I Woke My Vegetative Husband up at Our Wedding Night!

Chapter 1235: This is your solid backing

  Chapter 1235 This is your solid backing


  Rong Zhan glanced at Fu Sinian's eyes, and said in a low voice: "The most important thing is to hurry now, and it's never too late to talk about the rest."

  Shi Qian grabbed the armrest of the car, got into Rong Zhan's car, and said to Dongzi and the others: "Move, give me a seat."

   Dongzi moved his body a little, and Shi Qian easily squeezed in.

  Looking at the situation, Rong Zhan jumped out of the car, put his arms around Fu Sinian's shoulders and walked towards the car in front.

  The convoy began to drive along the rugged mountain road.

  Front, Rong Zhan spoke first, "This time, it's really hard to coax."

   "What happened in the jungle just now?" Fu Si asked young.

   "Arthur has an order, not to hurt Qianqian. Those people are timid, and Qianqian is really brave. It really opened my eyes! How can she have such a good skill?"

  At that time, Rong Zhan saw that person sneaking up on Shiqian from behind!

  However, he didn't have time to rescue him, and he thought that Shi Qian was about to be controlled by those people. Unexpectedly, Shi Qian rescued himself by himself, and even shot the man's lifeblood!

  "When she was young, my mother-in-law was afraid that she would be bullied as a girl, so she asked her to practice self-defense for a period of time. She has a solid foundation."

   "Wow! I thought girls would learn to dance or draw. I didn't expect that there are still people who learn this!"

   "That's because you didn't have a daughter. If you have a daughter, you will know why you have to learn this."

   "You don't have a daughter either." Rong Zhan muttered in a low voice.

"The main reason is that this time, the contrast between Qianqian and usual is too great. Do you know that she has always been in my eyes, she is that kind of delicate and good girl, unlike Gu Xi in our family, who has been a little sister since she was a child?" , good things don't have her, and she is indispensable in every fight! I wish she would be quiet and let me worry less. "

  Fu Sinian turned his head and glanced in Shi Qian's direction.

   Shi Qian was talking with Dongzi and a few others, and finally there was a smile on his face.

   You should feel better now, right?

   "Si Nian, what are your plans now? Arthur didn't hesitate to use force. I feel that he didn't target me, but came for Qianqian. In this case, do you still feel relieved to let me take her back?"

   "No!" Fu Sinian shook his head firmly, "You still go back according to the original plan, this matter is still a personal grievance."

   "Arthur is not Su Ruoqing, you must be careful."

"Do not worry."

  The car went down the mountain, drove for a while, and turned into a village.

  Fu Sinian jumped out of the car, and Rong Zhan followed suit.

   "Mr. Rong! Mr. Fu!" A man in a suit ran over quickly, "Great, you are all fine, great. The higher-ups were still asking about the situation just now."

   "Who said I'm fine?" Rong Zhan asked back.

  The secretary was startled, with a puzzled expression on his face.

  Fu Sinian frowned suddenly.

  Rong Zhan looked at Fu Sinian, "Sinian, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

"What's up?"

  Rong Zhan suddenly picked up the weapon he had snatched from the enemy, and shot himself in the arm!

  Fu Sinian's pupils shrank.

   "Rong Zhan! What are you doing!"

   Shi Qian heard gunshots and quickly ran towards Rong Zhan, "What's going on? Rong Zhan, what are you doing?"

  Rong Zhan clutched his bleeding arm, looked at Fu Sinian, "Sinian, this shot is your solid backing."

  (end of this chapter)

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