I Woke My Vegetative Husband up at Our Wedding Night!

Chapter 1245: Mr. Fu, my official match is not you

  Chapter 1245 Mr. Fu, my official match is not you

   "I will take care of the matter of country F, but I can't guarantee whether it is what you want to see!" Arthur's voice calmed down.

   There was an angry voice on the phone: "Think about the consequences of going your own way! Don't you want to see her for the last time? Her body can't last long, and you can see her when you come back."

   "Who is she? I don't have anyone I want to see." After Arthur finished speaking, he took the initiative to cut off the phone.

  The room was silent for a long time before Su Ruoqing raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

  Su Ruoqing walked in, and Arthur sat on the sofa, looking out the window with his back to her.

"Boss, I just heard the news that Shi Qian is going to participate in an interview on a program in Country F. I suspect this interview is a cover. The real purpose may be to let Fu Sinian transfer data. The data must be not far from Shi Qian's participation in the event. Fu Sinian will also go there with Shi Qian, he has not exposed his whereabouts before, this time he did not hesitate to expose himself, it was because we were too hasty to make such a move, I want to take a risk."

   "I saw that message." Arthur turned the sofa around, "I'll go with you."

   "What?" Su Ruoqing was shocked.

   "Pack up and leave immediately."

   "Yes." Su Ruoqing nodded immediately.

  She couldn't understand Arthur's mind at all, and didn't know his attitude towards Shi Qian.

   It is absolutely impossible for a man like Arthur to be so crazy for a woman.

  So, what is it about Shiqian that attracts him?

  One more thing, Su Ruoqing is basically sure that Arthur is really the biological son of Duke Bliss!

   Otherwise, based on Arthur's disturbance in country F, and regardless of the behavior style that would affect Duke Bliss, Duke Bliss would have sent someone to kill Arthur long ago.

  Although Arthur clearly supported those who disagreed, the president of country F still didn't dare to tear himself apart with Arthur. Arthur was still enjoying extremely high treatment in country F.

   After all, some things have too much impact on the public face, so they can only be covered and resolved in private, just like the actions deployed by Fu Sinian.

   On the bright side, everyone can meet and gather together to toast and drink.


   Shi Qian's interview activities are arranged in Longcheng in country F, which is also one of the few prosperous cities in country F.

   A group of people have arrived in Longcheng and checked into the officially arranged hotel.

  When Shi Qian came to the hotel, a large number of fans had already gathered outside the hotel.

  The entire outside of the hotel became a sea of ​​flowers.

  On the hotel's electronic screen, it was also replaced by Shiqian's photos, which kept scrolling, and there were still some stills and videos.

   Toki Asahi was also surprised by the enthusiasm of the fans.

   "Am I so popular in Country F?" Shi Qian asked Fu Sinian beside him.

   "There should be, otherwise why would there be so many people here?" Fu Sinian nodded with a smile.

  He wouldn’t think that when he was in Country F, he was in a bad mood and just saw Shiqian’s billboard, so he spent a little money and invested the maximum amount of advertising.

   "I'll get out of the car first, you can get off later? Or, you can go in when everyone can't notice you." Shi Qian confessed to Fu Sinian.

   "Why should I walk away from you?"

   "Now is the Internet age, and news from our side will soon reach the country. My official partner is not you. If I am not careful, my reputation will be ruined." Shi Qian replied confidently.

  (end of this chapter)

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