Chapter 870 Earthly Sword Art


At the same Ex level attack, Spartacus gave up his life and launched the magic cannon, and the lightning beam fired by the God Killer Spear in Garner’s hand stood in a stalemate in the air.

And Xie Ming, quietly watching the confrontation between the two sides, his expression calm.

Garna’s ultimate treasure is the ‘treasure to the god’ that can destroy everything. From the power point of view, this blow has reached the peak of the fourth-order low-end, far exceeding the limit of the heroic projection body.

If the Garna heroic body of the heroic seat used this blow, it might be able to reach the level of the fourth-tier high-end.

It is worthy of being the strongest among the heroic spirits. Although it is not the title of Lancer’s career, if you only comment on strength, Garner and the title of Lancer should not be far away.

So even if Spartacus insisted on reaching the limit of his treasure, the magic light cannon released by it was barely equal under the attack of Garna. Moreover, it will soon be broken.

Just like now…

The blue magic light cannon has shrunk to the degree visible to the naked eye, and is constantly being eaten and swallowed by the crimson beam of light. Soon, it will disappear.

There are only two ways to deal with Garna’s attack.

One is to use the ‘world’-level enchantment defense. Because everything will be destroyed, God will die, but the world will still exist. Therefore, Garna’s ‘sun wheel, obey death’ cannot penetrate the ‘world’.

And the second is to use the purest violence, far beyond the power of Garna’s treasure, to push it back.

The reason why Xie Ming did not take action now was simply because he wanted to witness the end of Spartacus’s rebellion. The reason Spartacus has been following Xie Ming is because he felt the rebellious (Spartan) power in Xie Ming’s body.

This is why Spartacus would call Xie Ming the king of rebellion.

Since Spartacus calls Xie Ming the king, Xie Ming has the obligation to witness his end. Although he already knew the result, he still wanted to keep watching. At this time, the shot was not only disrespectful to Spartacus, but also disrespectful to Garner.

Garna wounded Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen, so Xie Ming would definitely kill him. But this does not affect Xie Ming’s favor with the heroic spirit of Garna, who is not good at words, but is loyal to his master and has blessings to mankind. He believes that no one who knows him will hate him.

Although his mouth…sometimes it does owe it.

“It’s over…”

Xie Ming slowly hung the Demon Sword around his waist from the portable space, watched the magic light cannon that had swallowed Spartacus, and once again began to slowly lift into the sky toward the pillar of thunder that he and the others had pressed down.

“Since it is a treasure to the gods, then I will use the same power to deal with it.”

The pitch-black flame wrapped around Xie Ming’s whole body, and then got into the scabbard under strong control, turning into a faint black fire film, and clinging to the blade.

“The Earthly Sword Art, Min.”

Earthly Sword Art, this is the name Xie Ming named for his sword skills after asking himself. Earthly, pointing to the world of thousands of planes. People’s joys, sorrows, joys, ups and downs, everything is a part of this world.

He likes these thousands of worlds very much, he likes the people and inhumans living in these thousands of worlds very much, and he is willing to fight to protect these thousands of planes.

To draw a sword in the world, point to anything that wants to destroy all of this. He does not seek to be detached from the world, nor does he seek to become a god or immortal, and to live forever. He was born a man, and he died a man.

In order to protect all the things I love to become stronger, and fight to protect these lovely people. There is darkness and light in the world. Therefore, he must fight for this light.

This is the way he wants to go, the belief in his sword, the way of his sword.

There are five styles of the earthly swordsmanship, abandoning all the bells and whistles, and blending all the essence into these five styles. These five styles are the profound meanings of swordsmanship he created.

With the long sword drawn out, the extremely shining world illuminated by Garna’s Pillar of Light seemed to suddenly become dark.

Ming means sunset and dusk. For Garner, who was shining hot like the sun, it can be said to be a very suitable situation.

It represents the fall of the sun.


Even at this time, Garner had an unconcealable shake in his eyes. Not to mention that the pupils of all those who were watching the battle were filled with four words.


However, they have to believe it.

Because of this, it happened before their eyes. It’s not an illusion, it’s not a dream, it’s actually happening.

The pillar of thunder light that could destroy everything, and the spear of God-killing that could destroy all the gods, was cut open at this time.

Yes, the huge beam of light was neatly chopped away from the middle.

Then, the thunder light filled with air was completely swallowed by the pitch-black flame.

In the hands of Garna, the dark red Shinsō, composed of a golden armor, was also destroyed by the black flame, and became a golden spear like a scepter again.



He cut off Garna and swung out the golden spear. The sky fire pure flame in Xie Ming’s hands did not know when he returned, and it pierced Garna’s chest.



Like a meteorite, the bodies of the two fell from the air and hit the ground fiercely.


Pull out the pure flames of the sky and put it in the scabbard. Xie Ming stepped back and looked at Garner calmly.

“Cough…cough cough…”

I couldn’t stop spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, and the blood on the wound on his chest had already stained the ground. However, the man named Garna had already braced himself, leaning on the severed golden gun, and stood up.

“Nice battle…”

There was blood hanging from the corner of Garna’s mouth, and his hand was covering the wound on his chest. But there was a happy smile on his face: “Sorry, let you accompany me for a time.”

“It’s rare to come to the world once, what’s the harm in a wayward one?”

Xie Ming smiled and asked faintly: “So, are you satisfied?”

“Ah…satisfied…” Garner said with a faint smile: “Thank you too for this Miss Spirit on your waist. In the battle just now, I have already felt that the Master and the others Has been transferred out. This is what she did, right?”

“Well…I think so.”

Knocked on the handle of Tianhuojingyan’s knife lightly, Xie Ming shrugged: “Only in this way can you let go and fight, right?”

“Ha ha….”

Garna closed his eyes, his spirit base was penetrated, and his figure had begun to slowly dissipate.


Suddenly remembering something, Xie Ming took out the Servant’s Book: “Are you interested in signing an equality contract with me?”


Released the hand covering the wound, gently placed it on a blank sheet of paper in the Book of Followers, a suddenness appeared in Garna’s eyes, and then raised his head to look at the night sky.

“The world is so big…”

“Yeah. That’s why it’s interesting, isn’t it?”

“……. It’s….. It’s amazing…”

Garna closed his eyes and said softly, “Then…Next, I beg you…”

The strongest follower in the Holy Grail War. The great hero of charity, Garner, has so far retired.

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