Chapter 1164 The bait has been placed

   Shi Qian looked at Fu Sinian angrily, "Are you drunk after all?"

  Fu Sinian's eyes were blurred, and he just looked at her without answering.

   "Let me ask you, are you drunk?" Shi Qian asked again.

  Fu Sinian suddenly pinched her chin and kissed her lips.

  Shi Qian struggled suddenly, "Let go of me! You want to get drunk again... woo..." Her words were blocked again.

  Shi Qian rested his hands on Fu Sinian's chest, using all his strength to prevent him from approaching.

  Fu Sinian suddenly held her wrist and raised her hands above his head.

   Shi Qian had no chance to resist at all.

  Fu Sinian approached her like a hungry wolf again.

  His body was as hot as a furnace, wrapping her tightly, until Shi Qian didn't resist so much, he moved away from her lips and moved to her ear.

   "Fu Sinian, you..."

  Fu Sinian suddenly bit her earlobe.

   "Bastard~" The remaining two words suddenly became delicate and soft.

  Fu Sinian directly picked up Shi Qian, and strode towards the bedroom.

  Things continued into the night.

   Shi Qian was exhausted and fell asleep.

  Fu Sinian leaned sideways, looked at Shi Qian with his head on his hands, with a smile in his eyes, and the images just now were all in his mind.

   In this matter, she seems to have grown a lot.

   Shi Qian turned over and turned his back to him.

  Fu Sinian lowered his arms and held her in his arms.

  As soon as he approached, Shi Qian couldn't help murmuring softly: "Hot~ so hot."

   "Is it hot?" Fu Sinian pressed against her ear and asked softly.

  At that time, he was in a light sleep and drowsy. He didn't answer, and moved his body.

  Fu Sinian pulled her back.

   "The heat is normal because the fire is not completely out yet."

   His movement came again.

  Shi Qian's brows suddenly tightened, and he was tired and sleepy, so he didn't want to pay attention to his troubles.

   "Go to sleep." Fu Sinian coaxed softly.

   He often handles things for two people alone.

   This is not the first time.

  The next day, Shi Qian suddenly sat up from the bed, and quickly picked up the phone to check the time. It was already past eight o'clock.

  She threw off the quilt and got out of bed, and suddenly realized that she was still naked, so she quickly shrank back.

   There was no movement outside, so I don't know if Fu Sinian is still there.

   Hastily picked up a piece of clothing from the closet, put it on, and walked outside.

   As expected, Fu Sinian was not there, so Shi Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

  After what happened last night, she was sure that Fu Sinian was not drunk at all!

   He was also not drunk last time, and she wasn't dreaming the night he lived in the old house of Fu's family!

   "This bastard!" Shi Qian was so angry that she wanted to hit someone.

  He didn't tell her anything, and he did so many hateful things. When he slept with her, he was very straightforward. It really **** her off!

  Suddenly, Shi Qian's cell phone rang, and when she picked it up, she saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

  Take a deep breath, calm down, and connect the phone.

   "Shi Qian, I'm Song Ning." Song Ning's voice came from the phone.

   "Mr. Song? Do you have anything to do with me?"

   "I want to ask you to meet."

   "I'm not free, let's communicate on the phone if there is anything else."

   "This matter can only be explained clearly after a meeting. It is related to Su Ruoqing, don't you want to hear it?"

   Upon hearing the words Su Ruoqing, Shi Qian clenched her fists.

   "Where do we meet?"

   "You decide the place, I can do it."

   "That's Xinggang Tea House." Shi Qian chose a nearby place.

   "Xinggang Teahouse?" Song Ning asked back.

  (end of this chapter)

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