I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 179 is a time to produce

Finally, Shen Lin put down the guitar.

This actually made two gold medal sings made people a breath, you are too exaggerated! Is this what I want to die or drop?

How do you write a song like a karaoke, a one?

Shenlin saw two stretched things, asked at all, "What happened?"

Xiangzi shook his head and killed him, he had more cattle.

Liang Bo laughed, fortunately, this is his own friend, fortunately this is the development of film and television industry. If he is not his own friend, if you also mix the music circle, you should consider it, is it going back to my hometown to change the children to play the piano.

"In addition to the first, the remaining two, it is best to match the musical instrument like a guzheng, which will be better." Shen Lin said.

Liang Bo and Xiangzi are busy nod.

After all, this is the theme song of the costume drama, there is a tail song, add such instrument accompaniment, but more is that their words of Shenlin are more convincing.

"Copyright thing is still for me, the first is you, negotiate with your company, record it as soon as possible. The second is Li Hong, let her come, let's take a course first, finally A gives the drama group other actors, but the candidates are not fixed, I am preliminaryly to sing. "

After saying these, Shen Lin didn't think about what again, asked: "Do you want this song?"

That means, like being afraid that they can't see it.

Liang Bo and Xiangzi are busy nodding, who don't, who is a fool?

And this song you can't write it!

Don't say that Li Hong's "laugh, the dust", you can definitely forced a hot song on the new song list.

"To do this, I will deal with this matter, you can rest assured, three songs we all give compilation, tonight, we record their own one. This song, our company has the best contract, the price, you I am relieved. "Liang Bo rushed to say that afraid of Shen Lin to repent.

Shenlin smiled: "That's good, then, I am a bit tight now!"

Xiangzi squatted, completely ignored Shen Lin to cry, smashed long hair: "There are these songs, the two kids play with us, they have lost."

Liang Bo also nodded: "If you come up with a place, someone can live in the whole music?" Liang Bo shook his head and said, "I really think that you are not simple, it is not a person."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "You are yelling at me!"

Liang Bo also said: "No, there is absolutely no."

At the next door, Qu Yu put down the headset, the three of the three she listened to Shenlin singing clearly, the mouth sweating.

This is too powerful!

Here's what you have to help me!


The next day, the company's Mercedes-Benz Qilin directly went to the company.

Liang Bo and Xiangzi spent a night's recording the theme song "When there is no angular angle", it has been issued to the company.

Hu Yu did not expect that Shenlin and Liang Bo were this efficiency. It seems that the second era of "also Pearl Princess" is coming soon.

The office of Shenlin is as simple as it is.

Shen Lin listened twice on the computer, so he listened, it is the taste of "returning".

Hu Yu listened, this song is too transparent!

Not long, Gu Changji has also arrived.

Hu Yusu is in different places: "Are you in time, how come you?"

Gu Changzhi also foggy water, looked at Shen Lin, for Hu Yu Road: "Shen Zong let me come, and let me bring some" returning bead "fragment."

After finishing the bags in the clap.

Shen Lin did not explain, standing together, "Go, go to the first theme song" Gui Zhu 2 ", and the promotion song."

Gu Changji was alert, this is the matter of this yesterday, is it finished today?

Do you say that this song is the theme song?

I rely on, so I'm so good.

Hu Yu also said that he said: "This hasn't taken the end, and it has not started, and it is necessary to start a publicity song? Is it a bit fast?"

Gu Changji also thinks so.

Shenlin smiled and said: "Waiting for the clip to tell you why!"

After saying that Shenlin first out the room.

In the shear subroution, Shenlin and Gu Changjian were sitting together.

This time, Shen Lin has no longer saying, but not hands.

He personally selects a fragment from the machine and then drag the clip into the track.

In addition to Gu Changzhi, there is a post-production editor, it seems that it has become a set.

This picture is not just a grade higher than the top.

Shenlin has complete confidence, just relying on so good production, you can rush all competitors, but this is not an excuse of yourself.

Gu Changji is also a deputy director, but he still saw the TV series for the first time, there is so good picture.

This 600,000 episodes have really no white flowers.

Shenlin's vision is really not a general person to match, and choose Gu Changzhi to do director, it seems true.

She Lin was sitting in front of the clip, conscientiously consistently the selected approach to about ten minutes.

Then follow the plot, connect a small plot that seems to be associated.

Then wear inserted, the audience is the most intended, in the last white situation, causing the recollection and interest of the audience.

Finally, Shenlin should compress more than ten minutes, compressed into a song.

Gu Changzhi took the deletion of Shenlin's unfounded frame, just like it was in an extremely complex surgery, it felt that Shen Lin was so good, so success was not there.

And the reason why Shenlin is so serious, I am afraid that I have a teaching plan such as embroidery as embroidered.

It's just that the superior is no matter what your content is, as long as you have a form of foot. Now, Shenlin does not use the form of tube, it is really in the case of attracting the audience.

Simple fragment, Shenlin and Gu Changjian have been clipped to eleven points.

At this time, the track is placed in "When the mountain is not angular". It is also strange, like a chemical reaction, the song is even better, and the plot is also attractive.

At the side of the editor, I looked at it, and I was still a few years old. For art, it is really not an old man.

At this time, Liang Bo on the mobile phone, Liang Bo has sent the list of producers.

Good guy, the editor, look at "the words Quason"!

He didn't hold back, and he also looked at Shenlin.

How embick it is, it can be written in the script, and it is a director, and it is another song, and it is a clip.

If you will sing again, is it a whole drama to make you a person?

The editor is thinking in his heart, and the song is started to enter the song header subtitle, then arrange other subtitles in accordance with the lyrics sent.

In fact, it is a tearist, Hu Yu and Gu Changzhi are also shocked.

Shen Lin is here, it is invincible!

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