Chapter 789 Infinite Dragon God


Like the end of the world, the original Juwang Academy has been completely transformed into a huge crater. There are deserted and cracked ground everywhere, and ruins burning with black and red flames.


A ruin was blown away, revealing the buried members of the Supernatural Research Department, as well as the bosses of the tripartite forces.


Looking at the exaggerated venue and the impending barrier, Assathier gave a wry smile: “It’s really a lot of trouble.”

“The blow just now…”

Michael glanced at the environment and shook his head: “If we don’t do our best to maintain the barrier, it is estimated that half of the island will be sunk.”

“Hey, really…” Seraphim grumbled and said, “The clothes are all burned.”

“Hahahaha, really.”

Suzex glanced at the burnt corner of his clothes, then at the gray-faced people, and chuckled, “But it’s also very interesting, isn’t it?”

“Brother…no, Lord Lu Cifer.” Lias asked anxiously, “Where is Xie Ming? Is Xie Ming okay?”

“He made such an exaggerated movement, what can he do.”

Asachel turned Byakugan: “If you want to find him, go to the middle of this crater. The Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor should be there.”


Rias hurriedly replied, then spread her wings and flew down. Junai, Kitty, Asia and others also spread their wings one after another, and followed Lias.

“Ooh ooh …..” Asa Sher touched his chin, something never too big, said: “Saze Alex, your future brother in law, may not only a wife ah.”

“Hahahaha, powerful and attractive people will have this situation, right?”

Suzex smiled, and said indifferently: “And who knows what’s going on in the future?”

“Well, too.” Asachel shrugged. “Then, let’s go there too.”

Everyone nodded.


At the center of the pothole, is the completely charred ground. One person stands and the other lies.


Pulling the demon knife from Vali’s chest, Xie Ming threw away the blood on it, and said lightly: “It’s over.”


Valli spit out a few bites of blood, lying in a pool of blood, his face pale. He reluctantly opened his eyes and smiled bitterly: “Yes… it’s over…”

“Then you should be enlightened, Valli Lu Cifer.”

Xie Ming looked at Vali calmly: “I said that if you become my enemy, then there will only be one end.”

“Dead… right?” Vali struggled a few times before giving up: “Really… the strongest White Dragon Emperor was defeated by the strongest Chilong Emperor.”

“Let’s do it… I have already realized…”

“Really? That…huh?”

The demon knife that was about to cut off Vali’s head instantly changed its knife path and slashed to his side.



An exaggerated shout, accompanied by a crisp crash, appeared beside Xie Ming. Xie Ming turned his head and looked around and found a young man with a golden hoop on his head, blocking his slash with a stick in his hand.

And those golden hoop and stick, as long as they are from country C, they will not admit their mistakes at all.

“Monkey King, Golden Cudgel?”

“No, no, I still hope you call me a monkey.”

The young man smiled hippiely and said: “The Monkey King you said should be my ancestor, fighting against Buddha Monkey King. And I, just his offspring.”

“So, what can I do?” Xie Ming said coldly: “Are you here to save Vali?”

“Ah, yes, yes.”

The monkey nodded and scratched his head: “Well, this guy I am also one of my friends. Can you please let him go?”


Xie Ming sneered: “Why?”

“Why… this…” The monkey caught around and looked very distressed: “Or, because my ancestor is Monkey King? After all, you see, my ancestor is also It’s your idol when you were a kid, right?”

“…” Xie Ming didn’t say a word, but the aura on his body began to calm down, and the hand of the Red Dragon Emperor appeared again.


The monkey stepped back all at once: “Then what’s the reason? One more enemy is not as good as one more friend. You have released Vali now, but you have gained the friendship of many of us?”

“This is a threat?”

Xie Ming laughed: “It means that if I kill Vali, many of you will come to trouble me?”

“Ah, this, that…” The monkey said in a tangled voice: “If you trouble you, we may be killed… But let me watch Valli be killed by you, I can’t do it either. Ahhhhhhhhhh, so troublesome. Boss, please come and talk to him.”


Xie Ming was stunned for a moment, and then his pupils shrank instantly, and he stretched a distance away, with a solemn expression.

Because I don’t know when, a petite black-haired beautiful girl in black has already squatted next to Valli, poking his white fingers lightly in Valli’s face.

“Valley, dying?”

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect you to come too.”

Valli said weakly: “I won’t die, but I’ve exhausted my strength and been defeated.”

“Not dead? That’s good.”

The black-haired girl stood up and looked at Xie Ming curiously: “Chilong, it’s been a long time.”

“…Draige, who is she?”

“This is really an unexpected meeting.” The orb on the back of his hand flashed, and Draig’s voice became serious: “Partner, she is the strongest existence in this world. Infinite Dragon God, Orpheus. ”

“Infinite Dragon God…”

Xie Ming narrowed his eyes, and his heart sank. Now he, below the middle of the fourth stage, can’t get close to him without even noticing it. In other words, the infinite dragon god who looked like a girl in front of him was an existence above the middle stage of the fourth stage.

“Fourth-order high-end…” He smiled bitterly in his heart, and Xie Ming’s expression was still calm: “Then, what are you doing?”

“do what….”

Orpheus tilted his head: “The monkey said that Valli was about to die, so I came over to take a look. But Valli is not dead, but he will be killed by you, um…”

“Can you spare Valli?”



Hearing Xie Ming’s answer, Monkey, Draig, Wali, and Arubian all made surprise sounds.

“That, Brother Chilong Emperor.”

The monkey smiled bitterly: “That’s our boss, Orpheus, the infinite dragon god, can’t you let us take a step here and give our boss a face?”

“Draig, your Host…” Arubian smiled bitterly: “You really found a good Host.”


Draig also smiled bitterly: “Partner, we really can’t beat Orpheus right now.”

“If you can’t beat it, you won’t know until you can’t beat it.”

Xie Ming said coldly: “I, don’t accept any threats. Draig, prepare.”

“Okay, okay… I’m too stupid to tell you this.” Draig said helplessly: “Then, I will accompany you to go crazy. Tyrannosaurus plus Spartan fury and killing intent fluctuations , I should be able to play with Orpheus.”

“It’s just that your injury will be more serious.”

“Fighting against the fourth-order high-end, it’s just that the injury is serious.” Xie Ming smiled: “Then trouble you to accompany me.”

“No way, who calls us partners.”

Draige chuckled lightly, and his voice became serious: “Then, get ready.”

“Well, awakening is the second heavenly dragon to win the hegemony of the gods…”

“Um, I don’t plan to fight you.”


The scene fell silent for a moment.

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