Chapter 792

In fact, Zhu Nai seemed a little strange after Asacher became a teacher at the school, but it was not so obvious. But after proposing to become stronger, Zhu Nai would occasionally be in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

The same applies to kittens. It’s just that the kitten’s situation seems to be more serious than Zhu Nai’s, and she may not even react to it when other people call her.

Everyone sees the kitten’s situation. Those who know are silent, and those who don’t know are worried. Finally, on the day before the summer vacation, Asia took Xenovia and Irina, and Xie Ming, and found Lias when the kitten was away.

“Sister Lias…” Aisia said worriedly: “Kitten, what’s the matter with her?”

“Is it uncomfortable?”

“Or something happened?”

Genovia and Irina also asked one after another, while Xie Ming was sitting aside, drinking tea quietly.

“…Yes, it’s time to tell you too.”

Rias sighed deeply and said softly: “The kitten was not a human before it reincarnated as a demon. It was a kind of superior monster, the cat.”

“Furthermore, it is a very rare clan of Mandrill in the Cat You Clan.” Zhu Nai said somewhat complicatedly: “The Clan of Cat Mandrill is born with powerful powers, and can use both magic and celestial arts at the same time. It is the most powerful Chinese style in the Cat You Clan. exist.”

“It’s just that today, the Mandrill family is close to extinction. Kitten and her sister should be the last Mandrill.”

“elder sister?”

The usually clumsy Assia always grasps the point at critical moments: “Does the kitten’s situation have anything to do with her sister?”

“um, yes.”

Lias leaned on the seat and looked at the ceiling, seeming to recall the scene at the time: “Once upon a time, there was a black cat and a white cat. Two cats and sisters lost their parents and home. They have been relying on each other to survive. NS.”

“One day, two cats were picked up by the devil again, and the sister of the cat became the devil’s dependents, and the two sisters finally lived a normal life.”

“But being reincarnated as a demon will develop the abilities originally contained in the reincarnated person. So the power of the cat and sister has exploded. One day, the cat and sister killed his owner, became a lost demon, and ran away.”

“Sister Maoyou’s power has become very powerful at that time. The devil’s pursuit troops went to annihilate her, but she killed them all. Sister Maoyou was left behind, among the demons.”

“In order to prevent the cat from having the same situation with my sister, the demons decided to deal with my sister. At that time, my brother stopped everyone and adopted her on the condition of surveillance and handed it over to me.”

“This is my past.”


Hearing the sound without ups and downs, everyone looked at it. The kitten was standing at the door, looking at everyone guiltily: “I’m sorry, everyone is worried.”


Asia ran over and hugged the kitten: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But looking at the kitten’s recent appearance, I really am…”

“It doesn’t matter, Asia.” The kitten shook his head slightly: “I didn’t tell everyone, and made everyone worry about me.”

Seeing the two girls hugging each other, everyone present smiled. Xie Ming drank the tea silently, glanced at the kitten, then at Zhu Nai, he couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

“Zhu Nai is because of hatred, and the kitten is because of fear and fear…”

However, that is one’s own power, one’s own blood, and one’s own past. The actions of Zhu Nai and the kitten are merely evasive. But when can this escape be?

Like Xie Ming, he originally lived in a world without mystery and possessed the ability of Rewrite to be different from ordinary people. Even if this power was used for self-protection, it was rejected by everyone. So he began to hide himself, and began to disguise himself.

Although not the same as kittens, repelling their own power. But after using it in childhood, he never used this power again. But it was his partner who really made him accept this power.

In that church that day, Xie Ming had never thanked him from the bottom of his heart for this strength. Because of his power, he really became a friend’s salvation, shining the first light into the dark world of his friend.

If he doesn’t have this power, he can’t save Lucia at all, redeem Lucia’s heart.

Since that day, he really understood a truth. There is no right or wrong power, but people. Why use this power, how to use this power. When you really understand the answers to these two questions, there will be no more confusion in your heart.

It was because of the experience that he understood that this kind of knot could not be solved by words. You have to wait until the time is really suitable, when the two have to face themselves.

But this does not mean that he does not need to do anything.


“Yes, senior.” Kitten and Asia separated, with amber pupils staring at Xie Ming.

Xie Ming stood up, walked to the kitten, and gently touched her head: “I want to say, there is only one sentence. This is what I said to you from the beginning.”

“My power will only be used for protection.”

“Kitten, where do you use your power?”

“My….. Strength…” The kitten lowered his head, his pupils full of complexity and entanglement.

Similarly, when Zhu Nai heard Xie Ming’s words, mixed emotions appeared in his eyes.


Sometimes, Xie Ming really felt that these demons were a bit too grounded. A group of demons, going to the underworld, had to take a train. What made him even more speechless was that he had to go to the station in the town to get on the train in the underworld.

According to Lias, this situation does not seem to be unique to Juwang Town and the Gremory family. Every station seems to have this kind of secret floor where you can ride the underworld train.

Of course, not every time you return to the underworld, you have to take a train. Like the last time Gurefiya had notified Rias of her marriage contract from the underworld, it came directly through the teleportation array.

The reason why I have to take the train to the underworld this time is because the four of Asia, Zenovia, Irina and Xie Ming need to’enter’ through official channels.

But even so, Xie Ming couldn’t complain about this way. Obviously a demon possessing magic and magic power, can’t there be a tall way to enter?

As for what is the way to enter in the tall, don’t ask Xie Ming, he doesn’t know.

Looking at the bright red luxury train in front of him, Xie Ming sighed and followed Lias into it.

Think about it for the good. At least being able to feel the fluctuations and ways of traveling through different spaces in the train will help his Space Master a little bit, doesn’t it?

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