The middle-aged female secretary of the Yupuzhu didn't expect that Ren Jing actually dared to first of his boss. I am afraid you too little to look at our boss. I don't know the power of our boss.

The boss has put you into the corner of the wall, the more you think now, the easier it will be. Moreover, you are not like a silly woman, don't you really know your situation now?

The Yusu Zhu took the company to enter the company, almost all the heads of all sectors, followed by their, and the sales meeting to be held, there is no sign of the signs, while walking, some people and others Jade column reports.

It can also be seen that he has absolute confidence in this matter.

It can also be seen that the waves are absolute leadership for everything, and is the absolute spiritual idol of the company.

This Shen Lin is thinking, it can also be understood.

Chinese people, I like this worship.

Ren Jing all the way, did not speak, Teng Xiaowen has a bottom gas because of his heart, and did not show his panic, but his eyes were still red and swollen.

But they all clearly manage such a large company, can lead the sales team of more than 100,000 people, and must have their own people.

What's more, his status is still there, and the richest richest richest is that they have experienced a big wind, and they naturally don't dare to be underestimated.

The office of the Yupuzhu can be described in "huge" to describe his office area, directly in the area of ​​Shenlin.

Moreover, the decoration is special, and the light behind the three-meter-high landscape Chinese painting, Shen Lin believes that the box office of a movie is not enough.

And there is still a huge wine cabinet in the office, what extent, like supermarket shelves, is full of red wine with nearly six or seven million worth.

This is not the appointment of Shenlin himself, this is the secretary of the Ma Yupuzhu.

However, Shenlin is a silk, but he doesn't understand red wine, but he still found that it is casually located at the foot of the wine cabinet, and the dusty dozens of red wine is marked with "lafei".

This Lafa wine, you can't have a place in the wine cabinet, you can see how "Lafay" is there.

In addition, there is a row of cigar cabinets, Shen Lin does not understand, you will not see it, but that value will definitely buy two rooms in Yanbu.

This is the bottom of the richest!

This can take it, but I have to take a high feeling, I can't make the emotion of Qiu Fu.

There is still a suit next to the huge office. The inside is the big floor, big flowers, as well as two rows of LV red sofas.

Shenlin has been invited to the guest's suit, and others, except for the 40-year-old female secretary followed, all waiting outside.

Someone gave the coffee, and the table of the Yushuzhu enclosed room has been built.

High-grade cutlery, surrounded by Western food, but the plate is a braised beef noodle.

It turns out that the hobby of the richest richest is not from the fun of the people.

"Do you want to use some points?" The Yupu pillar smiled very much.

But everyone refused.

"Then you sit first, a little me."

After the Yushu Pillar said, he went to the table.

Shen Lin found that this is a bit awkward, it looks like it is delayed by these people.

During this time for breakfast, the Ma Yupu is watching the materials sent by the secretary, and the Shenlin estimates are confirming some things.

After reading the material, I finished eating, and the is good.

The kind of chest has a feeling, so that the ruined and Teng Xiaowen are afraid, if there is no Shenlin today, what will it be?

Can't think!

The mastu is sitting on the sofa, and the red dress is shining in the sun outside, and it is very bright.

"All, your shooting plan I don't like it, I want to use my own." When the Yupo pillars spoke, the expression on the face is still awkward, but the tone is inseparable.

If someone else, if there is no one, if you hear the richest, you will not consciously think of the retreat, but now the rule is not, she looks at the mast, just like it is the same as the ordinary customer. .

Ren Jing, Shen Lin couldn't help but think of it.

The Yupuzhu is a bit embarrassing. Is this necessary? Beautiful meter?

But it is true that this capital is true.

Think so, I am still a beautiful heart.

Ren Jing smile and said: "The waiter, your program, I don't like it."

The Wom Yupu did not expect this answer. His secretary is to keep smiling and want to see how to hunt this famous fame, but it is completely dumbfounded.

how could this be?

When the Yupu pillar was going to the mouth, he swallowed again, and the body was on the sofa, and the three people who had no nervous expression at all, the heart called a wonderful!


"Then we can't talk about it?" Said the Yushu Pillar.

This is threatened, and the Yupuzhu believes this to say that he has a turn, otherwise she is a dead road to go, unless she is still unclear her current situation.

After Ren Jing, the back is very straight, the perfect show of her waistline, the curvature, don't mention more beautiful, even if you wear your career, you can feel different glamorous breath.

Ren Jing said and said: "Since this is the meaning of the teacher, then we don't talk."

The answer sheet is not a shaking of the sound.

Wasper pillars feel that this woman ... is not just not simple!

Look at the young man who is accompanying her, I am smashing my own office, as if I will be impatient in the next second, I urge them to talk, talk about it.

I haven't been scared by my words!

The girl who has contacted himself, staring at himself, that means that it is, right, we are not talking, see how you still want to drop?

The waves are wondering, where is your bottom?

Is this ready? Ready to go to the world, go to see the bustling world?

The Yupu pillar has a kind of family at the door of his own, and there are two little farters, including the three little fart people.

This face is hitting!

The mastu is drinking coffee and changing tactics.

"The courage can be pleasant, I have no one to talk to me, especially a good woman." The Yushu Pillar said to put down the cup and went up and sweeping a circle.

However, at this time, whether oriented or Teng Xiaowen, it is no longer anxious, because they can really determine, this is still anxious than them, but also want to shoot this program.

But why? They really want to be unclear.

Do you want to be famous by a program?

How can it be? Can he still have a fault? Is it like this variety? But why do you want to change the plan?

So they really want to hear what he will say below.

"But I want to make an advice, I can guarantee that if I don't participate in your show, you want to find a person who can be found in the rich circle, which is a big coffee, I am afraid it is impossible."

You look, euphemist threat, that means I am good for you.

Ren Jing did not be surprised, but nodded: "I guess you will do this, and you also have this ability, but what is it?"

The female secretary did not expect this place to attitude.

You shouldn't think of this, in the face of the answer that suddenly open, and the heart is uneasy begins to give money?

When the Yupu pillars, the ear, what kind of person I met today? The body is so weak, but why is it so hard?

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