I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 118 is a variety show

"You can't do it!" Shen Lin also thought of a variety and planning program, I think this is the old bottle of old wine, or a fake wine.

Ren Xiao bite red lips and said: "You can't. Do a variety outdoor for TV stations? How is it possible? We can't do it."

Shen Lin felt his own, this kind of thing is impossible in their eyes, but in his own eyes, it is simple to not simple things.

Do you want to come out of your running? Imagine if you come out?

Do you want to make comedies? Do you want to make the singer?

Which is not big red big purple?

So do a variety outsourcing company and make a steady.

"I can't do it? Ha, the sister, do you take these plans for? Don't say you just look?"

Qi Jing was asked, yeah, if you can't do it, what is you doing? Do you want to do a variety?

Silence for a long time, sigh sit on the sofa, white short skirt, white legs, white arm ...

"Then you said, why don't I do it?" Ren Jing face is a bit pale, these days are too tired.

Shenlin is a calm cup of hot coffee, so that she can add some energy, and Xiaowen also knocked in.

Seeing that Shen Lin is actually so careful, the inexplicably heart is also a warm.

Shen Lin opened TV because there was no homemade drama and self-made variety of video websites on the mobile phone, but also the leftovers of the TV station.

Shen Lin didn't know how the video website lived. Is it still doing the color?

Caracted a star interview show on the TV on the TV.

"Your plan is nothing more than this form, don't say there is no ratio, at least no new intentions, the audience will not buy it. And all the same interview shows, all of them are competition, impossible to give you Xishan Terrace The advertising business brings it. "

Ren Jing didn't expect this, not don't know these drawbacks, but don't do this, what else can you do?

Shen Lin apparently does not think that it is necessary to run male, be a large program such a singer, because he is afraid that the audience can't accept this span, first slowly cultivating and appreciating interesting is the best.

In fact, just jump out of their inherent appreciation habits, thinking slightly, will have an answer.

They all do the interview show of the star, can you do the interview show for business characters?

And you are very successful in the film and television row like you, and then transition to a strong people in the business field to do the host, invite the red people on the wealth list, not more attractive?

That world, there is also a fierce variety competition, but there are also TV stations, and others are doing a star variety. They began to do an interview with financial characters, not to speak business, just talk about life, not speaking money, only pursuit.

Shen Lin as a small person in the world, but there are few such programs, even better than watching the star variety. Because those commercial big, itself comes with an attractive aura, just giving them a platform for them.

Therefore, this world has the conditions for opening such a program, and also has a large fire condition.

The reason why they did not find it because their vision is limited, and there is also the lag of the entertainment industry.

"Ren Jing sister, can you consider, do the host to interview private entrepreneurs? The more famous, the better, the more you are, the people who are interested in them are not less than the star."

Ren Silent nodded, shake his head, interviewed these people, but it is basically a media such as financial channels, and people who see people are professionals, or people who are hobbies.

As a regular variety show facing the public, if you invite them, those who listen to the understanding? Who loves to listen?

"I can do the host, but the audience will definitely don't like to listen to these people. Let me not understand it? Let them talk about an hour of project development, don't listen to people? Don't say the audience, I have to take a nap. "

Ren Jing feels that this Shenlin is not reliable.

Shen Lin was laughed, gathered her hair, showing the forehead and said: "Who let you talk about the project, you let them talk about life, talk about philosophy, let others find him different, I don't have to remember the striking sweet, oh, yes, the key to successful experience, many people are still very interested in the experience of them. "

Hey, it's really! Ranjing nodded. If you don't pure business finance, just talk about life, it seems really a bit, but it seems that there is still a problem. I didn't want to come out.

The assistant Xiaowen in the side said: "Yes, it is best to ask some big entrepreneurs with stories. It is best to have the kind of personal charm, which is more look."

"That's it." Shen Lin said.

Ren Jing Wang Wen said: "If you, I really like to see this kind of program? After all, the entrepreneur is not a star, and there are so many things like the audience."

Xiao Wen wants to say: "See if you are, some people, I am interested, such as selling health products, such as the one of the riches, such as the recent name, I am interested. "

Shen Lin smiled, Xiao Wen is very eye-catching.

"Such a program, the people come to the most important, must ask those who come to bring themselves, the audience has a curiosity of them." Shen Lin said.

Ren Jing is already curious to continue asking: "What?"

Teng Xiaowen also watched Shenlin curious, what is the most curious about rich people?

Shen Lin wants to see, do you look now, isn't it curious now?

"For example, take a viewer to see their luxury houses, look at their luxury office, such as looking at them, but more hobbies, how to see them in the commercial empire, how to watch tide Fall, but still calm picture. "

If you don't have to use the Shenlin, you will start thinking about it.

"In fact, you have a host there is another advantage, because you are also a businessman, now a successful businessman, you do the host, interviewed these big entrepreneurs, more topic, more look, like a master, like a master Direct discussion. "Shen Lin Road.

Ren Jingyi looks like a charming eye looks at the Shenlin, my God, no wonder the man wants "wake up the power of the world, intoxicating the beauty"!

The eyes of this worship, Shen Lin is also drunk.

Ren Jing is now not able to know that the idea of ​​Shenlin is not feasible, but at least a lot of variety ideas than the past.

"We don't want to make a variety of villager, just follow the time of entrepreneurs, the chatest, the luxury office also goes, in the middle, wear interviews, then wear insert narrative, wear points they eat and drink, do they eat, to eat, There is absolutely a look. "Shen Lin did not follow the most old routine, first do the interview show in the most basic studio, to do the kind of Lu Yu, and played with entrepreneurs.

Ren Jing is a little crying, so the day, the audience really likes to see? If you open a day, what is this still recorded?

However, Shenlin said firmly: "Ren Jing sister, if you want to continue to improve the ratings of Xishan Terrace, build Xishan Terrace into a money tree, I hope you can try my thoughts."

Ren Jing didn't talk.

Xiaowen did not dare to say anything, this decision, get the boss to take it.

For Ren Jing, it is obvious that this is the best plan to be in front of him. Although it is a bit unreliable, it is the most innovative, if it is true, the at least make Xishan platform has its own characteristics.

The disadvantage is that if it is not good, there may not be a point's ratings, and it will become a laughter of the peers, because this is not a variety show, and the financial program is not over.

There is also a bit of bad operation, and if you haven't thought of it, it is absolutely.

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