I won half the entertainment circle

Chapter 181 Variety The third position

On Thursday, there is also a new song, suddenly killing from the new song list. Baidu search, more look at free reading.

The singer is a born singer who has been several times, very popular.

I quickly got a new song list.

But at this time, when the mountain does not have angular corners, the first position of the new song list has been placed, and the third place in the top of the song list.

The first is that the song, the second or Liang Bo and the brightness are the theme song of the first part of the bead.

The fourth position is when.

However, Shen Lin is very clear, this song is chasing, is Li Dachili's theme song.

Just they did not dare to directly promote new dramas, just in powerful publicity theme songs.

Of course, it is also a new drama.

Ren Jing did not ask why Shenlin began to launch the theme song, but it also rely on his relationship, giving this song in all directions.

And the big brain gold sales point, all in the unified cycle, that is when the mountain does not have angular angles.

At the same time, the gift of the richest ceremony, a mess, a mess on a sound, until the end, a sound actually gave the audio of the Jade Blue sentence, and used the user.

It has played a role in promoting hopping.

In the past half-week time, Shenlin has been leave, and there is no class.

Friday evening.

The Renjing of Xishan Terrace has an agreement, and the ratings of big coffee day trips actually reached 16, and the Oriental Station is directly squeezed out of the first three positions.

Nanhu Satellite TV, the deputy head of the main graphic show is green.

I have never seen the Xishan platform that he is in the eyes of him now.

And the colleagues in the Oriental All Vocal Art Department are in the evening, and the top three, which means that the income of the Taiwan will reduce the two-year, meaning that the three-heartibly variety show will have no one in the Orientation. Baidu search, more look at free reading.

Xishan Forum is hot today, all of which are discussing the static program.

The Xishan child wrote in the forum: Xi Mountain finally scared, and finally there were variety fires.

Another netizen said: New news, Ren Jing, the ratings are broken 16, officially joined the foreigners say: Really fake cattle big hair

Soon now, all are all praises, congratulations.

Xishan children continue to say: I can testify the things upstairs, it is true, everyone will watch the songs of "Ren Jing and Covenant", not this is the second part of the Pearl Gege to start broadcast.

Some netizens will follow: I have seen it, my day, so good, and the picture is better than the top. This is really a Qi Xishan

Some people return: It is definitely, the Xishan Terrace, finally wants to catch up, and finally I will send first.

Sitting in your own office, all the colleagues of the company have off work.

Only her office is still bright.

The ratings are 16. She actually didn't want to think about this figure, which marked the variety show of Shenlin, it was really successful, and I really transformed successfully.

Just this joy, no one is shared, it is really the biggest regret.

She began to think about the handsome young man, send him such a grand man gift, in addition to sending, what will he like?

She looked at her own figure in the window, suddenly started her blush.

Ma egg, actually Spring

Shenlin hit three sneezes in his own studio.

Li Hong said: "Congratulations, this is someone miss you."

Shen Lin took the nose and said: "If you have a cold, it is good to think about me at night."

Li Hong is still a mouth, the woman's sixth is super, you don't understand

Xiangzi smiled and looked at Li Hong actively suppressed Shen Lin.

Shenlin gave a white eye, he was going to be exhausted

So he said: "Come on, you are the best"

Li Hong, this is happy and entered the recording.

Shen Lin also didn't expect that Li Hong's sing will have such a high spirituality, and actually a teacher, and sang a few times. In addition to the feelings of the feelings, the other is not bad more than Chen Shuhua, but the basic power is too thin, I am afraid to take professional Singer This road, it takes a long time.

In the middle of the night, Liang Bo finally made a "ok" gesture, retrofit it, and the scorpion could not stand it.

Li Hong is tired, but there is no complaint.

Shenlin and Liang Bo discussed what places where there is still lacking, and after discussion. Shen Lin found that Li Hong has already slept on the sofa.

So Shenlin made Liang Bo's assistant, took the new bedding, and gave Li Hongcai.

These days have been produced, all of which are shot, and the intensity is large. It's hard to rest today, and I am shouting to practice songs, but it is harm.

Fortunately, there is no complaint, silly straight, just afraid of singing bad.

"Today, I will say it tomorrow."

Xiangzi is also distressed, distressed, nodded: "The Virgin is embarrassing, afraid that he is not good, hard to record so many times, if it is said, it is not bad, after all, the first record song."

Liang Bo Wang opened an eye, in fact, he also think so, just Li Hong did not agree, he did not say anything.

"Nothing, listen to her, otherwise, she can't sleep."

Shenlin and them have out of the room, let Liang Bo's female assistant take her with her in the room.

Fortunately, in the recording shed, the conditions in which the rest is good.

Shen Lin also went next to the room, just lie down and rest.

The next day is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and people who are floating in these Yanfang are still the most ordinary day.

Shenlin's world is an orphan, and this world is estimated.

Because he turned over over his mobile phone address book, he did not find that there is a phone number marked with relatives, and the family number is also a reply, and has not yet opened this business.


Also, cheap can not make yourself to make yourself, you can't run to this spiritual cultural life, let you unlimited, let you have it, it is too unfair.

Therefore, Shen Lin has accepted it, anyway, I am used to my life.

Shenlin has been very early in the second day and called the company to send himself the business car.

He went to the nearby largest shopping malls, and launched a gift of 5 or six small carts, and the business car is full, natural brain gold is not less.

Although the brain confession is still selling well, but it has been sufficient supply, indicating that the ability to serve the jade column is not a general person.

Shen Lin opened the car and went home to pick up the big hair, and then called Guo Mountain.

Guo Mountain performs in the North River, please ask: "Shen Lin, there is a matter you, I must satisfy you."

Shen Lin served: "No matter what is going, this is not Mid-Autumn Festival, give you gifts"


How did Guo Mountain have never thought that Shen Lin is looking for himself.

"There is this good thing"

"Haha, let's get your company, you come back."

"It's better."

Hanging up the phone and allocated Fan Dawei.

"I also have a copy"

It seems that these two are still bundled together.

"Yes, please also send the company."

Then Shen Lin called Tang Wen, Yu Jialian, Zou Lao, Wang Shiwen, etc.

This year, there is no gift, this year will only give gifts this year.

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