I Woke My Vegetative Husband up at Our Wedding Night!

Chapter 1247: What exactly is Arthur's intention?

  Chapter 1247 What exactly is Arthur's intention?


  Shi Qian suddenly stopped.

   "Miss Shiqian, we meet again."

  Shi Qian was about to speak, when she suddenly felt a pain in her back, and an anesthetic needle pricked her shoulder, and she lost consciousness in just a second.

   Arthur stepped forward to catch Shi Qian's body, carried her into the car.

   "BOSS, there are checkpoints ahead!"

   "Driving directly." Arthur ordered in a deep voice.

  Fu Sinian followed closely, and Arthur was surrounded on all sides, but he didn't panic at all, and sat in the car calmly.

   Shi Qian was lying on him without a trace of consciousness, his head just resting on his lap, Arthur put down the car window on purpose, and gently stroked Shi Qian's hair.

   This scene made Fu Sinian's heart burst!

  He stopped suddenly.

  Because, in Arthur's eyes, he saw a trace of cold killing intent.

   Arthur was very satisfied with Fu Sinian's reaction.

   With Shi Qian in his hands, it was like pinching Fu Sinian's weakness.

  Fu Sinian didn't dare to take risks.

"Mr. Fu, I have admired Ms. Shiqian for a long time. I came here today to pick her up and have a good chat with her. I don't mean any harm to her. However, if you can't control your emotions, once we have a conflict, in case you get hurt Then Miss Qian will be fine."

  Fu Sinian secretly clenched his hands.

"what do you want?"

   "Boss Fu thought, what do I want?" Arthur asked with a smile.

   "Research data? Or the control of the port of country F?"

   "These things are not as important to me as Miss Shi Qian. From the first moment I saw her, I was deeply attracted by her."

  Fu Sinian did not expect that Arthur would be unmoved by the conditions he said!

  Arthur raised his hand and caressed Shi Qian's cheek, as if caressing an extremely precious artwork.

  Shi Qian must be very important to Fu Sinian, right?

   Otherwise, Fu Sinian would not have handed over the research data without blinking an eye, as well as the port control rights of country F that he had finally obtained.

   "Arthur, if you dare to hurt a single strand of her hair, I will definitely not let you go!"

   "Is Mr. Fu going to let him go?" After Arthur finished speaking, his hand slowly moved down, pinching Shiqian's neck.

  Fu Sinian's heart seemed to be strangled.

   "Let's go!"

   Arthur showed a smile, slowly let go of his hand, and stroked his light hair just like before.

  The checkpoint in front slowly opened, and Arthur's car drove forward.

  Fu Sinian looked at the car that was drifting away, and immediately drove up to catch up with Arthur's car.

   Arthur will never escape country F!

   Arthur didn't go anywhere else, but drove the car into the villa area where he lived.

  Fu Sinian immediately sent people to surround the entire villa area.

   Not to mention people, even a fly cannot fly out.

  He told Arthur with practical actions.

  If Shi Qian made a mistake, Arthur would definitely not be able to get out of here alive!

"Fu Shao, Su Ruoqing fell into our trap and was caught by our people. However, her condition is not very good and she was sent to the hospital. I don't know if she can make it through!" Jiang Feng came to Fu Sinian's side to report Condition.

   "Did the data transfer?"

   "The transfer was successful."

  Fu Sinian looked at the villa area inside, and picked up the binoculars to monitor the movement there.

   "Young Master Fu, Arthur has been eyeing the young lady from the very beginning. I feel that he seems to have other purposes."

  Fu Sinian also couldn't figure out why Arthur hijacked Qianqian.

  He can be sure that from the very beginning of Arthur's contact with Qianqian, it has nothing to do with his dispute with the Bliss family's F country port!

  (end of this chapter)

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