I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 152 looked at you

The red wine treasured platinum given by the Yupu pillar, stacked the trunk of the business car.

Due to too much, Shen Lin was not ready to take the house, directly on the car.

Teng Xiaowen also had to do a good job in the follow-up of Dong's Secretary, and get off at the company.

Shen Lin shouted her, giving her a dozen bottles of red wine from the car, and seven eight boxes of cerebral platinum.

"Let the company's colleagues move away, and I will give you the benefits." Shen Lin wiped hand and said, a good look of the gas.

Ren Jing is a bit embarrassed, this is what is your own thing, how is it makes him break, although he also borrowed a flower.

Teng Xiaowen smiled and quickly promised: "Thank you for the dedication, today's dedication is really open, I have to follow you, I have to learn advertisements."

Shen Lin is somewhat deficiency, where you will be these, that is, to make a handicraft cat painting tiger.

Yan Guard has arrived.

No one can't think of it, and the Ma Yupu actually served so many things.

And there are people in them.

This wine is less than a hundred! This will let Shen Lin be the same as the big gear, throw it on the ground?

"Yan Guard, Shen Lin gives, you are divided, remember to leave a bottle of it."

Yan Guard's young man is excited, and I want to make this.

Shenlin and Ren Jing rushed to the advertising post-production company.

Since the rule of the advertising company is too small, there is no team after the post-production, so these things are only looking for some companies.

Ren Jing thinks in my heart, is it a single business? It also set up a later company?

The car is quiet to Shen Lin: "These two million, I only take the cost, others are yours."

I rely on. Shenlin thinks that this is 20 million? Money!

"I just need to design the fee and the cost of the production, but to the highest specification, don't do anything else." Shen Lin wants to be a gentleman, can't see the money, and now Qi Jing also needs a lot of liquidity, after all, this She has also put a lot in the opening of the door.

Even in the future, they also have to set up a media company, these money, they are inappropriate, obviously still calm, because of their own technology.

So how many of these two million don't care, in the future, I will make it back.

Ren Jing is also not polite, directly said: "Okay, it is so fixed."

After I finished the design process of "Ren Jing and Big Coffee Day Tour" made by Shen Lin, seriously studied.

She can't every issue, every guest has let Shen Lin to write the process, she wants to get started as soon as possible.

And yourself look at the things written by Shen Lin, the more you find that the content made by Shen Lin is really not simple, especially the details, just like the program has been developed for several years, the idea is special mature.

But how can this, this is the first example!

This is indeed a rare person.

Shenlin saw the quiet to do his homework, so he was lifted by Erlang's legs, heard her good aroma, and then sneaked with a silent.

Really good!

Ren Jing whispered: "What to see!"

Shenlin found that his low-level fun was discovered.

But it is only a smile that smiles thick.

At this time, I just called Wu Wenxuan, and the phone chased it again.

"Dedicated, where is it? You can't pick it up, too low, it will be your black history." Wu Wenxuan is still aliasing this, it is hard to finish the last class, and To persuade Shenlin, and he also know, the Yupo Pillar found the international company to design advertisements, he didn't look, Shen Lin designed,

Ren Jing laughed next to Shenlin.

Shen Linxin wants to design a cat painting, but it is necessary to make an expert to give himself a hand. Otherwise, I really don't have a confidence.

So said to the phone: "Teacher Wu."

"Don't call it, call me Wen Xuan."

"Teacher Wen Xuan, do you want to make a company?"

"Wait, I will go right away."

It turned out that Wu Wenxuan is waiting for this sentence in Shenlin.

Shen Lin thought this is really anxious, did not say, where did you go to me?

So the location of the production company was sent to Wu Wenxuan.

Shen Lin took a mobile phone to think about it. This advertisement advertisement still needs to sing, but also to find Liang Bo and Xiangzi them one of them.

So I called the phone to Liang Bo.

Liang Bo took the phone, I didn't say that I have promised it, but I have to go to the evening.

Shenlin also sent the location of the production company.

There is another time on the road, and Shen Lin also took out his own cartoon character from the folder.

This advertisement seems simple, but the more simple things, Shen Lin discovered that the Giant Group has made it extreme.

Almost every detail is considered.

Not just the way, the size of the characters, as well as the color of the characters, this is quite.

Fortunately, the waves are also able to people. His cerebral packaging is also carefully designed, and the packaging of the world's brain gold is highly coincident.

This also saves a lot of trouble in Shenlin.

However, even if there is a lot of trouble, Shen Lin still thinks that there are still many details that need to be wondered. He can do much about the movie that takes Li An.

Sure enough, it is still the case, making sophisticated, always advertising.

After the production company, Shen Lin also thought of several large colors on cartoon animation characters, and other details, Shen Lin really did not dare to determine.

Hey, I didn't care about why I didn't seriously see this advertisement, and the light was shaped!

Produce the company animation production department.

In order to hurry, in order to be launched at the same time as yours, please take a seven animation painting, and first make the initial image of two animated characters.

Because only the image of the animation is set, the following will be simple?

The reason why I think, because Rie Jing did not see the specific design of Shenlin.

But with the ability of Shenlin telling the story, it should not be poor.

This is very confident.

Seven paints, plus eight people in Shenlin, used for about two hours, and cartoon characters came out.

But that is, this small cartoon character, Shenlin has set six versions.

The most tangled is which version of the cartoon characters is more cute.

It is even more affinity, and when they dance on TV, I grabbed everyone.

Ren Jing doesn't understand why you have to make the old man's body proportion of cute, the proportion of normal characters is not better?

At this time, Shenlin found that he was an absentee.

I know that I will call Professor Lu, please leave.

At this time, Wu Wenxuan came with sunglasses, wearing a gray shirt, and it can feel handsome.

Wu Wenxuan is red because of "diet men and women", especially by the booth of online movie promotional short video, let him have a fan.

And when he came to the production company, the girls who made the company didn't have a thought.

Wu Wenxuan is equal to squeezing into the room.

I didn't have such a situation when I was a quiet, I didn't have this situation!

Wu Wenxuan said: "As a lecturer, when the star is a crime!"

After saying that Wu Wenxuan said to Shen Lin: "My class is crowded with people today. If someone calls your number, I don't know that you didn't come to class."

Shenlin's black line.

I don't know if the afternoon, I will not know that I have a class.

"But you are very concerned about the attention and welcome of all class students!"

Shenlin is a black line with face, and I think you don't pull it, I am getting tired of learning.

Ren Jing as parents, please ask: "Really?"

Wu Wenxuan said: "Of course, I ask Shen Lin? You are not there."


Is this paying attention to me? It's not good to sell me directly! This is you!

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