I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 13 Student Cadres

What is this? Shen Lin looked at the time of the phone.

He felt that he would only go to step by himself, because it has not seen the shadow of female students yet.

After all, this is over.

Students have started admission.

There are not many student students in the film school, so welcoming the new party is generally not just a new place to participate, and the two students will also arrange an entry.

But this year doesn't seem to be quite, not just a big student, even the three major people, the graduate school, the senior students seem to come.

Also have come many teachers.

It is like a high-standard platter concert.

Shen Lin found the student cadres who were responsible for the performance of the students did not look good. He didn't expect to come to so many people.

There is no blood in the face next to the student cadres: "Lei big head, don't give it this year!"

The student cadre called the big head, the eyes, and quickly said: "Go, close your stinky mouth, how many people come, ​​ ​​ ​​

Lei big head is very high, people are bribarous, if they don't put the stinky face, it is absolutely a jade tree.

Unfortunately, now he puts a stinky face.

Lei big head is uns, and there is no color row, but it has been one afternoon next to the stage. This is a lucky one, actually debuting the peak, actually able to cooperate with Qu Yan.

Thunder heads thought, jumping from the stage, and went all the way to Shen Lin.

He is very clear, it is successful tonight, not in others, the key is the performance of this and Xiao Tian.

"This classmate, my name is Lei Jiaying, the person in charge of the students, ... You are there, no problem?" "Calling the student cadres of Lei Jiaying, the sound of the scene, it is a little bit .

Shen Lin wants, how do I know if there is any problem, I don't know what it is.

But Shen Lin still has to have a head. This is not when shirking responsibility, let alone now I have not come to this partner, can he help to find a female classmate?

Shen Lin frowned, looking at Lei Jiaying: "The problem is not, just I want to ask, my show, what is it?"

Lei Jiaying felt that his head is bigger, are you joking? You don't know if your show is?

"Of course, it is singing. What do you think?" This is not nonsense, Qu Yu, no sings who can promise? "

Shen Lin wants this, this world's song will not be a few, will be the one you wrote.

Although those are very hot, I can't afford to have a song!

Shenlin nodded, his mouth exposed a big "oh" word.

Lei Jiaying is a little relieved, but this suddenly said: "Is it convenient to reveal?"

Lei Jiaying wanted to kill the mineral water in his hand.

What do you mean, you don't know if you sing.

What are you doing? Are you a director? Are you performing?

Are you coming to play me?

Lei Jiaying just wanted to worry. Professor Lu, who came out of the landscape with the director this year, came over.

Professor Lu said to Shen Lin: "It will take a good time, this year's principal is coming."

what? The principal also comes?

Lei Jiaying is a little excited, because the principal is generally only attended the official new welcoming meeting and will not attend such a party.

This year, it is obviously optimistic about this evening.

Just this, it's a bit dizzy, don't give a performance.

Shen Linxin wants to play a good play, but if you have a little bit, if you touch the song you will sing, you can't blame me!

But his mouth is still said: "Be sure, please Professor Lu Lu."

Lei Jiaying saw that Shen Linxiao vowed to ensure that you didn't know what it was, what did you say?

Lei Jiaying also regretted, why are you not alone in the afternoon? If so, don't worry now.


But in this case, who can let the Qu yet come out? It's not bad to show.

I rely on, it is no wonder that this kid doesn't know what the show is, because the song is not with him.

Professor Lu smiled and walked to his position. Shen Lin did not intend to speak the female classmate now.

This girl is estimated to give her a hundred courage, she doesn't dare to play a tutor?

Or is there such a big occasion of the pigeons. Absolutely what is going on?

What will happen? Don't use Professor Lu to ask for a new phone?

What is it not? In case people, they will have it.

No matter, you will first talk about this. I will see it later.

In this way, Shen Lin also relaxed. It's really not, let's sing the new song.

Lei Jiaying took out the program list, and there was no such thing as a song.

Because they have no ability to contact the songs, the news of the song is also giving in the yard.

It is said that it is a group of boys, or the same class. Reissous is just the phone of this boys. Also, the phone, who dares to write?

Lei Jiaying is now in the past, this is not stupid, he really don't know what to play. Now the key is that I don't know what to play!

Shen Lin also saw the problem, this hand did not have a single order of his classmates!

This will directly let them press the axis, is it too grass?

Shenlin lanted Lei Jiaying whisper: "Tell you something," then looked at it, but still there were the auditorium that came in again, "My female classmate, I haven't come yet."

Lei Jiaying thought that the song is not normal now? If she appears in the background now, it is not normal, the big star is so idle?

But his heart is also invisible, if Qu Yime does not appear in the evening, then you can trouble, because the school knows that the song is a freshman, to appear on the stage against the stage!

But these are also can't control, tangled!

So Lei Jiaying shakes the big head, and the Shenlin returned to his position. He decided, don't want, some things are life.

Seeing the Lei Jiaying, Shen Lin knows that he guesses, the program group does not know what you have to sing!

After it, this is really trouble!

At this time, the curtain on the stage has been pulled up, and the performance will begin.

Shen Lin looked at the most important position below the auditorium, where people were sitting, indicating that the principal has come.

At 7 o'clock, the curtain was opened, and the two handsome guys pretended to appear on the stage. This profession is more than 10,000 times better than his school!

In such a school, Shenlin did not breathe, but now he has to press axis at the Yandu Film Academy.

Think about it is really a miracle!

But he still don't know what to play, where is the partner, he is really a little flustered!

But he still put the final hope, pinned on a partner, I hope she can appear in time, I hope that I don't have something big.

However, it has already arrived at the last show, or no one came, Shen Lin decided to have it.

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