Chapter 993

On the stage, the players on both sides are ready to take their place. There is still a minute left before the start of the game. And this period of time is usually left for the players to communicate.

After all, in the Xingwu Festival, there are not no examples of disturbing opponents through words to win.

Rubbish, provocation, friendly communication, bluffing, whatever you say is fine.

In the case of the Lonely Witch, what is usually done in this minute is to persuade her to surrender. No matter which game it is, there are no exceptions.

This time, the same is true.

“Please, surrender…”

The expression is calm and indifferent, as if the world has no meaning to her: “Before you get hurt…”


Irenai sighed helplessly when he heard his teammates say so, but also raised his head and said boredly.

“Yes, yes, you should surrender quickly. Our goal is not you, so you don’t have to fight this terrifying monster.”

“Frightening monster…”

Tianwu Lingdou couldn’t help frowning: “How can you say that to your teammates?”

“Teammate? Hahahahaha~~”

Irene couldn’t help laughing, and tears came out: “I am not this guy’s teammate. No, it should be said that no one can be this guy’s teammate.”

“The so-called lonely poisonous witch is actually a hopeless idiot who has completely abandoned her life and is willing to become a doll in the hands of others.”


Whether it is Tianwu Lingdou or Shasha Gongshaye, they are all people with a strong sense of justice. But at this moment when Irenai said this to his teammates, they didn’t have any rebuttal. Because they can hear the emotions contained in Irene’s words.

That is the irritation and helplessness of hating it but not fighting, angering it and doing nothing.

Looking at Ophelia in a blink of an eye, she found that she was still so calm and indifferent, her numb eyes concealing deep sadness.

“Thank you very much for your kindness.”

Tianwu Lingdou took out the black launching body, and said calmly and firmly: “But fleeing without a fight does not belong to our style.”

“Really… You have chosen such a destiny…”

Ophelia’s words carry a deep sorrow: “Fate has come, and you can no longer escape…”


Irene smacked her lips uncomfortably, and then retreated to the edge of the stage, indicating that she would not participate in the battle.

“Saye, ready.”

“Well, Lingdou.”

“Hidden secret sword inside, cut through the prison of star prison, release my tiger’s might!”

“Forty-one type bright particle double cannon, Valendenholt…”

The chain was broken away, and most of the star power that originally belonged to the sky mist and Lingdou radiated from the body, forming a beam of light that reached the sky. On the other side, Shasha Gong Shaye also put on his own arms.

A back jet like a mecha, two huge cannon bodies enveloping the slender arms. In front of the dark red pupil, a single-winged sight appeared in the left eye.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword was held in front of him with both hands, and the huge double cannons aimed at Ophelia, who was standing silently. The school badges on the chests of the four made mechanical sounds at the same time.

“The battle begins.”



With the soles of his feet on the ground, Tianwu Lingdou’s body turned into a violent wind and rushed towards Ophelia, grabbing the black flame sword with his right hand and swinging it down.

“Tianwuchen Mingliu, Shipi thistle!”

With the inertia of the body turning in circles, the Black Furnace Demon Sword drew a semicircle in the air and slashed towards the school badge on the enemy’s chest. However, countless purple poisonous mists seemed to have entities, blocking the front of the sword.

“It’s useless……”

Although relying on the high temperature of the Black Furnace Demon Sword, the poisonous mist was successfully cut away. But from the girl’s body, dozens of purple hands formed from poisonous fog appeared, instantly sealing off all the dead spots of Tianwu Lingdou’s body, and it was impossible to retreat.

“Boom boom~~”


However, at this moment, two giant dark blue energy balls shot out from the back of the Tianwu Lingdou, successfully exploding several poisonous fog hands, creating a ray of life.

Tianwu Lingdou naturally did not waste this opportunity.

Leaping on his toes, he passed through the black smoke caused by the explosion and retreated to Shasha Gong Saye before the attack, with a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

“Saye, use that plan.”

“…Understood, Lingdou.”

Shasha Gongsha nodded in the night, and the two giant cannons with both arms disintegrated, and then quickly assembled on the chest to form a giant muzzle full of high-tech sense. This is the most powerful form of her brilliant particle cannon.


The charging bar on the mini-screen in front of me began to increase rapidly, and the temperature of the cannon’s body began to increase rapidly. Seeing the poisonous fog hitting the sky overwhelmingly, Shasha Gong Shaye said softly.



The light ball of blue particles containing the energy of the compressive explosion ejected from the muzzle, piercing all the poisonous gas and fog in front of him, and attacked Ophelia indefinitely.

“Destiny is… cannot be changed…”

Seeing the high-energy attack gradually approaching her, Ophelia’s face remained unchanged, and she sighed softly, “It’s over…”

In an instant, her body exploded three times? Quadruple? ten times?

No, there is no way to calculate it. That exaggeration and ferocity, as if the endless star power, caused the complexion of everyone present to change drastically. And the violent torrent of star power directly slammed into the particle photosphere without any control.


Deafening explosions and fires filled the stage, and at this moment, a purple-black lightsaber cut through the poisonous fog and black smoke, and rushed towards Ophelia.

“Tianwuchen Mingliu Chuan, two ghost bee!!”

The sword body of the Black Furnace Demon Sword began to rapidly extend under the star power of the sky mist, and the distance between the tip of the sword and the school badge on Ophelia’s chest began to shorten.

Ten meters! Eight meters! Five meters! Two meters!

“What…what’s going on…”

Suddenly, Tianwu Lingdou felt her whole body lose strength, her knees softened, and she fell directly to the ground. The Shasha Palace Shaye at the back also fell to the ground.

“But… Damn it…”

The flow speed of the star force became as slow as a turtle, and the field of vision in front of him began to shake and blur. This is…


“So, didn’t I say…”

The sound like a sigh came to Tianwu Lingdou’s ear.

“Destiny cannot be changed.”

The last sight Tianwu Lingdou saw before she fell into a coma was Ophelia’s indifferent expression and numb eyes. This is his current opponent that he can’t beat at all.

It is also him, an existence that can’t be touched at all.

Even if all the seals on his body are lifted, this ending will not change in any way.

“It’s probably only those two who can defeat her…”

The last words flashed in his mind, Tianwu Lingdou fell into a coma. His whole body has already been corroded by poison gas. If it weren’t for the strong physique of the Star Vessel generation, it would not last so long.

“Tianwu Ayato contestant Shasha Gong Saye loses consciousness, and the winner is Ophelia Landorupen contestant Irene Ulses contestant!!!”

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