I Woke My Vegetative Husband up at Our Wedding Night!

Chapter 1209: Such a relationship is also very good

  The second he heard that sentence, Shi Qian felt the blood in his whole body rushed to his head, and he was dizzy for a while.

  Gu Xi supported her quickly with quick eyes and hands, and helped her onto the sofa.

  Shi Qian took a few deep breaths and regained his composure, tightly grasping Gu Xi's hand, "Gu Xi, something must have happened to Fu Sinian! Something must have happened to him!"

   "Qianqian, don't worry, wait for Rong Zhan to come out, let's ask about the situation first."

  Shi Qian's heart was in a mess, "Song Yan! Song Yan must know what happened to Fu Sinian and how to deal with it!"

  She immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Song Yan's number.

  But the phone can't be connected.

  She quickly opened the chat box and sent a voice invitation.

  Song Yan is currently having a meeting with the experts sent over to study Fu Sinian's inspection results.

  The phone rang, and he glanced sideways, his eyebrows tightened slightly.

  Fu Sinian had warned him not to tell Shi Qian anything about Fu Sinian, and he didn't want Shi Qian to worry.

   "Excuse me, I'll answer the phone first." Song Yan got up and walked out.

  Shi Qian waited until the last moment before the voice was connected.

   "Song Yan, where are you now? I just called you, why can't I get through?" Shi Qian was already suspicious.

  The phone can't be connected, but the voice can be connected. Song Yan is not in the country.

   Before Song Yan could speak, Shi Qian's voice sounded again, "Song Yan, tell me, are you with Fu Sinian now? How is his situation now?"

  What Song Yan was about to say was blocked back.

   "I'm with Fu Sinian!"

   "How is he now? Song Yan, don't lie to me, tell me the truth! I beg you." Shi Qian's voice sounded so fragile.

   Song Yan's heart ached to death.

  He finally knew that the relationship between him and Shi Qian could not bear fruit.

  Shi Qian's love for Fu Sinian is so deep.

  If he told Shi Qian the real situation of Fu Sinian, Shi Qian would definitely feel even more uncomfortable.

"Qianqian, you don't have to worry too much. Fu Sinian's current situation is not what I told you before. He was just too tired and fainted recently. You also know that he has a special status, and I am The person who has been treating him, so he called me over. You may not know much about the situation in country F, and I need to send the equipment over in person. I thought it was nothing serious, and I didn’t tell you before I came. .”

   "Did Si Nian wake up? Since when did he fall into a coma?"

"He has been in a coma for more than four hours. We have examined him and intervened in treatment. We have given him some tranquilizing drugs to refresh his mind, so he has not woken up yet. When he wakes up, he will definitely be the first I'll contact you soon, don't worry, Qianqian."

   "Well, I'm relieved to have you here."

  Song Yan felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

  Suddenly felt that it was good to gain such trust as Shi Qian.

  Although they can't be a couple or husband and wife, at least they can get along like relatives and brothers and sisters.

  He is still the big brother next door who she can trust and rely on.

   After Shi Qian finished chatting with Song Yan, Rong Zhan hadn't come out of the study yet.

   Gu Xi sat next to Shi Qian, and comforted softly: "Qian Qian, don't worry too much, I heard the chat between you and Mr. Song just now, and he said so, there must be nothing wrong."

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