The drone didn't go around the spot where they parked just now, so they couldn't see what happened. In the surveillance video, the black car was rolling down the cliff!

  Su Ruoqing frowned as she watched the video from the video.

   "Miss Su, they had a car accident!"

   "Let the drone fly over and take a clear picture." Su Ruoqing ordered in a deep voice.


  The drone descended quickly, chasing the car that was rolling down at high speed.

   "Miss Su, there is no one in the car, they escaped!"

  Su Ruoqing looked at the dense jungle, picked up the wine glass on the table and smashed it out.

   "They must have discovered the drone, so they chose to abandon the car and run away! Immediately order someone to track it down, and I must catch Shi Qian back!"


  Su Ruoqing took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and came to Arthur's room.

  Arthur was thinking about the chess record, and there was an endgame in front of him.

   "Mr. Arthur." Su Ruoqing called out respectfully.

   "Is the person under control?"

"not yet."

  Arthur's face sank, "I can't do this little thing well."

   "They abandoned the car and fled, and I have already had people chase them."

   "I repeat, don't hurt Shiqian, I want him to appear in front of me intact! Where did she get hurt? I will pay back twice as much on you!"

   "Yes!" Su Ruoqing suppressed her hatred and nodded.

  How could Arthur care so much about Shi Qian? Could it be that you really like Shang Shiqian?

  Su Ruoqing couldn't figure it out.

  If she hadn't dared to disobey Arthur's wishes, she would have ordered Shi Qian to be killed a long time ago!


   After Shi Qian, Rong Zhan, and Dong Zi entered the jungle, they immediately lost their way.

  Rong Zhan and Dongzi turned on their phones, but there was no signal at all.

   "Turn off your mobile phones first, and save the battery for backup." Shi Qian said to the two of them.

  Rong Zhan and Dongzi immediately turned off their phones.

  Dongzi immediately took out the things in the backpack. These are all things for self-defense. He is fully armed and can save himself in times of crisis.

  Shi Qian quickly picked up the bandages on the ground, wrapped them skillfully around his wrists and legs, and then stuffed the two daggers into the bandages on his wrists and hid them.

  Rong Zhan looked surprised at her skillful appearance.

   "Hurry up, the enemy will catch up soon. If we are unlucky, they will catch up with us soon." Shi Qian said to Rongzhan.

  Rong Zhan immediately organized his things.

   Shi Qian wrapped a storage bag around her waist again, and began to pack some scattered things.

   These skills are all learned from Dongzi.

   Now it all comes in handy.

   "Young Madam, you take this." Dongzi handed Shi Qian a gun.

   "Yeah." Shi Qian took it and pinned it on his waist.

  The three packed up and continued to set off.

   Fortunately, there is a thick layer of fallen leaves in the depths of the jungle, and even if you walk over, there will be no obvious footprints. In this way, their whereabouts are well hidden.

  The climate in country F is hot, and the jungle is even more humid and stuffy. Shi Qian always walks between Dongzi and Rong Zhan, not falling behind at all.

  Rong Zhan was surprised again.

   Shi Qian's physical fitness is also very good, right?

   "Rong Zhan, Fu Sinian drugged me and asked you to take me back to China, what's his plan?" Shi Qian asked suddenly.

  Rong Zhan suddenly became nervous.

  This feeling is like the teacher suddenly called the name and asked you to answer the question, but you don't know the answer yet.

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