Chapter 796

“To prevent the dusk of the gods?”

Xie Ming frowned, “…he wants to refer to the incident of fallen angels, angels and demons, and come to sign a peace treaty with the giant?”

“Bingo~, you deserve to be the Red Dragon Emperor sauce, and your head is also very smart~” Seraphim clapped her hands and said cutely, “I got the right question, do I need any rewards?”

“…” Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, ignoring Seraphim, and continuing to analyze: “However, I don’t think this idea can be successful.”



Falbiwin, who has always been lazy, raised his spirit a little: “How to say?”

“How can I say, what else can I say?”

Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “You should know what price the tripartite forces have paid to sign a peace treaty as they are now.”

What was the price?

The price paid is too much. The four great demon kings are dead, the gods are dead, the pure blood demons are almost extinct, and the pure angels are almost gone. This thousand-year war finally came to a halt until the three forces were about to genocide.

“But even if this is the case, in addition to the angels, there are people who want to continue the war between the fallen angels and the demons.” Xie Ming couldn’t help but said mockingly: “You still do this, let alone the Nordic Protoss?”

“Yes, it is true that the examples of your three parties have become a lesson from the past. But the lesson from the past is only a lesson from the past. If it is able to play such a big role, then the world will have been peaceful for a long time, how can there be continuous disputes like this?”

“Then according to you, won’t the world never be peaceful?”

Suzex said in a deep voice, “Xie Ming, what you mean seems to be saying that even if the three parties sign a peace agreement, sooner or later we will fight each other again.”

“Of course, Suzex. Now the three parties can be at peace, it’s entirely because of your four demon kings, Michael and Asachel, who have absolute dominance. You should know this in your heart.”

Xie Ming said indifferently: “If you have been hoping for peace and have been safe and sound, then there will naturally be no wars between the three parties. The so-called peace has just arrived in this way.”

“It’s very simple to want peace. In this power-first world, as long as you have a bigger fist than anyone else, you can suppress everyone. Everything is under your rule. If there are insurgents, you can directly eliminate it. Keep it. With your invincible posture, then the world you rule is naturally peaceful.”

“The second type is to gather together spontaneously to maintain peace after everyone has experienced pain and grief. The three of you are currently in this state, but other forces have not experienced what you have experienced. So in the future, A new war will inevitably be launched.”

“The last one is actually very similar to the first one. Since it is a violent-kun, it will inevitably be overthrown. To become a violent-kun, then it means standing on the opposite side of the world and becoming the enemy of all life.”

“When everyone has an enemy in common, then they will be unusually united and hardworking.” Xie Ming chuckled lightly: “And when this enemy disappears, the fetters formed when facing the enemy together will become A bridge for peace.”

“The enemy will gather everyone’s hatred and sin and disappear into the darkness.”


For some reason, when hearing Xie Mingjiang’s words, Suzex and others felt an inexplicable sense of sadness. It seemed that the man in front of him had experienced all this. However, this is impossible.

Therefore, they feel very contradictory to the feelings that appear in their hearts.

“The words are a bit too far apart.”

Xie Ming coughed lightly: “That’s why I said that it was unrealistic for Odin to learn from the peace treaty here. Unless, participating in the peace treaty here is only part of his plan.”

“Part of…could it be!” Falbiwin thought for a moment, and then reacted.

“Yes, this is actually a trick to get the snake out.” Xie Ming said with a smile but not a smile: “Odin wants to conclude a peace treaty, then the gods in the gods who do not agree with Odin’s ideas will inevitably stand up and destroy them at this time. .”

“At that time, it was the time when Odin ruled out dissidents, and he didn’t need to do it himself. Because this is the realm of the devil. And I, the Seiryu Emperor, who is most suitable to rule out dissidents, is also here.”

“Whether you are the four great demon kings or Odin himself, it is easy to cause conflicts between the Biblical Gods and the Nordic Gods, or the beginning of the dusk of the gods. And I, a powerful human being, will not only have no such worries. , And it can put out one’s own flames.”

“As the saying goes, you can kill two birds with one stone.”

Xie Ming lifted Erlang’s legs, with an unpredictable smile on his face: “Although I haven’t seen Odin yet, this old guy counts me to death. Because if there is really a Nordic god It’s impossible for me not to make trouble here.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

Suzex looked a little stern: “You, do you want to take action against Odin?”

Yes, according to Xie Ming’s personality, it is impossible not to counterattack by being so calculated. And being able to stop the existence of Orpheus, even if Odin is the main god of the Nordic gods, it is impossible to retreat in his entirety.

But this is still in the underworld where the devil is. If Xie Ming fights Odin here, who should the devil help?

Help Odin? Then Xie Ming will be offended. Help Xie Ming, then the devil will go to war with the Norse gods. Don’t help each other? It’s even more unreasonable. Xie Ming helped the three major forces so much. Odin came to sign a peace treaty with the three forces (at least on the surface).

So if Xie Ming and Odin really fought, the most embarrassing thing would be the three major forces that concluded the peace treaty.

“So, the old man is really good at calculating.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “But this time, I did his calculations, and I am willing to be calculated by him. After all…”

“Killing a god seems to be very useful to me.”

Feeling the wrath of Spartan in his body, he was about to move, and when he remembered some deeds of Lord Kratosqui, Xie Ming’s mouth slightly cocked.

Having inherited Kui Ye’s mantle of killing gods, he hasn’t killed gods so far, which is really unreasonable.

Since Odin sent such a gift, how could he refuse it?

Looking at the ill-intentioned smile on Xie Ming’s face, a wry smile appeared on the faces of the Four Great Demon Kings and Gule Feiya. If the man in front of him was willing to suffer, then it would be impossible for him to dare to draw his sword in front of Orpheus.

The only thing the four of them can do is to try their best to minimize the impact and prevent other good deeds from appearing.

“Well, the meeting is about to begin, and we should go out.”

Xie Ming glanced at the time and stood up: “Just look at the old man Odin, what kind of cunning face does this old man have.”

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