I Woke My Vegetative Husband up at Our Wedding Night!

Chapter 1238: How disgusted he was before, he doesn't remember at all

  Chapter 1238 He doesn’t remember how disgusted he was before

   "As long as my will is strong enough, this is a reasonable condition." Shi Qian retorted.

  Fu Sinian:! !

   "Qianqian, is your desire to divorce me really that strong?"

   "At least it's very strong now!"

  Fu Sinian directly hugged Shi Qian, "It seems that I can't coax you well."

   "What are you doing, let me go." Shi Qian suddenly struggled.

   "Shh, the soundproofing here is not very good."

   Shi Qian immediately closed her mouth tightly, staring at Fu Sinian.

  Fu Sinian did not carry her to the bed, but walked out with her in his arms.

   The two walked along a corridor to a yard.

   There is a circular pool in the middle of the yard, and there is a thatched parasol beside it, which looks warm and quiet.

   "Where is this? What did you bring me to such a place?"

   "Soak your feet. After walking so much in the jungle today, your feet must be painful. Soak for a while, and you can sleep well."

  Fu Sinian put Shi Qian on the edge of the pool, squatted in front of her, and took off his shoes.

  Shi Qian put her feet into the pool, and a cold feeling immediately made her whole body feel comfortable.

  Fu Sinian held her feet and kneaded them gently for her.

   "Get up quickly, it will be bad if people see it."

   "So what if you see it? It's not illegal to wash your wife's feet."

   "Aren't you afraid that others will laugh at you if they see it?"

   "What's there to be afraid of? Isn't it more terrifying without a wife?"

  Jiang Feng, who was about to deliver materials to Fu Sinian in the distance, stopped immediately when he heard these words.

   What Fu Shao said, how much he disliked it before, have you forgotten?

  Looking at this warm scene, Jiang Feng couldn't bear to be disturbed, so he backed out with the documents.

  Fu Sinian rubbed Shi Qian's feet for a while.

   "Okay, no more kneading, I'll soak here quietly for a while."

   "Does your hand still hurt?" Fu Sinian asked softly.

   "It doesn't hurt anymore." Shi Qian shook his head.

   "Nonsense, why doesn't it hurt?" Fu Sinian held Shi Qian's hand, only to see that her palm was still flushing abnormally.

   "Jian Shen has already applied some medicine to me. Besides, this pain in my hand is nothing, it hurts even more in my heart."

  Fu Sinian: …

   "Forget it, Fu Sinian, I don't want to be angry with you anymore, just tell me what you plan to do, I can tell you, no matter how you arrange it, I won't have any opinions."

   "Are you really so obedient?" Fu Sinian was a little skeptical.

  Shi Qiang choked, as if something was stuck in her throat, she directly shook off Fu Sinian's hand, "I want to go back myself, maybe, it won't be long, I won't have to worry about the divorce anymore."

   "What does this mean?" Fu Sinian was puzzled.

   "We're all widowed, why are we still getting divorced? It's totally unnecessary!" Shi Qian replied angrily.

   "Then do you still want to listen to my arrangement?"

"you say."

   "Tomorrow, I want Dongzi to return to the team. He can't be by your side all the time, so you can't leave my sight all the time in the next day."

   Shi Qian was startled, what does Fu Sinian mean?

   "I have also slightly changed the training plan that Dongzi arranged for you before. Moreover, I will personally supervise and practice. Do you have any comments?"

  Shi Qian didn't answer Fu Sinian's question, but threw herself directly into his arms.

  Fu Sinian still wanted to comfort him, but his shoulders were wet.

  This silly girl just wanted to love him to death.

  (end of this chapter)

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