Chapter 873

As the sound fell, seven dark blade lights formed a seven-pointed star pattern in the air, which was printed on the small dark green world that Achilles was holding.



The pupils of everyone present shrank. Because in their eyes, with this seven-pointed star as the center, countless cracks began to appear in the entire small world. Achillion’s eyes showed an incredible expression.

“The world is shattering!?”

“Strictly speaking, it should be shattered.”

The state of the mad god was cancelled, Xie Ming took the knife back and said calmly: “That is, the power of vibration.”

The five major styles of the earthly swordsmanship, ‘Ming’, is the profound meaning centered on Spartan’s fury, and possesses the strongest penetrating power of Xie Ming’s knife skills. So “Yao” has absolute destructive power.

It is formed by the combination of penetrating force and vibration, and using the penetrating force to infiltrate the people and things to be destroyed, and destroy them from the inside. Combining the principles of Spartan fighting skills and anti-shield, it is “Yao”.

Skills exist for the purpose of allowing people to overcome the strong with the weak. The higher the skill, the more effective every bit of strength can be used. If the current Xie Ming is in the realm of a great master, or has entered the fourth rank. So if you want to destroy this enchantment treasure, you don’t need to become a mad god.

You only need to activate one of the three primary states of Spartan Fury, Killing Intent Wave, or Forbidden Hand.

Of course, if he activates the Red Dragon Emperor state, then it is also possible to smash this plane. However, at that time, the two ceremonies might blow his head before he makes a move.

Naturally, it is impossible for Xie Ming to do this. He has nothing to do when he is full. What is the Fragmented Plane doing? Play?

So after shattering Achilles’ small world, he immediately cancelled the state of madness.

“Crack…crack, click, click…”

Starting with the first fragment, countless fragments fell from the small green world. In the end, it all turned into fly ash and dissipated in the air.

“How can it be……”

“Nothing is impossible, just find the right way, any treasure has a way to crack it.”

Xie Ming’s voice sounded from behind Achilles. Immediately afterwards, the black blade of Tianhuo Jingyan penetrated his chest and spiritual core.

“Um! What… when…”

When his body fell to the ground, Achilles tried to prop up his body, but he had no such spare energy.

“No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to move faster than space.”

Falling in front of Achilles, Xie Ming said calmly: “To borrow a word from Garna. The reason why I won is that I am stronger, not something you need to care about.”

“Damn it…..”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Achilles cursed with a smile: “It’s really… so angry…”

When the voice fell, the body turned into a little light particle and dispersed with the wind. The hero of Greece, Achilles, is now out of the game.


Xie Ming looked at his Mordred and Semiramis blankly: “You continue to fight, I’m going to Amakusa Shiro. By the way, Semiramis, you know Joan of Arc and Jeanne Where did you go?”


Hearing Xie Ming’s question, Semiramis was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled maliciously: “They are dead, they are dead in the hands of our Caster.”

“Oh. If you refuse to tell me, forget it.”

Shaking his hand, Xie Ming walked to the passage: “You both must cheer.”


“………Who are you bastard with!!!”

Mordred swore angrily, and then turned his anger to Semiramis: “You must be killed, you stinky woman!!”

“If you can do it, you can try it!”

There was also a trace of anger on Semiramis’s face: “You uncultivated bear boy!!”


The chain of red electric light and poisonous gas interlaced again.


After walking through a long tunnel again, Xie Ming came to an extremely empty hall like a temple. In the center of the hall, a huge rock was floating quietly.

From the cracks of the rock, you can see the Great Holy Grail shining inside.

In front of the Great Holy Grail, there are four figures.

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, dressed in red Haori, with a big sword hanging around his waist, and long silver hair tied into a ponytail.

Holding the holy flag, looking at Shirasada of Amakusa Shiro Tokisada seriously

as well as…..

A middle-aged brown-haired man with a swollen nose and a swollen face in a green medieval dress. There is also Hei Zhen who keeps kicking the middle-aged man.

“What happened, I think I have guessed it…”

Xie Ming twitched the corner of his mouth and walked over slowly.

His footsteps naturally attracted everyone’s attention.


“Xie Ming!”

“Xie Ming…”

“Oh oh oh, I’m saved, I’m saved!!”

Seeing Xie Ming’s pause through Hei Zhen, the middle-aged man crawled away from Hei Zhen and hid behind Amakusa Shiro.

“Tsk! Come here, bastard!”

Seeing the middle-aged man running away, Hei Zhen’s face showed a very unhappy expression: “There is a kind of thing, you can show me the things just now!? The old lady must use iron stakes to pierce you and bake it! !”

“alright, alright…..”

Xie Ming felt dumbfounded and touched Heizhen’s head: “Does that guy use treasures on you?”

“Ah, yes!”

Hei Zhen gritted her teeth and glared at the middle-aged man: “Dare to let me see those things, I’m so tired of it!”

“It’s almost time to calm down, Jeanne.” Bai Zhen glanced at Hei Zhen helplessly: “You have beaten people like that.”

“Yes, yes!”

The middle-aged man yelled in agreement: “Furthermore! Our treasures are just to interpret the flaws in your heart! You have overcome our treasures, which means you have faced yourself squarely! So, we are still I did you a favor!”

“You bastard dare to say it!!”

Heizhen suddenly became angry again: “You come here, my old lady is going to kill you alive today!!”


Seeing Hei Zhenqi become like this, Xie Ming couldn’t help being a little curious: “What exactly did you see?”

“……. It has nothing to do with you, Master!”

For some reason, Hei Zhen’s pretty face blushed, and then he sternly replied.

“My generation knows, my generation…”


A purple flame instantly rose from the feet of the middle-aged man. If Shiro Amakusa took the middle-aged man out of the way, perhaps this guy would have been burnt to ashes.

“You dare to speak out and try!?”

Hei Zhen showed an extremely bright smile: “William Shakespeare, come, I’ll give you a chance. Come, tell me?”

“Hey yeah!!!”

Even Shakespeare, who has always been obsessed with death, couldn’t help being taken aback by Hei Zhen’s expression at this time. Then, his inspiration burst out.

“Oh oh oh! Inspiration, inspiration is coming! I want to record it, I want to write it down immediately! The title of the book… the title of the book… By the way, it’s called ‘Lion’s Smile’!”


Withdrawing the preface, where is this guy afraid? At this level of death, among all the followers, there are probably only a few who can compare with him.

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