Chapter 857 Jack the Ripper Reappears

“Why does it become like this…”

In the city of Tulifare, Fiore sighed deeply while looking at the crowded streets.

“Why, don’t you want to go out on a date with me?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “Is it possible that Miss Fiore already has a sweetheart?”

“My sweetheart or something… and not…”

Fiore blushed, and then said dissatisfied: “Mr. Xie Ming, is it a bit too frivolous to say these things to a girl who hasn’t seen each other a few times?”

“Girl?” Xie Ming chuckled lightly: “Not a magician, but a girl?”

“…Sure enough, what Archer said to Mr. Xie Ming, right.”

After a moment of silence, Fiore asked softly.

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “After all, your situation in the past two days, not just him, your brother Kaules is also very worried.”


Suddenly, Fiore didn’t know how to talk.

Because this is indeed the case, after the death of Dannick, Fiore, as the next Patriarch, automatically assumed the responsibility of Patriarch. Arrangement and planning of various family affairs…

The burden was placed on the girl’s body, and the girl could not breathe in an instant. Without the help of his younger brother Kaules, I believe the entire Thousand Realms Tree would soon collapse.

“It’s useless, my sister…”

Fiore’s expression was a little lost: “I always seemed to think that I was a reliable older sister, so I had to protect my younger brother. As the next Patriarch of the Thousand Realms Tree, I have to shoulder the entire family.”

“But in these two days, I realized. I am not as reliable as I thought. On the contrary, it is Cowles. His aptitude and ability in this area make my sister a little bit behind the dust. This makes me feel a little bit more uncomfortable. Blow.”

Xie Ming did not speak, but quietly pushed Fiore’s wheelchair and walked slowly on the street.

Reliability, shock, loss… These emotions shouldn’t actually appear in a magician.

The magician must remain calm at all times, unscrupulous and ruthless in order to achieve his goal. Some magic experiments, no matter how bloody and cruel, as long as they can help their own research, then the magician will do it.

And Fiore’s current performance is really too humane, too…not like a magician.

She is trying to force herself.

Perhaps it is precisely because she is not familiar with Xie Ming that she pours these inner worries to Xie Ming. This is why Chiron said Xie Ming is more appropriate.

“Mr. Xie Ming, I hate magicians, right?”

“Well, it’s annoying.”

Pushing the wheelchair, Xie Ming said calmly: “Because of the magician, tragedy and pain will always be caused.”

“Mr. Xie Ming, do you hate tragedy?”

“Ah, hate it, very hate. The reason why I want to be strong is that I don’t want tragedy around me, and I don’t want to see the sadness of the people I value.”

“This is also the reason why Mr. Xie Ming is so powerful…”

Fiore said with some envy: “It’s so good…”

“You asked me so many questions, let me ask you a few questions too.” Xie Ming smiled: “Miss Fiore, do you hate magic?”


“If you can’t answer, it means that you don’t like magic so much, do you?”

Xie Ming glanced at Fiore, who was in the wheelchair with his head lowered, and said as if talking to himself: “Sometimes, your own qualifications do not necessarily determine the path you will walk.”

“Although you haven’t been in contact with Ms. Fiore for a long time, I understand that you are not suitable to be a magician. Because of you, you can’t abandon your sense of good and evil as a human being and your sensibility.”

“This is also what I admire the most about you.”

“Because of me, didn’t abandon my sensibility?” Fiore said somewhat self-deprecatingly.


In Xie Ming’s tone, he took a bit of seriousness: “The reason why magicians cause so many tragedies and eventually become paranoid and ugly like monsters is precisely because they have abandoned humanity.”

“Human nature is like a suppressor of power. With the existence of human nature, people can distinguish correctly and how to use their power correctly. Most magicians have abandoned this suppressor.”

“Therefore, they are unscrupulous. Therefore, they are cold-blooded and merciless. Therefore, they will eventually become tragic. The cause of abandoning human nature has become the result of future tragedies.”

“Miss Fiore, have you ever seen a few magicians who abandon humanity and have good deaths?”

The answer is that there has never been.

Dannick, Serenity Guy, Mazaki Inkstone, Kirisu Eimiya, Kenneth, Einzbern, Tosaka Time…

Which of these true magicians had a good ending in the original work?

In order to go to the root cause such a self-destructive purpose, he abandoned his humanity, became a monster, and caused countless tragedies. Is there anything more stupid than a magician in this world?

“I, I always think. People living in the world will inevitably bring tragedies to others. But the value of human beings is to bring beauty and hope to the world.”

Xie Ming said softly: “And beauty and hope have always been born out of human feelings. So what will a magician who abandon his feelings bring?”

“It’s just tragedy.”

“Miss Fiore, your legs become like this because of the magic circuit, right. And the reason why you seek the Holy Grail is to have your legs so that you can stand up on your own. .”

“But if you continue to force yourself to persevere in magic, the damage in the future will no longer be your legs, but your heart.”

Having said that, Xie Ming gently touched Fiore’s head: “Is my heart important or magic is important. I think it’s time for you to make a decision.”

“Um…I understand…”

Fiore whispered: “I understand…so…”

“Well, just understand.”

Xie Ming smiled and looked at the thick fog that was floating around at some unknown time: “It seems that our other purpose, our plan to lead the snake out of the hole, is also very successful.”

“After a loss, do you plan to continue to attack me?”

“Jack the Ripper.”

“Hehehe, big brother, you brought big sister, come to play with us~?”

The dense fog began to thin, and the silver-haired petite girl appeared in front of Fiore and Xie Ming, holding a double blade.

“Yeah, I came to play with you.”

Maintaining a relaxed look, Xie Ming looked at Jack the Ripper indifferently: “It’s just that we’re here to play with you, it’s not just the two of us.”

“Right, those idiots who only have stealth skills at this time.”


Fiore turned her head in surprise, and found that several familiar figures came out from the corner behind her.

Bai Zhen, Rin, Luvia, Little Sakura and…


“Sure enough, it was discovered by Mr. Xie Ming a long time ago.”

Cowles touched his head, and several people walked to Xie Ming’s side.

“Ah, it’s just that I didn’t expect that Jeanna would also follow you to mess around.” Xie Ming turned Byakugan angrily: “Do you really think that I will attack a girl in a wheelchair.”

“of course not!”

Little Sakura hurriedly shook her head: “It’s just a little worried and curious…”

“That’s right!” It was obviously trailing, and Rin still looked terrific: “Since we haven’t done anything shameful, then what does it matter if we follow it?”

“Hehe, even if the monkeys of the East do wrong, they are so right and confident~”

“What did you say!?”

“When is it all, it’s still making trouble.”

Glancing at the two of them, Xie Ming glanced at Bai Zhen, who was a little reddened, and sighed: “Well, you came at the right time.”

“At least, it can prevent this little devil head from running away.”

“Yes, I’m sorry…”

Bai Zhen apologized a little embarrassedly, and then looked at Jack the Ripper, his civilian clothes turned into spiritual outfits.

On the other hand, Jack didn’t seem to recognize the current situation clearly, and he was even still counting.

“One, two, three, four… In addition to the big brother and the disgusting Ruler, there are five magicians~”

Jack said happily: “Sure enough, Mom was right. Now is the most appropriate time to deal with you!”

“Please give us your heart, big brothers and sisters.”

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