Tian Yuchen was terrified!

I began to wonder about the identity of the person in front of me.

Lin Yue saw the inquiring look in his eyes, and just smiled sarcastically.

I thought what a powerful character!

I was scared when I only heard the word "curse".

It seems that he is in the right direction!

Lin Yue adjusted his inner strategy slightly, and continued to speak:

"How? Am I right?"

Tian Yuchen now feels like a cat's paw scratching in his heart!

He wanted to know too much about how much Lin Yue knew!


If this person is willing to help himself...

He also decided to give it a try.

"Yes, you're right! Do you know how powerful this backlash is?! I can't afford to lose!!

Lin Yue heard that important information was deliberately hidden in his words, and he understood his tentative meaning.

And not panicked.

Because these "five-seven-seven" are recorded in that ancient book of "grudges"!

The various "curses" in this book are extremely vicious.

If the site where the "curse" is performed is destroyed,

You have to continue to kill people to fill the empty space before!

Until the number of people is the same as before the destruction!!

Otherwise, you will be subjected to "backlash from hell."

There is nothing specific about this backlash.

But sometimes, it's the unknown that is the scariest!

Lin Yue no longer played dumb riddles with him,

Direct opening:

"The fears of the heart are realized!"

This sentence in the book can be said to be extremely vicious!

When people live in the world, there are things to fear.

If all of that happens...

The consequences are unimaginable!

No one can afford this consequence!

Tian Yuchen was directly frozen by this sentence!


He really knew!?

Lin Yue is full of momentum again!

His eyes were as sharp as knives, staring at Tian Yuchen's frightened eyes!

"That's why you're sending hell ghost soldiers to intercept us three times and twice!, right!!"

Tian Yuchen At this time,

has been completely defeated by Lin Yue's successive "critical hits".

There is no longer the arrogant momentum of before.

At this time, he knew that Lin Yue knew even more about the technique of "resentment" than himself.

It was completely convincing!

He didn't dare to confront Lin Yue again, so he only replied obediently:

"Yes and no..."

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows, what does this mean?

Tian Yuchen added:

"To be precise, they are not assigned by me, and I am just a puppet!"

"I'm just responsible for reporting to them, and..."

He secretly glanced up at Lin Yue, and quickly lowered his head:

"Besides, those hellish ghost soldiers outside the laboratory are here to kill me!"

What the?!

What do you mean?!

Feelings they were saving at the time....

Tian Yuchen?!

He continued:

"When your people hit the poison ball..."

"They knew I was exposed. "

"You want to kill me directly!!"

"I'm also afraid of their cruelty..."

"Just... I want to blow up the lab! At least I can die a happy death!"

Lin Yue was angry in his heart!

Oh my boy, you're going to die happily!

And what about us?!

We should be unlucky enough to bury you?!

This selfish ghost!!


This was indeed something that Lin Yue did not expect.

Seeing that Tian Yuchen is also honest now,

Let's put this piece for a while!!

It's important to ask the case first!

Lin Yue adopted an "oppressive" interrogation method and continued to !!

"You'll talk about this later, let's talk about it 15 years ago!"

"Chen Bin has recruited everything!"

"You'd better be honest!Don't say something that we don't have and don't let us guess!!"

Hearing Chen Bin's name, he didn't seem to react. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Yue reminded him:

"Fifteen years ago, the theft!"

Only then did Tian Yuchen know...


He's showing his feet here![]

I knew in my heart that I couldn't escape this catastrophe!

It's better to say it all...

Maybe this Lin Yue has some way?

Yes... Save him!

Holding the fantasy in his heart, Tian Yuchen began to tell about the events of 15 years ago.

Tian Yuchen's family,

A few decades ago, it was illustrious.

His father is the eldest son and grandson of the Tian family's generation.

It's to inherit that huge family business!

The contradiction lies in this.

Tian Yuchen has only two children in his father's generation.

The other is the male owner of the murdered family.

This uncle wanted to inherit the huge family business.

I actually did something in my own brother's car!

Tian Yuchen and his family were originally going out for an outing that day.......


When a family of three couldn't stop on the road, they knew that there was something wrong with the car!!

At that time, his father still trusted his uncle very much.

Call for help directly!

It can well be imagined...

Rescue is never to come!!

Uncle even told him what he had done on the phone!

may think that their family of three will definitely die!

It doesn't matter if you say it!

At last

Yes Tian Dad and Tian Mom,

Tightly protected Tian Yuchen in his arms,

He just escaped death!

And that morning he found out that his mother was pregnant!

He still remembers the gentle tone of his mother's voice when she said this, and the happy smile that radiated light...

And all of this is gone!

It's all thanks to his uncle!!

How could he not hate!

Later, in order to do superficial work, his uncle's family

Take Tian Yuchen back to raise...


But at home he always called and drank him,

Never gave him a good look!

Over time, this hatred has grown!

When he grows up.

I want to avenge my parents and my unborn child!!

It was also at this time that someone found him!

The other party somehow knew his intention to kill. 3.1 Begin to coerce and lure him!

They want all the "poison" he has now in his hand!

And also promised him that he would assist him in regaining his property!

Such a good thing, for Tian Yuchen, who was not strong enough at that time, was like timely rain!

He sneaked home first,

When you're ready to deal with the few people who have already been drugged by him...


The second child, who is the same age as him, woke up early!!

During the dispute, I heard a strange noise in the living room...

There is no discrepancy between what happened after that and the facts confessed by Chen Bin.

Tian Yuchen made a plan first and killed the second child!

Then, disguise him as if he was sleeping!

The uncle's family didn't suspect it.

But after dinner,

All started to experience dizziness,

After a while, they all fainted one after another, and ...... passed.

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