Chapter 835


“Humans, who are not even magicians, are uttering wild words here. It’s really a matter of life and death.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, as expected, Sereni Guy and Gold directly ridiculed them. Others are either uninterested or wisely silent. The followers felt the danger.

As an existence far surpassing manpower and capable of destroying the country, did he actually feel the danger in a mere human? Even the most sensible follower was surprised and absurd at this feeling of himself. So the followers just took Xie Ming’s words as bluffs.

But the sane follower didn’t take Xie Ming’s words seriously, so what about the follower who has nothing to do with the word sane?

“Wow! So you are so amazing!!”

Astorfo ran to Xie Ming, his eyes gleaming: “Hey, I have introduced myself before, but you haven’t told me your name yet! Can you tell me?”

“………My name is Xie Ming, the lord of Avenger Joan of Arc.”

“Oh oh! Xie Ming, a nice name! I would like to take care of you from now on, Xie Ming!”

Grabbing Xie Ming’s hand and shaking it up and down, Astorfo said happily.

“Rider, come back soon!”

As the lord of Astorford, Serene Guy’s expression suddenly became a little ugly, seeing his followers so close to others. Looking at Xie Ming’s eyes, there was also a hint of coldness and cruelty.


Shrugging, Astorfo smiled and waved to Xie Ming: “Then, I have time to talk later~”


Xie Ming twitched the corners of his mouth, then looked at Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen who looked at him with inexplicable eyes, and said angrily: “He is a man!”


Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen widened their eyes and looked at Astorfo, their eyes filled with disbelief.

“Well, that’s it.”

Vlad III said lightly: “Since you feel that you have no comment on the first question, you should be able to give me a satisfactory answer to the second question, Xie Ming.”

“What is the purpose of bringing the Red Berserker to our camp?”

“What’s the intention…”

Xie Ming chuckled: “Lancer, the level of this question is really bad. You mean, I, who didn’t participate in the Holy Grail War, can control the Berserker with the master of the red side, and I even uncovered him. Brought it among your seven followers?”

“This kind of trick of getting cheap and selling well, let’s save it.”

Although Berserker is the most troublesome existence, it is undeniable that Berserker’s force value is still quite powerful. Before the black and red sides started to fight, the red side first lost a follower.

This situation is an absolute advantage for Black. Even if Spartacus made a fuss here, with the presence of the seven black followers, it was enough to take it down without a blood.

Xie Ming also said before that if Spartacus makes trouble, then they will take the responsibility to deal with Spartacus.

Under such circumstances, Vlad III actually wanted to talk about this kind of problem, and there was only one case to test the depth of Xie Ming. Unfortunately, Xie Ming didn’t have time to accompany the ‘piercing man’ to play this kind of word game.

“It always feels like you have misunderstood something.”

Xie Ming’s face gradually cooled down: “I really thought, you seven followers are here, so you can take us casually?”


The pure flames of the sky flames around his waist unsheathed instantly, and a jet of dark knife light spread instantly.

“So courageous!”

Seeing Xie Ming drawing his sword unexpectedly, Vlad III shouted angrily. Countless iron piles appeared on the floor of the hall, and they all stabbed at Xie Ming. But in the face of the dark knife light, these iron stakes looked as fragile as tofu.

“Crack, click, click…”

Countless iron piles were severed, and the knife light continued to spread at the previous speed.

“Saber! (Archer!) (Berserker!)”

Three voices sounded at the same time, and the three servants quickly took their weapons and blocked the condensed light of the sword to prevent him from spreading.


The girl with a single horn on her head let out a roar, and the ball-shaped weapon in her hand instantly shot out, hitting all the lights that Xie Ming slashed out. Qi Gefei also burst into magic power, and magic sword energy appeared on the two-handed sword.


Finally, at the cost of half-damaged the hall, Xie Ming’s knife light was finally blocked. But the eyes of those present were already full of horror.

The three followers acted real, and then they resisted the light of a sword cut by a human being casually. What kind of concept is this. No, before this, what is the concept of human beings who can cut the blade?

“I am usually not very angry.”

Waving the weapon in his hand casually, Xie Ming dispelled the dust in the hall, his face calm: “However, this is not the confidence that you can act recklessly in front of me.”

“Janna doesn’t care about these little things, it doesn’t mean I don’t. The black magician and followers, listen carefully. The three of us are the defenders and adjudicators of this Holy Grail battle.”

“We will not interfere with the normal fighting between your red and black sides, which does not mean that we will not attack you. Whether it is red or black, if there is someone who violates the rules of the Holy Grail war, then we will inevitably impose sanctions. ”

“After just that, I believe you can also understand that we have enough strength to maintain the rules.”

Xie Ming sneered, glanced at everyone present, and finally fixed his eyes on the ugly faces of Vlad III and Dannick: “This time, it is a reminder and a warning.”

“In front of me, it’s better to clip your tail obediently, and don’t pretend to be a big-tailed wolf with me. Jeanne, Jeanne, let’s go.”

The next moment, the three people disappeared into the city, along with the off-road vehicle in the parking lot.

“Even the Master uses the technique of spatial movement…”

Xie Ming’s revealing hand stunned the masters of the Thousand Boundary Tree. Especially Vlad III, his face at this time, as if dripping water. But his heart is very helpless.

Vlad III’s moral character is very noble, but this does not mean that he will not play with his mind. With Lancer, he was called out from the land of Romania, and his character as a ‘king’ is even more obvious.

To be honest, with regard to the two questions Xie Ming asked, he really just wanted to give the other side a chance. As a king, he couldn’t be whispering to others, even if they were Ruler.

Even according to his idea, he originally wanted to maintain a good relationship with the three of Xie Ming. The reason why he asked two obvious questions was just to answer Bai Zhen’s question to him before.

Anyway, you have also arrived at our site, and we also have the advantage of force. When you come here, it’s like me asking what’s going on? I’m a shameless “king”? But who knows, the other party is also a violent temper, so he just lifted the table and stopped playing with you.

As a result, it was so self-defeating.

“Xie Ming…”

Repeating the name in a low voice, Vlad III turned around and disappeared into the air.

I believe that after Xie Ming’s move, the strategy of the Thousand Realms Tree side will change somewhat.

But these things are not about Xie Ming.

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