I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 105, Luo, looking for the door

"Shen Lin, I don't want to use it." Ren Jing advised.

Where is the Lilin is a loyalty? After all, he is the clearest, no matter when it is, no matter which TV channel, as long as they broadcast "still Pearl", do not say the ratio will rush, the at least allows the ratings to the bottom.

And the key is still a ten years, and you said that it is expensive or cheap?

This is also the bottom of Shenlin.

This also shows that several people in the play must be real fire. Ten years of fire.

"Ren Jingjie, you will be a loyalty, don't go to this money, you will not sell it. Anyway, this play is also taken for you." Shen Lin Road.

Water, talented men say that the woman is for you, killing is 999+!

I am even a stun, even if she is thinking so much.

On the side of Ren Jing, "Oh" hangs.

Shen Lin wants, only you have stabilized your feet in the TV circle, your company can make a lot of drama, you can continue to make money.

Instead of dealing with those who don't meet, there is a good deed with your beauty.

Moreover, Shen Lin also has an idea, and the light is on a TV series, it can't change his position after the future, since she is a noise of the film and television circle, the commercial layout, it must start to build in advance.

And Xishan, is the best starting point.

The Shenlin film has been cut to night, and the mobile phone came again.

Look at the mobile phone Shenlin music, this is not the same!

Shen Lin can feel a little anxious mood over there.

"Hey, is the Shenlin old brother? is Lu Bo."

"Huang ... Lu Bo, how are you, looking for me?" Shen Lin felt that this person is really too like Huang Wei, the accent is like a Qingdao taste.

That Lu Bo was tense and said with a smile and said: "Do you still remember ? You talk ... I don't want to go to the bar of Yan Shang, I want to find you a cup, this Please ask you times. "

Shen Lin, who scratched his head, said: "Lu Bo, I have no time."

That Lu Bo is silent, then he still said: "I know you busy, or you don't help you with a teacher, you will not do it, you can't do it, you want to ask the teacher to drink a cup."

Don't say, Shen Lin is still a person who likes Lu Bo who thinks that he is excellent, what is going to make.

It is also absolutely that this world is unlucky.


Shen Linru asked, Lu Bo on the phone was even more nervous.

"I am afraid drinking is impossible." Shen Lin Road.

The heart of Lubo, seems to be ice-lived by sea water.

Hey, about this kind of person, where it will be easy.

Lu Bo smashed the smoke and wanted to hang up the phone.

"So, drinking is impossible, you will go to Chuangxing Company tomorrow to find Liang Bo, I will contact you, what's the matter, your company talks. How do you see?"

Lu Bo is sturdy, the heart is jumping with the heart.

Sure enough, this kid is not general, from the last time in the bar, they can see the attitude of Shenlin.


Lu Bo is busy: "Medium, middle!"

Hanging on the phone, Shen Lin called Liang Bo.

Liang Bo quickly took the phone, listening to the sound image is a song.

Shen Lin said: "Liang Ge, I introduced a friend to find you. If he wants you to help make the first song, you will pick it up, if you can not agree, the cost of making songs is coming out."

Liang Bo is listening to the singer of Shenlin, which is naturally very strong.

"The cost is not needed, the company is given. Just if your friend, why don't you give you? Our level is better than you!" Liang Bo said his heart.

Just now Shen Linzhi is not on making songs and singing, if there is, I am afraid that no one can get it.

This can be seen from the few songs of Shenlin now.

Shen Lin said: "He is not suitable for singing, but give him a chance to try, so let him die."

Liang Bona nodded, not suitable for singing? This is also a big hand!

Shenlin is to let this kid to die, follow yourself, if he is a singer, I am afraid I will have a little more beautiful movie emperor.

The next day, the crew started shooting on time.

The whole drama group is very happy, the only unpleasant is Luo Min.

This aunt, now she does not unload makes a child, they can give people a child to cry.

You must know that you are a comedian, is this this year's Spring Festival Evening?

Directly scare the children, it is not the stage.

Zou Lao also followed Luo Lai to the crew, and there was nothing to say: "Queen is the mainstay, she is not worried, what are you worried?"

Luo Min is even more angry, have you seen the plastic pole? It is not all being criminalized. Moreover, the Queen is not a comedian, what are you afraid?

However, Shen Lin believes that she is a worry.

At first, people were afraid of Rong, hate, but waiting for this play to replay a summer vacation, people will find that this is awkward, the intensity is exaggerated, it is completely comedies!

Zou Laocai couldn't help her her face, ran to the Shenlin to point a smoke and said: "What should you do?"

What is the way?

Shenlin scratched hair and did not dare to speak.

At this time, Zou Lao has said: "I can not be for you, this spring evening is ready, should I write?"

Hey, is it waiting for yourself?

However, this is something you agree, let alone the script is in your own brain, don't give your family, Wang Guoshan, who wrote! My Spring Festival Evening?

"Zou Lao, there will be words in the future, don't bring this threat!"

Zou Lao said with a smile: "Who knows that your kid can be resistant to it, he still can't hear it."

"Can you get big, I am not afraid, can you still be afraid of Luo Mom?"

Shenlin thought that the first time I saw Guo Mountain at the time, or if Zou Lao, I am afraid the right to sign the right, it is still not necessarily who. Such a love is also.

Zou Lao still said: "This is good, your aunt is now a needle. I am afraid that she is tied."

Zou Lao, the staff next to it is free.

Now who meets Luo Min's first reaction is that Mr. Teacher said where is the needle?

In the study of the book at home, it is rare to watch TV series, or look at the TV series of Xishan Terrace.

Sometimes the Shu Shuo is like a high-end man, close the door to read the writing, and even the network is not.

He sat next to Wang Shiwen, is Wang Shixian, open TV, let him look at the exclusive drama of Xishan Terrace "also Pearl Princess".

At first, the Shu Shuo's face disdain, I think this is what it is, have yourself written the drama?

But this look, plus replayed, a total of four episodes, actually didn't look enough.

Can this play be written like this? Take this shot?

Obviously, it is a direct dialogue, saying that there is no brain, why is it combined with a plot, combined with the young actor's tender little face, just like this?

It's completely unreasonable!

(Who is pushed by this chapter? Or who is it to give me a book? Not recommended, actually collected. Stressed!)

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