Chapter 841

“This is really…”

“Just kidding, it’s Jack the Ripper…”

“And it’s Assassin…”

Whether it was Luvia or Rin and Sakura, there was a trace of despair in their eyes at this time. If they were replaced by any other follower, they might still have a little chance of escape.

However, in front of Jack the Ripper, who is Assassin, the chance of the three of them fleeing is zero.

Every Assassin has a career skill called Breath Interruption. As far as magicians are concerned, Assassin is the most dangerous. They couldn’t perceive the other party’s breath at all, and even if the other party was talking, the three of them couldn’t confirm the location of Jack the Ripper.

But even so, the three of them have a way to deal with it.

Because the subspecies holy grail wars happen frequently today. Assassin’s job description is the most widely known. As the representative of Assassin, Yamanaka old man Hassan. Except for First Generation Yamanaka, the old man has not been summoned, other Hassan’s information has been exposed.

It is for this reason that the original Assassin master specially summoned Jack the Ripper, a modern hero.

As the most famous murderer in the world, Jack the Ripper’s strength is beyond doubt. Moreover, she is the hero who most fears women.

In London in 1888, many newspapers received anonymous letters and fragments of women’s internal organs, unscrupulously announcing his existence to the world. The London police launched an investigation, but no results were obtained.

Nothing was found except the corpse. It was the biggest unsettled case of the last century that allowed the murderer Jack the Ripper to rise to the level of heroic spirits.

Jack the Ripper is not so much a hero, she is closer to the feeling of demons and ghosts. Because no one knows his true face, his true identity. Therefore, the name of Jack the Ripper will be changed according to the job descriptions summoned.

At this time, Jack the Ripper, summoned by Assassin’s career, is a collection of resentful spirits of children aborted by prostitutes. Before they came into this world, their lives had already ended.

The knocked-out fetus was thrown into the sewers of London, one, one, one, full of sewers, with the resentment and hatred of being abandoned before birth.

Since we are not allowed to be born, let us go back. Back there, in the warm womb.

So Jack the Ripper has only one wish, he wants to return to his mother’s belly. For this purpose, they will constantly wave the sharp blade in their hands and cut open the female’s abdomen.

Jack the Ripper attacked the magician because of her ‘soul eater’ ability as a murderer. By hunting people’s souls, supplement their own magic power, and keep their strength in the best condition.

The magician’s soul is the best tonic for Jack the Ripper. So she gains magic power by eating the magician’s heart.

Facing the little girl in front of them, the three girls did not dare to make any movements.

Because they knew that as long as they moved a little bit, the knife in Jack the Ripper’s hand would cut their abdomen in the next second.

There is no way for them.

If no one comes to help them…

“Hey, yeah, I went out for a walk to digest, and I was able to bump into a servant. I don’t know if this is luck or misfortune.”

The three figures walked slowly into the dense fog without any psychological pressure, and walked directly between the three Rin and Jack the Ripper, protecting the three.

“Servants, and humans?”

Jack the Ripper tilted his head, his eyes filled with innocence: “Why, you can walk here in the fog? Why, human beings are not swallowed by the fog?”

“On this thing, compared to the scariest fog I have ever seen, it is still far behind.”

Xie Ming shrugged and said faintly: “But you are in this fog, it is really difficult for me to capture your position. This is your treasure, right?”

“That’s right, big brother.”


He took off the scabbard around his waist and moved back one step, making a metal crash. In just the blink of an eye, Jack the Ripper came behind Xie Ming, and the knife stabbed his heart relentlessly.


“I didn’t find it!”

The pupils of Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen shrank, and they instantly became alert. But Jack the Ripper was also surprised.

“A liar… can actually block our attack…”

After a few jumps, the petite body was once again hidden in the thick fog. Even Xie Ming couldn’t perceive the exact location of Jack the Ripper at this time.

“The breath blocking A+, and the murder of the misty night…”

Jack the Ripper’s inherent skills: Murder in the misty night (A): As she is not an assassin but a homicide, as the perpetrator, she can always preempt the opponent as the victim. However, the only thing that can unconditionally take the initiative is the night. During the day, you need to be lucky.

Originally, Assassin’s breath was blocked, and his breath would be exposed when attacking. However, Jack the Ripper’s inherent skills, the murder of the foggy night, completely made up for this shortcoming.

Therefore, Jack the Ripper’s sneak attack will be a perfect surprise attack. Xie Ming in a normal state can only catch her movement when she is within 1 meter of her.

“By the way, this fog is really in the way…”

The pitch-black pupils slowly turned into emerald green colors exuding rainbow light. Xie Ming looked at the mist and calmly said, “Although it is a treasure, it is also formed by magic.”

“Since it is magic, then I can eliminate it.”


The sound of broken glass came from all directions. Then the fog that filled the urban area disappeared instantly.

“Our treasure…”

Having quietly touched Jack the Ripper behind Rin’s trio, his body suddenly froze. The next moment, she attacked the three of them.

Even if there is only one, they have to get their hearts.

“Little devil, after the fog dissipates, do you think you can still succeed?”

Heizhen’s body has been blocked in front of Jack. Without hesitation, the black dragon banner in her hand made a sound of breaking through the air, and it hit her abdomen heavily.


With a cry of pain, the petite body instantly flew out and hit the wall of the building, causing countless cracks.

“It’s not over yet!”

The iron stake with the flame of hatred came out of nowhere, pierced Jack’s limbs mercilessly, and nailed it firmly to the wall.

“Assassin of Black, Jack the Ripper.”

Bai Zhen moved forward slowly, a sacred white light appeared in his hand. She saw through Jack’s identity, so she had to fulfill her duties as a priest and as a Ruler.

“The undead wandering in the world, I will purify your grievances so that you can rest in peace.”


Jack looked at the light on Bai Zhen’s hand in fear, and cried loudly like a child: “Mom! Mom, help me!! Mom!!!”

As if hearing Jack’s cry, the space began to twist. Even if Heizhen reacted in time and pierced Jack’s head with the sharp blade of the flag in her hand, it was too late.

Jack the Ripper, has been summoned back by her master through Lingshu.

“Tsk… escaped…”

Hei Zhen smacked her mouth and looked at Bai Zhen unhappy: “You idiot saint, you must do some purification. If you burn it, it will be over!? It’s fine now, I don’t know if I can catch it in the future. she.”

“Jan of Arc, that child…no, those children are sad.” Bai Zhen said softly, “So, I have to calm their grievances and let them rest in peace.”

“Whatever you want.” Hei Zhen removed her spiritual outfit and looked at Xie Ming: “Then master, what about these three magicians?”

What to do, how do I know what to do?

Xie Ming gave a wry smile, looking at Luvia, Rin and Little Sakura, a little sigh, some fortunate, and a little complicated. In the next second, he condensed these emotions and said calmly.

“Don’t worry, let’s go back to the hotel.”

After that, he turned around and left first.


At this moment, the little Sakura who had been silent suddenly took a step forward and stopped Xie Ming. Her eyes were filled with confusion.

“Excuse me, do we know each other?”

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