I Woke My Vegetative Husband up at Our Wedding Night!

Chapter 1216: Boss Fu is sick and can't take care of himself

  Chapter 1216 Boss Fu is sick and unable to take care of himself

  Unknowingly, he has been manipulated by her to death.

   "Okay, let's go back together." Fu Sinian responded softly.

   "It's not too bad." Shi Qian received a satisfactory answer, and her mood improved a lot. How many days have you been in a coma? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? I'll get you some water and some food, shall we? "

   "Let me hug her for a while longer." Fu Sinian was reluctant to let go of her.

   "Okay, I'll hug you for another minute."

   "How is one minute enough?"

   "Wait for you to drink some water, eat something, and then let you hug as long as you want."

   "Okay." Fu Sinian nodded.

   Shi Qian went to prepare some food, and fed Fu Sinian herself.

  Fu Sinian's complexion also recovered a little.

  He moved slowly, trying to get out of bed.

   "What are you going to do?" Shi Qian immediately asked nervously.

   "I want to come down and take a walk."

   "Do you have the strength to stand still? Shall I hold something for you to support? Or should I support you?"

   "Hold me up."

   Shi Qian immediately got up and supported him seriously.

  Fu Sinian pretended that his legs were weak, and took the opportunity to lean on Shi Qian's shoulder. Shi Qian endured her weight with some difficulty, with one hand tightly around his waist.

  Fu Sinian slowly moved two steps.

   Shi Qian discovered that he was walking towards the bathroom.

   "Are you trying to make things easier?"

   "Yes." Fu Sinian nodded, "Why don't you let me go and I'll walk in by myself."

   "I'll go with you." Shi Qian helped him into the bathroom.

  Fu Sinian stood by the toilet and remained silent for a long time.

   Shi Qian was also embarrassed to stare at him, and kept looking elsewhere.

   Seeing that he didn't move, he looked up at him, and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

   "Help me see."

  Shiqian didn't think about anything else at all, she only thought that he was a patient who couldn't take care of himself, and when she lowered her head, she realized that she was wrong.

   And, it's so wrong.

   No wonder he was silent for a long time.

   It turned out that my mind was not on this aspect.

   "You really..." She was speechless.

   "I can't help it. I just hugged you, and I couldn't control it." Fu Sinian explained helplessly.

   "Then can you do it?" Shi Qian asked again.

   "Is it okay? Try it."

   "Be more honest!" Shi Qian immediately pinched his waist.

   "How about you go out first and let me calm down for a while."

   "I'm going out, are you standing still?"

   "It's okay, stand still."

   "Then be careful yourself, I'm at the door, call me when you're done, I'll come in and help you."

   "Okay." Fu Sinian nodded.

  Shi Qian carefully let go of him, and walked out.

  As soon as she went out, Fu Sinian stood up straight, as if he was sick and unable to take care of himself just now.

   After a while, Shi Qian heard the sound of flushing water, and before Fu Sinian called her, she walked in.

  Fu Sinian suddenly looked weak.

  Shi Qian went over to support him immediately, and tidied his clothes smoothly.

  Fu Sinian felt that he might be pretending too much, but he really wanted her to love him so much and care about his appearance.

  Shi Qian helped Fu Sinian out and pushed him back on the bed.

   "Tell me honestly, what is your situation like?"

  Fu Sinian patted the other side of the bed and motioned for him to lie down.

   "I'll just sit here." Shi Qian directly refused, thinking of how he looked in the bathroom just now, she decided it would be better to keep a little distance from him.

  (end of this chapter)

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