Where the car accident occurred.

It is a viaduct that has just been completed in Tianle City.

And underneath this bridge...

It is across Tianle City, the third largest river in the Yan country, the Blue River!!

The Blue River got its name.

It is because the water is bottomless that it has a deep blue color.

If the car falls...

The people in the car were completely hopeless!

A black sedan that is hanging over the edge of the viaduct!

The whole body is slowly tilting towards the river at an extremely slow speed!!

That huge amount of blood came out of this car!

The situation is critical!

The black sedan is not far away.

on the other two cars that collided with it.

There is also a gradual outflow of yellow liquid...


And the blood is together!

Is that?!

That's gasoline!!

The police officers in the car were not calm for a moment!

I don't care about my own exhaustion.

Didn't even have time to walk through the car door.

They all rolled out of the approaching car window!

When Lin Yue and the other police officers ran to the vicinity of the black car.

But they didn't dare to step forward easily.

That car, as long as people get close, it must cause the surrounding air to fluctuate.

One is not good, and the car will completely fall under the bridge!!

Vehicles that were blocked on the viaduct by the car accident have now been forced to stop.

The owners of the cars got out of the car to check the situation.


"Oh my god!! this man is dead!!"

"Hey, hey, what's the emergency center? We're on the east side of the viaduct, there's a car accident here! Someone is hurt... I don't know, it's all blood!! you just need to come quickly!!"

"It's scary!"

"yes! How can you bump into such a wide road, or a one-way street?!"

Lin Yue tried to keep himself calm.

The more times like this, the more you can't mess up!

He had quickly analyzed the situation around him.

The entire car accident scene was a four-car collision!

This crumbling car must be the most serious!

But the other three cars can't be ignored either.

There were even two cars leaking oil.

If you don't get it right, you might explode!

Also, there should be wounded people in those cars.

Because, since the accident, no one has come down from these cars!

But the car is covered with car film, and the specific situation is not clear!

The officers saw this.

My mind has crashed, and I don't know where to start for a while.

Lin Yue had already quickly sorted out the priority level of rescue and the best plan in his heart.

Be the first to speak:

"Brother Wang, please go and a few colleagues to take a look, how are the people in the red car.!"

That car was also badly hit!

For the people inside, the situation may not be so good.

Wang Xuesong has been a police officer for many years and has a good ability to respond to such emergencies.

I was shocked by this tragic picture just now!

I just didn't react for a while.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Li, please go and see the situation inside the other two cars! Drag the wounded out of the car as quickly as possible! The farther away the better!"

It's two cars that leaked oil!

The situation is critical!

Lin Yue remembered that these two big brothers were very fast in the previous training!

And they are all big guys, and the muscles in their arms are strong, and you can tell at a glance that they are full of power.

"The rest of the people, let the onlookers back and tell them that there is likely to be an explosion here!

"Brother Bao, you help me get the tow rope back from our car. I'm going to slowly approach the car now. "

That car, naturally, refers to the car that hangs over the edge of the viaduct.

When everyone heard Lin Yue's words, they instantly recovered from shock.

Without thinking about it, he moved directly according to Lin Yue's words.

Wang Xuesong quickly led several police officers from the city bureau and ran towards the red sedan that was close to them.

The two police officers named by Lin Yue.

also took a few people and quickly ran to the two oil leaking vehicles.

Several high-pitched police officers had already begun to shout at the crowd of onlookers on the viaduct opposite.

"People on the other side, run, the car here could explode at any time, run away!!

"Repeat, people on the other side, run ......."

The voices of several people soon reached the crowd of onlookers opposite.

At this time.

It is only when people who watch the bustle that they realize the danger.

They put down their mobile phones to take pictures and videos.

Hurry to the distance!

Fortunately, the viaduct was extremely strong, and there was not even the slightest tremor!

Yu Ke and Wu Jingya saw this situation.

I can't seem to help myself, so I'm a little anxious in the same place!

After all, Ling Ling was older, and she was also a forensic doctor.

I still know a little more about first aid than others.

Abandon those embarrassments, and speak directly:

"You two, come back to the car with me to get your emergency medical kit!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran quickly towards their bus!

Wu Jingya and Yu Ke didn't say a word, and hurriedly followed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lives matter!

At this time, where can I take care of the less competitive!

Everything is going on in an orderly manner according to Lin Yue's words...

And the hardest thing is Lin Yue here![]

He was slowly approaching the car that was hanging from the edge of the viaduct.

Even the breath is very light.

It's close... It's getting closer...

15 meters... 10 meters... 5 meters...


The vehicle began to accelerate and crashed under the bridge!!

Lin Yue didn't dare to delay any longer, and flew up!

Standing directly and firmly on the rear of the car on this side of the viaduct.

A terrifying shake up and down!

It seems like a century long.


The vehicle is in balance again!


The police officers in charge of shouting collectively breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Bao Lei finally came back with the tow rope!

Seeing such a picture, I almost didn't rush straight up!

But reason stopped him from moving.

Don't dare to act rashly!

Lin Yue slowly raised his head.

Motioned to Bao Lei with his eyes and threw the leash to him.

Bao Lei understood what he meant.


That's too dangerous!

One is not good, Lin Yue will fall into the Blue River with that car!!

Lin Yue's eyes were firm, and he had slowly stretched out his hand.

Bao Lei didn't dare to hesitate!

Since this is Lin Yue's decision, he chooses to believe him!!

He pulled one end of the rope and shook it quickly in his hand.

When you reach a certain strength, let go instantly!

I saw that the leash seemed to be alive.

Fly directly towards Lin Yue!

The other police officers couldn't believe their eyes!

This trick, they have only seen it in TV series!

How can anyone really do it!?

Before they could react.

Bao Lei said at a very fast speed:

"Come here, everybody, help me hold this end of the leash!"

Everyone did the same.

Now all you have to do is wait for Lin Yue to hang the tow rope on the car.

They can start pulling the car back hard!

Bao Lei threw it very accurately.

The towing rope landed firmly in Lin Yue's hand.

However, such a small fluctuation.

The car shook slightly.

Fortunately, in the end, it was balanced!

Lin Yue didn't dare to squat down.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause greater volatility.

I saw his hands...

Very dexterously, slowly lower the leash downward.

The hook in front of the tow rope is getting closer and closer to the tow hook in the rear of the car....

A slight "click"!

I touched it, but I scratched it again...

The hearts of the police officers are going to be pinched together!!

Another "click"!

But it still didn't hang up!

Lin Yue's forehead was already slowly sweating!

He didn't dare to wipe it.

Make an effort to concentrate!


This time it was finally hung up!!

Lin Yue slowly raised his head.

He made an OK gesture to Bao Lei.

Bao Lei nodded.

"Everyone, when I shout to 3, let's pull hard together!!"

Lin Yue also responded with gestures.


Everyone instantly exerted their strength!

Lin Yue also quickly moved his body down .......

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