No matter how many people "have no love".

Brutal training is still coming!

You know, it's winter!

It's still winter in the north!

The temperature is no joke.

After the high-pressure water gun is turned on.

The droplets left down the water pipe were frozen in less than two minutes!

Not to mention, the water that sprays on the body!

If you compare the previous high-pressure blower training to a level 3 intensity.

Then this high-pressure water gun training has to be level 10!!

I saw that the water gun spewed out biting ice water and shot towards the team members one by one.

The first thought of the players was...


It's not felt to be cold to the extreme, like it is now...

The resistance of the water is also much greater than that of the wind!

Naturally, the speed became slow again.

The most infuriating thing is!

The water that squirts...

Whether it's on them or sprayed on the ground.

It didn't take a few minutes.

It's all turned into ice!!

Now the body is even stiffer!

In order to run forward, you can only use all your strength to break the ice cubes!

But a new round of water rushed over 930 and turned into ice again ....

Then, you have to make your way on the frozen ground!!


That's high!

What kind of brain could come up with such a "miserable" training method?!

This time, even Lin Yue and Bao Lei's speed slowed down.

But Lin Yue is a character who will never admit defeat.

Everything that comes to him has to make a shortcut!

Lin Yue walked with difficulty.

While the mind is racing...


Since the clothes have become stiff, then don't wear them well!

Anyway, now I'm soaked and frozen.

It's worse than not wearing it!

The ground is all ice?


Just increase the friction of the contact surface!

I saw Lin Yue quickly remove the coat that had been frozen into an "ice coat" on his body!

The pants also take off the thickest layer.

Only a close-fitting tank top and thin autumn pants were left...

That's right, the "male god" also wears autumn pants!

Why don't you come north in the winter?

Only this thin layer of clothing remains.

Water has basically lost its attachments, and naturally it cannot restrict human movement (BGBC)!

As for increasing friction ...

Lin Yue looked at the sand pit that was not sprayed by the water, and jumped into the sand pit.

Without saying a word, he directly picked up the coat that was frozen into a flat plate.

Ran over and rubbed a lot of sand.

Throw it the ice!

Friction increases instantly!

Everyone saw Lin Yue's series of operations.

From the beginning of the puzzle to the later imitation.

It only took a few minutes!

The three girls couldn't care about embarrassment at this time.

Anyway, they all wear autumn clothes and pants.

And it doesn't show its flesh!

Take off your coat and rush straight forward!

This time, even the police officers who have given up the training camp outside the field are enthusiastic to watch!

This is fighting for the ideal!

It's so contagious!!

If it weren't for the fact that your body wouldn't allow it

They really want to join in!!

For a while, I saw clothes flying on the training ground.

After a while, there are only these "male gods" and "goddesses" who are only wearing autumn clothes and pants and keep moving forward...

Instructor Wang Peng only watched this scene silently.

Not long since

They also had such a regretless time!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly I miss those old comrades-in-arms!



Aren't those old comrades-in-arms just the instructors who bet with themselves?

Yes, and bets![]

You must not lose!

Look up and command the staff who control the high-pressure water cannon.

"Intensify the efforts!" and the other two water guns are also !! together."

Team Members: ???

What's wrong?!

This angered the instructor again?!?

It's so anxious and angry!

No way!

I don't know who yelled, gritted his teeth and sped up.

Everyone also used their own methods to cheer themselves up!

Rush to the front...

This training took only one morning, and it was all completed!

How else to say that human potential is limitless!?

Look, isn't this just a good result that was forced?

After a short adjustment at noon.

In the afternoon, they finally ushered in the field they were good at.

The shooting event is about to begin!

It can be said that this is a compulsory course for all police officers.

As a qualified criminal policeman, this skill is engraved in his bones!

Among the people who are currently participating in the training camp.

There are several of them that have won awards at national shooting competitions!

Among them, Lin Yue is naturally also included.

He won the gold medal in the National Police Academy Shooting Competition!

But he has always adhered to the style of "heroes don't mention the courage of the year".

I want to speak with my current results.

This time, everyone directly switched to the shooting training ground of the Tianle City Police Department.

Lin Yue is still a newcomer, and today is also the first time to come.

I just think it's really nice here!

It's not much worse than their school's shooting range!

You must know that the Yanguo Police School, where Lin Yue is located, is the top police college in the country!

It is comparable to the shooting range there, so you can imagine how good this shooting range is.

This shooting range covers a huge area!

It is divided into indoor fixed-point shooting, movable target shooting, and actual combat training.

The same is true for the outdoors.

It's just that the outdoor space is bigger.

Of course, the difficulty is much higher than that indoors.

Lin Yue simply likes it here!

When he was in school, he also loved to soak in the shooting training ground.

Every time I don't get dizzy, I don't bring it back to the dormitory...

Stepping on the shooting range again, that heart jumped violently again!

The advantage of Instructor Wang Peng is.

Never talk nonsense.

Once you're at the range, get straight to the point!

"Since we're here today, we're going to finish all the shooting projects!"

"The rules are the same, and they will call me until I pass!!"

What are the criteria for qualification?

Directly refer to the standards of national athletes!

This selection was originally based on the top national standards.

There is no reason to shoot the most important thing, and you have to settle for the next best!

So, Coach Wang Peng gave an order.

Everybody goes straight to the practice!

Just kidding, they all say practice makes perfect!

They don't usually have many opportunities to shoot.

How can it make perfect?

Look at the two over there.

A few shots in quick succession turned out to be off target....

They think this is what they are good at!

It's a slap in the face....

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