I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 162 This movie I invest

Ren Jing found that Shen Lin actually put the plastic plot, clipping, contradictory effect.

I want to see again when I have a quiet look, what happened in the end.

Yan Guard's shock is even more big. In the end, the director of "eating men and women" is to control the story, and it is a horrified point.

In fact, this is a basic skill for the audience of the world's gaze tips.

He leaned over the body and said to Yan Gui: "Receive a few sections of the propaganda film, one is used as a guide piece at the tandem, and in addition, it is used in the next piece, as a plot."

Yan Guiji, this is more complete, but it can attract the audience.

Ren Jing suddenly touched and smashed his eyes.

"If I left, I will let Shen Zong help it, I am going to sleep."

Ha ha……

Shenlin said: "To ensure the completion of the task. And the clip has three phases, you can have enough time to consider the following things."

Nice to nod, yeah, not anxious.

I sent it away, and the Shenlin checked another propaganda film, and then called Teng Xiaowen and let her check the time of advertisement.

However, these don't have to deal with Shen Lin, and it is also given to Yan Gui.

In the afternoon, Shenlin and Hu Yu returned to a double wood company. The company did not have a matter to make himself. After all, it is a boss, so he is studying in his own office.

Shen Lin did ten years of teachers, and learning habits have been there.

That way, four hours have passed.

Some people outside are running on the building, directly pushing the office of Shenlin.

The people come to Tang Wen, wear sunglasses, people are also black, and they have lost a lot.

He opened the TV set of the Shenlin Office, which was ingenious, and it was the advertisement of "Ren Jing and About" or in the Central Term.

Ren Jing did not add beauty, but also beautifully moving on TV, but Tang Wen is most incredible, they actually interviewed the richest.

My day, this is what is no one done? I said that you will force, no one has opinions?

I have seen the trailer, I felt that the rich and vulgar Tang Wen, did not have a good interview, and also had great curiosity for this program called "Financial Variety".

"How did you do this? Don't you fool me? This is the reluctance of Ran Jing, how big is the energy, I am the clearer, is it ..." Tang Dynasty smoke, see Shenlin The eyes are the same as the monster.

Shen Linhe's book said: "Don't you do it? You also know that it is to let the advertisement of" I endorse my endorsement ". After the Yupu pillar, I will find the door, and then I will return it. Talking into cerebral gold advertising, not much, 20 million production fees. "

Is it simple to smoke in Tang Wen's nose? I rely on, 20 million advertisements are so simple that you are told to wash a face.

Tang Wen was silent.

"There is no experience in investment, my brother, my movie, lack!" Silent for a long time, Tang Wen was sitting on the sofa.

Shen Lin smiled, the world's Jiang Wen, which makes a movie is not lacking.

"How much do you have now?"

Tang Wen hesitatedly said: "No 50 million."

"more specific."

"One thousand three million."

Shenlin laughed: "Why don't you say less than 100 million.

"Who is a letter! Anyway is a lot. You can do more, have a way to invest in investment, your brother is studying."

Shen Lin's eyes turned, actually said: "Yes."

Tang Wen said with his eyes: "Is there?"

Shen Lin took the mobile phone on the desk, and called Hu Yu: "Is it in the company? Come over?"

Soon Hu Yu ran in.

He said with Shenlin and Tang Wen.

Tang Wen said a little disappointment: "This is your idea? Don't pull! He is an experience."

Hu Yu did not understand what happened.

"Check the company's bill, and I also count on my account, our company will invest in Tang Dynasty's first movie" Sunshine Day "."

I rely!

Not just Hu Yu, even Tang Wen is staying.

"We vote?"

"You cast?"

Shenlin nodded.

Why don't Tang Wen's movies don't vote, although it is very much, it is also very profitable?

Hu Yu is difficult, the hand is handless is meat!

Even Tang Wen did not confident.

"Brothers, brothers don't want to harm you, this remarging is again!" Tang Wen said.

Hu Yu also persuaded: "Consider thinking again."

Hu Yu is a gap of Tang Wen's movie, that is not a million can solve.

Shenlin said with a smile: "How much investment is our company, you will take it!"

Tang Wen is very strong, and the hormones of the whole body, a tough guy, but it is a wet, crying.

"Brothers, I don't say it, if you pay money, I will pay you this money."

Hu Yu saw Shenlin's idea and hurried to finance to take the account.

Hu Yu is very clear about the company's account, but it is like this, or is surprised by the company's account.

The booking of "eating men and women" has arrived, and it is more than 47 million.

The income of TV series "returning to Pearl" actually reached more than 30 million, which is not an income of surrounding products.

Of course, there are other investment here, and there is not so much money on the book.

But the various copyrights in the hands of Shenlin added, there is still more than 10 million.

After Hu Yu's nucleus, looked up and said to them: "Shen, you also have a company's account, now there are more than 87 million."

This result, not just scared Tang Wen, even Shen Lin is scared.

He also thought that he would have more than 20 million worth.

My day, more than 80 million, is it to squander?

But Shenlin still biting his teeth: "Can you pull it out of 70 million? Give Tang teacher."

Tang Wen, randomly pulled the hand of Shenlin, "" Dedicated, I don't say it, or that sentence, if you lose money, I will sell iron and you. "

Shen Linyi swayed hands and said: "No, if you lose money, I am eye."

Tang Wenzhao, I want to be such a good script, so much investment, I can't make a grade, then I will die when the actor is calculated.

Hu Yu is getting more and more admire Shenlin. He really can't think of it. The last result is that Shen Lin helped Tang Wen to resolve investment problems. This is even more than half a year.

"Prepare the contract immediately, let the financial preparation of funds."

After Hu Yu went out, Tang Wen's urgent needs of the money did not have a thinking about the scriptures.

"With you, I don't prepare for this play, but I want to see, I want to see, I as the strength of the director." Tang Wen said this, he wants to learn Shen Lin, lack of obscurity The actor, or there will be no such big fund gap.

After all, "Tang Wen" name is still a few money.

"You now regret it."

"Why do you regret it? Is my scriptures for my script? Is it not confident about my deputy director?" Said Shen Lin laugh.

Tang Wen bites the lips, yeah, what is it confident?

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