyrannosaurus.” Draig explained solemnly: “The so-called Tyrannosaurus can only be used by the gods that seal the souls of monsters in such artifacts as ours. In the state of Tyrannosaurus, the gods All restrictions on the extermination will be lifted, and the holder will reach the realm of our strength back then.”

“The current Vali has surpassed the gods and demon kings. So if you continue to fight him in a normal state, you will lose.”

“So sure?”

Xie Ming smiled: “Well, but it is. In my normal state, the pseudo fourth-order is already the limit. However, this Tyrannosaurus state is really a bit open.”

“Partner, don’t you feel embarrassed when you say this?”

Draig flipped a Byakugan in the soul space Chūnin. When it comes to the open state, who can compare to Xie Ming?

“The Tyrannosaurus state, of course, is not so easy to use. This is a curse and resentment, an unknown posture.” Dreig explained: “In the Tyrannosaurus state, the mind of the artifact holder will be affected by the hatred accumulated in the artifact. And the impact of the curse is very likely to lose your mind.”

“In the worst case, the artifact will absorb the life of the holder, and it will not stop until death.”

“But I am different.”

The light dissipated, and Vali’s figure appeared.

It was also wrapped in a heavy pure white armor, but compared to the forbidden state, the armor in the Tyrannosaurus state was more ferocious, sharp, and the size was more than twice that of the forbidden hand.

Huge light wings, stout tail, head like a dragon. It looks like a dragon.

“Thanks to Lu Cifer’s blood, my magic power is extremely powerful. Therefore, even if it is Tyrannosaurus, I can consume a lot of magic power to maintain it without side effects. It’s just a short time.”

Slowly exhaling a white breath, the fierce Long Tong stared at Xie Ming firmly at this time.

“Then, let’s begin the final stage. Emperor Chilong, Xie Ming!”

“Yes, it’s time to end.”

Xie Ming stretched out his left hand, and a bright light began to bloom on the orb of the Crimson Dragon Emperor’s cage.

“Draig, ready.”

“OK, buddy.”

“WelshDragon, BalanceBreaker (Red Dragon Emperor, hands-free state)!!”

The hot bright red flame wrapped around Xie Ming’s body and turned into armor. The hideous and damaged dragon wings spread out behind his back.

“Come on, the final round, let’s start!”

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