I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 175 This is really not related to me.

"Teacher is actually misunderstood ..." Shen Lin wanted to explain, in fact, I just want to mix, you don't think much. But he dares to say, the more you say, the faster yourself die.

The performance teacher is looking to Shen Lin: "You said, what is wrong?"

Shen Lin said that he couldn't say it.

The students are cold! hypocritical!

The performance teacher continued: "So it is still so modest, rare!"

Shen Lin felt that the eyes of the students will kill themselves. It seems that I want to relieve tense relationships, it is impossible, at least yes.

"Today, this performance test, I am not ready to give it to the classmates, but you must remember what I said today, you will be directed in the future, you must consider the overall situation, not personal." The teacher said, read. A notebook that is holding in his hand.

Then add another sentence: "Shen Lin, you are really excellent, no wonder you can shoot movies like" diet men and women ". I didn't believe it, thinking that you are definitely what I don't know, let Tang This deputy director fought. But from today, I am trust. At least, I am really suitable for this role. "

Shen Lin smiled.

"Well, I don't say anything else, everyone is coming to the day, this week's homework is the shortcomings of each performance."

Many students feel that they are unwilling, why are this kids in Shenlin every time?

Obviously, I really feel that he is not awkward!

But I didn't think of it, it was because of Shen Lin, this time no one is not a matter.

The performance teacher left, Shen Lin decided, this matter he had to explain with the students, it is really not intentionally playing, just smashing.

"Dear classmates, today I am temporary to pull a pad, just don't want to make white volumes, don't take the bottom, I didn't expect it to be like this, I really want to get along with everyone ..."

Shen Lin has not finished, Mo Jiaguo said coldly: "What do you mean is that you make us, we don't win possible?"

Shen Lin's face is embarrassed, thinking, you misunderstand me, I don't mean this.

"I am misunderstood. I am not all classmates. Why do you think it is so embarrassing, or don't you ask today? If you pay, you will save me casually, don't save me money."

Take the first step or ask the guest.

Just still no one gives the Shenlin face.

Almost everyone is breathed, and prepare to leave the rehearsal.

Yan Dan sneaked this, hell, why should you? If you have such a cow, I don't love these stinky boys.

Don't say that you are so good today; don't say that your script is so good today; no matter what you choose to choose today, you will not play, just sit on there, show the teacher still Can you make you fail?

Because you are already a director, but also to shoot "diet men and women", or shoot "returning to Pearl" director, for students, even if there is a graduate student, can there be yours?

Even the teacher, nor?

Shenlin station there, lost until the extreme, I think this is a bit too much?

There is no classmate!

Codulate, excellent people are always lonely, Shenlin thought in my heart. It is like people who are songs, not this.


Shen Lin also didn't want these.

Packed up your backpack and put the remaining half a bottle of water in your hand, and left the rehearsal room.

Although I was crowded by all my students, Shenlin is still to class.

So he bought a fried rice in the Canteen, but it was revealed that all the positions in the cafeteria were almost full.

There is only one empty position opposite a girl.

Shen Lin took the past and sat down and didn't lift the fried rice.

But he feels that the opposite girl is watching himself.

I wondered and looked at it. If I didn't remember the wrong, this hat was covered, but the girl who was still bright, but the bright and cute girl was his classmate.

Shenlin is busy and drives the plate.

He felt that although the class of other students were hostile to themselves, they were better than this. And this seems to be two times, there is no good result.

"Sit down." Qu Yu said whisper that the sound is still gentle.

The hearts of Shenlin struggled, still sat down.

"Do you have a group? Are we group?" Qu Yan looked at Shen Lin asked.

Shen Lin is still? Of course, it is not stupid, this is the active, or the beautiful female classmate is active, and it is clear.

"I decided, I will be a group, you find another classmate." Shen Lin said.

Qu Yan actually laughed.


Can Shenlin recognize?

"It's a bit."

"I also decided, let's have two groups." Qu Yan said, don't say, this laugh, the Movie School is a beautiful woman.

Shen Lin, you are so ...


"Don't tell me, the class teacher and me said, you have no choice, no one is willing to be a group of you, in fact, I am also, just too many people want to be a group with me, so I chose you."


Is it necessary to show off?

"You don't have to worry, because I am not often coming, so our group, in fact, you are one."

I rely!

So this is ah!

"What should your grades do?"

"There is you, the trick is a group, your grades are my grades, um, it should be like this."

Do you talk about it?

"In fact, I am not necessarily often come, I have something good?"

Qu Yan smiled and said: "Nothing, I have time to make."

Shen Lin wants, but I don't have time!

Qu Yu saw that Shen Lin was gone by himself, smiled and said: "Do you believe it?"

The thought of Shenlin is thinking, is it lie to me?

"Love is not believed!" Qu Yu said to stand up and hurried. It is not to come to class, just to experience a college life.

At this time, someone in the cafeteria recognized the Qu Yan, all whispered.

If there is anything else, it is sure to take a photo, just in the film college, people are fake to keep the restraint.

Shen Lin is stupid, should he don't believe it?

In the afternoon, Qu Wei is not there. Sure enough, a beautiful woman is not credible.

Shenlin is relieved, and the whole body and mind will conduct systematic learning.

In the class, he also went to the library, borrowed a few undergraduate teaching materials, and made a bad completion.

Of course, in those textbooks that borrow, Shenlin also climbs a book of psychology. He has to overcome the difficulties not just the level of academics, and there are problems between students.

Moreover, add a song, it is even more difficult.

Moreover, the people of Lu Yan are clearly pure, but why is it to become ancient spiritual person in reality?

It seems that people are really untrusted.

After school, Shenlin, didn't leave, and took dinner in the school cafeteria, and saw two classes in the self-study class, which cleaned up the book.

After the ride returned home, after Shen Lin took out the big hair, it was still the basic common sense to be in the room.

The next day, Shenlin did not have lesson.

Shen Lin wearing a big troops sent by Xiangzi, wearing white sports shoes, giving big hair brushing the brush, and started to go out.

After the bending came back, Shen Lin sat in the balcony and he kept reading to noon.

When the belly screamed, the phone came.

Calling is the current director of the second part of the "Guide".

Gu Changjian said with a crying chamber: "Delivery, where are you?"

Shen Lin thought something, and quickly asked: "Where are you, what is it?"

That Gu Chang Guard did not know whether it was bullied or stimulated, and continued to talk to the cry. "Did you come to the crew?"

Also go to the crew? The crew did something wrong?

"What happened, you said!"

"My wife is pregnant."

I rely, this is all fart!

"I want to thank you!"

Ma egg, bad!

"Lao Gu, this is really nothing to do with me!"

"You don't say so, I really have to thank you!"

I rely on. Who is your wife? We know each other?

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