Chapter 832


Hei Zhen’s pupils shrank as he watched the light blasting toward him quickly, and he didn’t care about any image problems at all, so he flew directly to the side, barely avoiding the rays. But just by wiping it, the black and purple armor on her body was melted in half, and the flames ignited.

“Damn it!”

The flames of hatred burned fiercely all over his body, extinguished the flames on his body, and then mobilized magic power to restore the light armor on his body. A little solemn also appeared in Hei Zhen’s eyes.

As mentioned earlier, if he only competes against the panel, Heizhen has no reason to lose. But if the servant’s hole card-Treasure is used, then Black Zhen will definitely not be Garna’s opponent.

For the follower, the panel is very important, but it is not the most critical. The only thing that can determine victory in a follower battle is the treasure of the follower. As long as your treasure is strong enough, even if your panel is all E, you can win.

What Saber is against Lancer, Acher is against Saber, what is on three rides and under three rides, in front of powerful treasures, the attributes of careers are not worth mentioning.

Why is Gilgamesh the strongest follower? It is because they have enough treasures and strong enough.

As a top servant who can break the wrist with Gilgamesh, Garna naturally possesses more than just the golden armor on his body: the sun wheel, turned into armor (Kavacha and Kundala). The hot light shining from his eyes is another of his treasures.

Brahma, covering the earth (Brahmastra).

The level is unknown, the scope is unknown, and the maximum number of people captured is unknown. However, the types of this treasure are the military and national treasures.

Altria’s treasure: Excalibur, a treasure against the city. And under the treasure of the city is the army. Above the treasures of the city, it is the country. (Here only refers to range, not power.)

In fact, the power of military treasures and human treasures is not easy to distinguish, but if it can cause destructive power, it is definitely a military treasure that can carry out large-scale attacks on an army of dozens to hundreds of people.

Above this, the treasure against the city is a powerful attack that can blast the entire city directly, and the destructive power is definitely above the treasure against the military.

And above the treasures of the city is the treasures of the country. There are more people and scope to capture than the treasures of the city, and the treasure that can destroy a small country in one blow is the national treasure.

Garna’s treasure, Brahma, covering the earth (Brahmastra) is a treasure for the army and a national treasure, mainly based on how much magic power he has invested in the treasure. Putting less magic power is on the people and the army. More magic power is invested, and that is to the country.

But no matter how much magic Garna put in, the power of the treasure will not change. If Heizhen had just been hit, she would definitely be seriously injured.

Of course, there is no such thing as a hit. If Hei Zhen hadn’t escaped just now, Xie Ming would also use his space ability to help Hei Zhen escape.

“Did you hide away… my treasure.”

An accident flashed in Garner’s eyes, but his tone was still very calm.

“Of course I hid!” Hei Zhen patted the dust on her body and said uncomfortably: “If I didn’t hide, I can still talk to you here!?”

“Even if it is an illusory life like a bubble, this spirit and strength are enough to make me praise, Black Joan. No, you should be called the avenger.”

Garna pulled out his spear that was stuck on the ground and looked at Hei Zhen and said lightly. Obviously, he has seen the essence of Heizhen.

The insight of the poor, the inherent skills of Garna at level A. Garner with this skill can see through the nature and attributes of the opponent at a glance. After just a short battle, Garna had already seen through the black zhen.

“Oh, you lancer really can’t speak at all.”

Heizhen glanced at Garner with disgust, even if she didn’t care about it anymore, she was still very upset to be said so: “I guess, whether you were alive or after you became a servant, you have no friends, right? ?”


“Why don’t you speak?” Hei Zhen showed a mocking smile: “Could it be that you don’t have this kind of self-consciousness? Think you are not disliked?”


Even with Garna’s plain and steady personality, the pain of being poked by Hei Zhen at this time made the corners of her mouth twitch. At this moment, he seemed to understand why when he said that he broke the other party, the other party would sometimes jump into a rage.

“True hero, kill with your eyes!”



This time the treasure was obviously increased in power, and the ground was cut open by the hot light, and exploded and shattered. Hei Zhen’s body was covered by the dust in the sky.

“Honest people are getting angry too…”

Xie Ming watched the battle between Hei Zhen and Garna with a dubious laugh, and couldn’t help but sigh that Hei Zhen’s poisonous tongue was really strong.

“Cough…cough cough…”

The dust was dispersed with the waving of the flag, Hei Zhen coughed and wiped her face. Then he looked at Bai Zhen and roared: “Hey! When are you stupid saints going to be stunned!? I can’t beat him, mother, so why don’t I come and help!”

“There is also master, you just watched me being bullied!”

“Ah, sorry.”

Bai Zhen reacted and glanced at Hei Zhen with a weird expression. Just when he was about to do it, she stopped again.

“I can’t fight, Jeanne.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “There is someone from the black side. If you want to fight, it will be black and red. It’s not our business.”


At this time, a figure fell from the sky, and the two-handed sword in his hand slashed fiercely, and it collided with Garna’s spear!


“Yes, yes~, reinforcements are here, Ruler and her friends~”


The Griffin screamed up to the sky and stopped by Xie Ming’s car. A pink-haired girl (??) armed with a knight’s gun jumped off the Griffin and said vigorously: “Then, my opponent is this big Taller?”

“The oppressor?”

Spartacus, who had always been smiling, lowered his head and glanced at the pink-haired boy (!!!), then turned his gaze to Xie Ming: “Not an oppressor.”

“The oppressor? What do you mean?”

Fenfa Afu jumped to Xie Ming’s side in twos, and said happily, “Hey, are you the master? Why don’t you have a magic spell on your hand? And why are there two Rulers that are exactly the same over there? And also, what is your name? Is it a human? By the way, my name is Astorfo…”


Xie Ming rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Astorfo helplessly: “Do you think it’s time to explain this?”

“Ah, that’s right! Well, it’s dangerous here, you can go aside and hide! This big guy, let me solve it!”

Astorford reacted and immediately stood in front of Xie Ming, and said with a serious face: “Don’t worry! Although I am not very strong, I am very experienced in playing against big men who are not very flexible! ”

“No one, can you take care of his stubborn mouth?”

Xie Ming sighed and jumped off the roof: “By the way, if you don’t touch Spartacus, he won’t be able to do it. So save your energy.”

After finishing speaking, he touched the feathers of the griffon next to him, and walked to the side road.

There, two magicians dressed in white had got out of the car and looked at him with serious faces.

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