It can be seen through the window of Kure's office.

He's fighting at night.

Next to it is a thick stack of archival materials.

He wore reading glasses and looked up from time to time to flip through them.

Write it down in a notebook.

Lin Yue and Bao Lei saw this scene.

I can't help but be a little moved.

This is their Wu Bureau.

And the old police officers who volunteered to stay behind!

They took over the affairs of the police department.

Let these young people pursue their dreams.

Aren't they carrying the weight for these young people!

The two looked at the busy Wu Bureau silently.

The footsteps were a little heavy for a while.

At this time, Wu Juxu was tired.

He raised his hand and rubbed his sour eyes.

Stiff cervical spine just ready to move.

And he saw two people in front of his window.

It scared him out of the middle of the night!

When I looked closely, I found that it was Lin Yue and Bao Lei!

Two of the best kids in their police department!!

His first reaction was the same as that of the old police officer on duty.

I saw him running towards the door with three steps and two steps.

All right...

What words such as "old" and 16 "old arms and legs" do not apply to their Wu Bureau!


The door was slammed against the wall by a vigorous opening.

Before the two of them could speak.

Wu Ju's loud voice has sounded.

"How did you two little bunnies come back!!"

"Brushed off?!?"

"How is that possible! You wait! I'll go to your instructor to evaluate !!."

I'm going to rush out as I say that!

This scared the two people at the door enough.

What's the situation?!

When the Wu Bureau was still the Wu team, I didn't see such impulsiveness!?

Maybe it's a mess if you care!

The two worked together to stop the Wu Bureau who was about to rush out.

Lin Yue hurriedly explained:

"Wu Bureau, we didn't get brushed off!

Wu Ju paused and looked at them suspiciously.

"What's wrong?Why are you taking a leave of absence?!"

Bao Lei pulled Wu Ju to the office.

"Wu Ju, let's go to the office and sit down and talk slowly. "

Wu Ju thought about it too.

As long as it's not brushed off!

A few people sat down.

Lin Yue will encounter a car accident today.

The original ability is no small, and he narrated it to Wu Ju.

In the end, he also told his guess.

Wu Ju didn't think about it for too long.

Raise your head directly and say:

"You're doing the right thing!"

"In terms of my many years of experience in handling cases. "

"This is definitely not just a traffic accident. "

"What's next for you, and where are you going to start?"

Wu Ju originally wanted to test them.


Just listen to Bao Lei, let's talk about the tasks released by Lin Yue.

Wu Ju was shocked when he heard this!

How many surprises are waiting for this kid?

In such a short period of time, such a thorough task plan has been thought of.

Although in some places it is still a little immature.

But he knew that in time.

Lin Yue will definitely be a qualified criminal police captain!

It's a pity...

The future of this child.

It is not destined to be confined to this small world.

He needs a bigger and better platform.

to play to his strengths.

I believe that it will also be a blessing for the people of the entire Yan country!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Wu Ju nodded with satisfaction.

Lin Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he has never had a bottom in his heart.

Now I can see the affirmation of Wu Bureau.

He's finally relieved![]

Wu Ju did not forget to instruct:

"You've been busy until now, haven't you had dinner yet?!"

"That's the most important thing, you know?"

"If you don't have a good body, how can you catch the suspect in the future?!"

"Go quickly, go quickly, no matter how anxious you are, finish your meal and go again. "

"Remember, don't be complacent when you go out because you're good. "

"Be careful, stay safe!"

Lin Yue and the others nodded obediently.

They didn't know that Wu Ju could still be so "nagging".

However, although the two were a little helpless on the surface.

But the heart is extremely warm...

After the two came out of the Wu Bureau's office.

Summoned a few other people for a quick bite of food.

They got busy again.

Because of the two civilian police officers.

All information on the injured has not yet been checked.

Lin Yue and Bao Lei did not set off for the time being.

It's about getting together.

I sorted out the facts of the case again.

Lin Yue actually still has some doubts.

Why did he and Ling Ling start hallucinating and even coma not long after smelling the drug?

And this injured person, apparently more than they smelled the drug.

But when I was on the viaduct, I just had a car accident and then I had a car accident.

Was this calculated by the suspect?

In this way, once the car gets involved in a car accident on the viaduct.

Nine times out of ten, you will fall into the blue river.

When the time comes, no matter what the medicine is.

When the car and people are salvaged from the Blue River.

There is nothing left, 607!

This suspect is really thoughtful!

But there is always a mistake in Baimi.

He might never have thought of it.

The wounded man was so lucky.

You can meet a car of detectives!

Unexpectedly, the car that was about to fall into the river was dragged back!

The drug that had been placed in the injured person's car was also discovered.

However, the psychedelic drugs in this car are highly volatile.

Maybe I'll find out a little later.

The drug had completely dissipated into the air.

Nowhere to look...

In this way, they can find the clue.

It's not easy!

As for this drug, why did he and Ling Ling have seizures so soon...

I had to see the test results from Ling Ling's side!

Next, it's time to guess the identity of the suspect!

Since you can take that psychedelic drug.

Unnoticed, put it in the wounded's car.

It is also necessary to know the itinerary of the injured person.

It is quite possible that he is the person close to the wounded!

If an acquaintance commits a crime...

Entanglements of interests and emotional disputes are the most likely!

As far as they know at the moment.

I can only analyze it here!

The two can only wait and see.

Did anyone else find anything out there....

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