I Woke My Vegetative Husband up at Our Wedding Night!

Chapter 1258: A woman exactly like Shi Qian

  Chapter 1258 A woman exactly like Shi Qian

   "How does it taste? Is it the taste you like?" Shi Qian asked again.

   "It tastes good." Arthur bowed his head and continued eating noodles.

   Shi Qian also brought out a bowl. Her noodles, without eggs or carrots, were just a bowl of plain noodles.

   "Eat a little like this in the morning, and I will prepare other dishes later."

   After eating the noodles, Arthur looked at Shi Qian.

  Shi Qian raised her head to meet his gaze, she could feel from Arthur's gaze that he was struggling emotionally, but that struggling emotion only lasted for a second and then quickly disappeared.

   Arthur got up and left.

   Shi Qian's mood suddenly sank.

   I don't know how to escape this predicament.

   Arthur came to the backyard, and a figure immediately walked out of the house.

  The woman passed by the window, with her hair tied in a bun, wearing a cheongsam, with a gentle and demure demeanor, a pair of delicate little feet stepped out the door, and the pendant on the cheongsam also swayed.

   Looking up, the girl's slender fingers overlapped, and her waist was too slender to hold.

   This cheongsam is exactly the same as what Shi Qian wore when he participated in an event.

   Just looking at this dress and figure, I thought it was Shi Qian.

   Looking down, this woman is not only similar in figure to Shi Qian, but even her face is 90% similar to Shi Qian!

   "Mr. Arthur." The woman called out.

   "Who else knows your identity besides Su Ruoqing?" Arthur asked.

   "No more." The woman responded softly, "Mr. Arthur, do you have any orders for me?"

  Arthur walked into the house, sat on the sofa, and looked up and down at the woman in front of him.

   "What's your real name?"

  This woman was brought by Su Ruoqing to him, and she was made into Shi Qian's appearance. He didn't know what Su Ruoqing's intention was for making her into Shi Qian's appearance.

  However, at this time, it happened to come in handy.

  He only met this woman once when Su Ruoqing brought her to see him, so he placed this woman here.

   still don't know where she came from.

  Su Ruoqing had been completely reduced to an abandoned child, and she was still in the hands of Fu Sinian, so he came here in person to find out about this woman.

   "Mr. Arthur, my name is Lin Qinghe."

   "Lin Qinghe? Do you know Shi Qian?"

   "It's not just acquaintance, Shi Qian and I are half-sisters." Lin Qinghe took the initiative to introduce.

  Although the truth about her life experience has come to light, she is not Lin Shiming's daughter, and deep down in her heart she is still unwilling to admit her life experience.

   "What is the purpose of Su Ruoqing making you look like this?"

   "I only know that she wants to take revenge on Fu Sinian, but she didn't say what she asked me to do."

   "Su Ruoqing is dead, from today onwards, you follow my arrangement."

   "Su Ruoqing is dead?" Lin Qinghe was surprised for a while.

   Arthur didn't answer, got up and left.


  Bai Jianshen tried several methods, but none of them could wake up Su Ruoqing.

   Moreover, Su Ruoqing's vital symptoms are not stable, and the situation is not optimistic.

   "Jian Shen, is Su Ruoqing's life in danger? Is it impossible to save her?" Jiang Feng asked worriedly.

   "I'll try again. The main reason is that the medical technology in country F is too backward. If it is in China, I will be more confident." Bai Jianshen turned to get another medicine and added it to the bottle.

  In a building opposite, a sniper was aiming at Su Ruoqing who was on the bed.

  Su Ruoqing suddenly babbled, "Water...water..."

  Bai Jianshen and Jiang Feng came to the bed immediately.

   "Wake up! Jiang Feng, contact Fu Shao immediately!"

  (end of this chapter)

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